Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Posting Rules for Making Blog Comments (Updated)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Posting Rules for Making Blog Comments (Updated)

I have been hoping everyone who posts here is self-disciplined and as an adult, everyone should know what should be done and what shouldn't and what are the right things and what are wrong. But yet I could still see quite some repeated uncivilised comments by some individuals with name-callings/personal attacks or even foul languages in their replies posted at the "Comments" section. Nevertheless, a large number of those have automatically been caught by the IntenseDebate system by default, as those words are clearly not allowed for most sites and by common standards.

After all, I do hope that anyone here can enjoy the highest degree of freedom in providing his/her opinions, which are to be expressed freely. Particularly, this ideal of mine can be achieved easily here as I have no commercial nor money interest of any at my this pure hobby site. In fact, as many people could see, I often have greatest tolerance to people who jumped on me and I did not lose my temper and still replied to them with due respect and good manners and still let their comments remained unless they were really over the top.

What I want to tell is that I shall continue to insist my basic principles above and all I want is to keep a site at where all we Pentaxians can share our opinions and anything about Pentax, with the greatest degree of freedom in speech but everyone is hopefully to be self-disciplined and with due respect to each other. In this connection, I post the rules here which are copied from another blog of mine. Indeed, all those are very trivial and are the most basic things. Anyway, here they are:-

Posting Rules at RiceHigh's Pentax Blog

1. You have to write on-topicly according to the topic of each Blog post;

2. You bear all the responsibilities and liabilities personally by yourself for what you wrote;

3. Be civilised and human. Don't write in offensive language and in particular no foul language nor personal attack/name calling are allowed;

4. In case of any dispute that may arise, I reserve the rights of final judgement and the rights of settlement by whatever means as deemed necessary and appropriate;

5.* Please don't try to SPAM this site. If you have your point(s) to raise. Make it clear for only a limited number of times but NOT to REPEAT it *endlessly* in a way that all the replies are yours but actually with the same repeated viewpoint(s) in all of your replies within a short period but without anything new;

6.* Using Nickname in replying is welcome and that's actually how the Internet works. However, please don't try to use different nicknames, pretend and reply consecutively as I don't think this is ethical or at least
honest enough - My humble advice;

7. Rules will be reviewed periodically and are subject to change accordingly as deemed necessary;

8. Everyone who posts here hereby agrees with the above rules and should be bound by them. In case of anyone who violates any of the aforesaid rules, I reserve the rights to edit/delete the comment(s) and/or temporarily or permanently ban the user.

*Newly Added; Last Updated: March 22, 2012.


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I was wondering how long you, Rice, will tolerate uncivilized manners of some hard core Pentax fans. It seems to me that quite a lot of vocal Pentax users feel quite insecure and constantly upset. Any Pentax product criticizm (justified or not) is taken very personally by these people as if they themselves are being criticized.
5 replies · active 401 weeks ago
Yes, they do.
I agree. "Rabid" fanboys is the word.
A real Pentax supporter, would point out both the good and bad about their products.
Just be glad Pentax fan boys haven't reached Apple fan level yet... or have they?
I also agree. Which is why it is so sad to see Rice High putting sensationalistic pessimistic spin to most of his posts about Pentax and in the worst case, even make things completely up. I am all for the truth of the good and the bad, but this is not what is going on here.

There are indeed some good useful posts in this website that Rice does, but they are mixed with the above. That's the unfortunate part.
I agree as well - this blog is full of hate and misinformation. I'd be glad to see it banned.
Ah, Erika - an alias of RiceHigh :)
illdefined's avatar

illdefined · 746 weeks ago

unfortunately, it does affect us Pentax users when RiceHigh's, many 'unjustified' criticisms, exaggerations, and *only* negative focus scare away potential customers looking up the brand on the internet. Pentax is not a big brand.
9 replies · active 678 weeks ago
j viviano's avatar

j viviano · 746 weeks ago

The only reason I say anything is I hear people quoting him on more reputable forums. They are a,ll novice photographers who are confused by his misinformation. This is the "service" that RH provides.
Before I bought Pentax k-x (that said I owned a few DSLR's and SLR's before, and I still have Nikon D70s), i went on the Internet looking for information. Rice High blog gave me information about what I should look for, what shortcommings I should check, information about firmware hacks etc. I found this quite useful. More so, that I discovered some of these issues with Pentax k-x myself.
In my opinion Rice's Pentax criticism is not always ungrounded. Though a bit emotional and subjective at times, but providing food for thought in some instances as well.

