Here are a few of the sample picture page links if you are interested but have not yet visited those "review" sites before:-
Well, as for the gloomy thing, I have already accepted the fact that as long as Pentax won't upgrade their "long-lasting" 16-segment multi-segment "advanced" and "sophisticated" metering system, it will be with us forever! However, for the new taste, feel and look of the colour response, I believe it would be just the magical result of the special chemical reaction of the new Samsung APS-C CMOS sensor used in conjunction with the latest Pentax highest grade digital Star lenses! ;-)
Btw, here is another Japanese review page which I found the pictures taken are looking (much) better (not at Dubai, but at their Japan motherland), despite that those pictures were also taken with a "beta" K20D (maybe the K20D would perform much better in Japan home than in Dubai? ;-D):-
Still, I DO like the colour response of those pictures made with the cheapo 18-55 kit lens more than the DA* ones.
Nevertheless, all the above Dubai pictures were posted just in recent days only after the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and its embargo ended on January 24, although it is believed that the images were taken during the days around when a Pentax's "secret" press conference was held at Dubai earlier this month, and that all those cameras used were on-loan demo units from Pentax. So, in the end, no one will face any legal consequence as no one dared to break the NDAs they had signed.
Well, well, well.. Now the key point and main concern must be: Do you want to view, inspect, pixel peep or even measur(e)bate more Dubai images?? Below are some of mine!! Just look yourself (if you can guess which camera I used to take the photos, I shall be glad! K20D? K200D, or ? ?):-

(Click to Enlarge)
Now, when you read here, have you become excited and finished downloading at least a few of them and have an intention to start some kinds of "inspection" and "comparison", or even did it already? If yes, then my big Congrats to you! You have the potential, tendency and pre-requisite to become a pixel peeper or even a measurbator ;-D (Just kidding, stay calm - "no offense intended"!)
So, which camera then? Just tell you and please don't tell other people even after you've known it: It's a ...
MZ-S! "Just"!!
Anyway, with my old trustworthy MZ-S, I could not and still cannot see gloomy pictures most of the time, no matter what films I used, including picky slides which have rather narrow exposure latitudes. And, the camera has always been so responsive in AF, night and day, and the shutter lag is less noticeable (than *any* Pentax DSLRs I have used). Moreover, the focus points achieved were usually very accurate, no matter what lens was used and under different light sources and lighting conditions. The TTL flash is far more accurate, too! (It's not the P-TTL anyway - I used the built-in flash for that dark environment picture). Pictures grainy? Yes, but those were scanned from negative films with an entry level historical (dead) Minolta film scanner anyway..
From the articles:
ReplyDelete"Unfortunately, we hadn't seen the sun at all because of the thick cloud looming over us"
An overcast day does not necessarily lead to terrible pictures like those. Just think about it.
ReplyDeleteIt leads to almost no contrast in the pictures, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteWhat is more likely, the camera has this terrible metering, or the photographer doesn't know how to use the camera? Look at that falcon photo, he completely fucked that up, and he still seems proud of it.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention we have no idea what the beta firmware does, or how he processed them for the web.
Not that it matters, you can't even see your own nose past your obsessive and mentally unbalanced hatred of an camera company.
wow Rice was less bitching and more happy upbeat!! I like that.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with the dark and "gloomy" comment with pentax..yet it can be fixed real easy by becoming friends with AE-L key.
110 RH 110..... check the averages of the histogram......
NO exposure adjustment, just contrast (fine line I guess)
I get the feeling that people are rather too used to the oversaturated plastic Canon feel to photos. God forbid that a gloomy photo represents the fact that its a gloomy day.
ReplyDelete> Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete> wow Rice was less bitching and more happy upbeat!! I like that.
I need to cheer up as my psychiatrist advised me, or, I shall die! ;->
> I totally agree with the dark and "gloomy" comment with pentax..yet it can be fixed real easy by becoming friends with AE-L key.
Sometimes it works but not all the time. Ditto if you used the Spot metering with by default at least a +0.5EV exposure compensation on top.
> Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete> God forbid that a gloomy photo represents the fact that its a gloomy day.
Then, the gloomy look test charts must be shot in the dessert by the Ephotozine! Just see it again:-
You really can't help yourself can you rice-high. Now go measurebate in front of your 5D or something.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the exposure at ZERO has a mean of 109 approx.
ReplyDeletePlease check out the links below