The Chinese Taobao website has already had the Chinese made LA-KE1 adapter put on sale (click here for one of the product links).
B&H also accepts pre-orders for this product and I think it will be available in the US very soon.
However, it can be seen in the comment section of the above Taobao product link from the users who have already purchased the adapter about the various issues such as its power hungriness and overheating, not supporting quite some Pentax AF lenses including the film FA50/1.4 and the digital DA17-70 and DA*200, as well as some noticeable delay in AF with the FA Limited lenses (and the AF is not quite smooth, too) and etc.
I hope this adapter will be improved later for better performance and compatibility, by means of firmware update and/or hardware revision. Not until that I shall consider to buy one for playing and use of my existing Pentax glass with my Sony FF mirrorless body.
jabalung · 169 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 169 weeks ago