Do I think that Rice is always objective? No. This has proven by calm comments of other Pentax users posted here. The ones pointing at the evidence (i.e. "these shots cannot be compared because apertures are different", or "this affects only K5 jpeg engine as raw tests indicate that...", "There is a lot of purple fringing because kit lens was used" and similar). This made sense, and allowed me to make an opinion about a certain claims/views of Rice High.

There were other comments from Pentax users however. The ones that were emotional, very subjective and ungrounded (Personally directed at Rice. Judging his mental abilities, as if they know Rice personally. Persnal attacks). These allowed me to make my opinion about some minority (but quite vocal minority - remember that Rice High blog is read by many people) of Pentax users as them being insecue, having big egos, being smart snobs etc.
Interestingly enough I discovered less such tendencies (earlier, when I was reading Nikon forums more) within Nikon community.

These kind of users do not do any favor to Pentax, especially knowing that Rice blog is read by many people.
j viviano's avatar

j viviano · 746 weeks ago

More balanced discussions of the shortcomings of the Pentax brand can be found on multiple photography forums. This blog is not conducive to a good discussion. It is more of a negative rant.

Even the pentax forums have loads of topics discussing various issues. It's not all gravy... but Rice High makes it look like all garbage.

And as for the Nikon community... well Nikon does not have someone like Rice High, now do they? Many pentax users criticize or discuss products reasonably... in a matter I would suspect you experiences on the nikon forums.

I really don't think this has anything to do with brand. This is about an egomaniac blogger who does not listen and spouts relative nonsense. He also has a very high google ranking, which is the real issue here.
Don't you know Ken Rockwell? :-o
Ken Rockwell does it with everyone, not just particular brands.
illdefined's avatar

illdefined · 746 weeks ago

Erika, i'm glad you've found your way to get good info from this site and its comments, but even you must see the problem when Rice emotionally states something wrong as fact, gets corrected in the comments, and doesn't update his posts. He leaves the original post, uncorrected, for Google to see.

Honestly, the only real problem with this blog is that it pretends to be about Pentax, when it's really only about RiceHigh. His posts are purely about *his* rather peculiar personal experiences with Pentax, the problem is he states them as facts. Worse, he is actively trying hard to get higher traffic and page rankings, claiming it's a "Pentax site". It's not. This is a personal blog. (see his latest customer service rant where he boldly proclaims Hoya as having the "worst customer service in the world" based on his personal experience and one forum poster in Canada)

If Rice is trying to be a serious "journalist" of some kind, then he needs to pay attention to being objective and most of all ACCURATE. Right now he's neither. he's much more concerned with getting the whole world to listen to his personal tantrums with Pentax.
My Blog is Mine About Pentax! What do you want to argue about even on thing as simple as that? :-o
illdefined's avatar

illdefined · 746 weeks ago

if you want your opinion to have any serious credibility:
1. talk about ALL aspects of an issue, not just the negative
2. don't make broad conclusions just based on your personal experience and one forum thread out of a million
3. admit when you're wrong and update your posts.

until you do, you will continue to get much more complaints about you and your blog than praise. if you were only judged by your comments, what do you think your brand image would be?
What an absurd post. You have little tolerance and if someone dares to mention your m e n t a l health - an important issue - immediately there will be a ban. Interesting to see if you have just blocked my usual ip, or this one too. Don't worry, I don't bother to go around this by going through a longer route, as you're not worth it. If the disease can not be cured, it is better to just cut it off from the community.

Ps. how many "visits" of your 2 million hits are made my you yourself? 75%? Rather low number of comments for such a visitor count, and many of then by you, mr. "i give thumbs up for myself"...:)
3 replies · active 678 weeks ago
I think you're the one who needs to see a doctor, frankly.

And, are you just want to continue your personal bashing on me? Don't you know about what you're doing now? Why I should tolerate personal flaming, even at my own Blog?

P.S. This is my last reply to your endless personal attacks. If you're back to discuss equipment on topically, no matter how opinions differ, I am sure I shall not edit or delete your posts.
I never understand noisy self-guests (visiting on someone) that piss into something in the place and begin to south-and-making-mess about how dirty-and-bad-smell is not-their-home!. Very funny!!!.
Isn't it just? It's the equivalent behaviour of going to someone's house and bad mouth their decoration. It's so anti-social.
Rice, please continue with your most interesring weblog.
Though i dont always agree, i find it most interesting and i learned a lot from it.
Ii' ve always been amazed by the vicious comments that some people make,
But the remedy is easy - stop reading that particular comment.
Rice, continue with the good work and don't be discouraged by a few strange people.
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
Thanks John, for all your encouragement.
Don't be mad Rice, we all know internet is full of trolls. We just don't have to feed them.
Cheer up and keep the news flowing!! :D
I just got banned on dpr again. Advertising photoLine they said. oh well I managed 9 posts.

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