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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Ephotozine DA50/1.8 Test, with Full Samples
This time the samples seem to be look better than those of the last review at Optyczne.pl. The measurbation results seem to be better than what SLRGear measured and found also.
However, I discovered an obvious quality issue (minor or not) from the outside appearance of the lens under test at my first glance. That is, the white painting of the "focusing" mark (but which points to *nothing* for this lens design!) spilled over in the front and too much paint was applied at that position in the factory, resulting in a rather uneven white line. Indeed, this little error causes the lens looks cheaper which gives an even poorer impression on the build quality and QC of the lens! >:-o
Ephotozine DA50/1.8 Test, with Full Samples
Build Quality|Image Quality|K-5|Lenses|Quality Issues|Reviews|Samples|