DA* 55/1.4:


DA L 18-55 and 50-200 Kit Lenses:

SDM DA AF Converter 1.4X:

DA 15/4:

( Source, with Full Press Release Article in German: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5269/nachrichtendivisionimagjz7.jpg )
Well, do Pentax really need to dig a deeper hole for them to jump into it with all these latest DA lens products and get buried eventually? Could any of those new DA products cover Full Frame? Or NOT?? Who knows??? .. UNLESS they tell us - BUT it SHOULD BE NOOOOW! NOT LATER!!
WHO *dares* to invest on those expensive gear (even) without the knowledge of knowing whether they can support full frame or not? EVEN though now there is no sign of any Pentax Full Frame camera yet. Hoya Pentax, you must face it - now the DSLR trend is TOWARDS FULL FRAME! Don't be a coward anymore! Be BRAVE and SMART *marketing-wise*!!
From what I could see from what's happening, it is just called stupidity and shortsightedness in my book but nothing else!
I think improved focus system, better live view and movie mode should really be the direction Pentax should go in. FF is just for bragging rights and does not sell in volume.
ReplyDeleteIt's the best move of Pentax.
ReplyDelete4 pancakes limited + camera with SR, smaller than DS, with 10 Mp.
It's the smallest DSLR in the world with in-camera SR.
of course Pentax need an upper high end unit, full frame would be nice, just for marketing reason, not for cash money reason…
ReplyDeletewhat i would love is pentax to have a lens with shift+tilt !
Rice, forget about the FF allready. There is no FF in the hirizon for Pentax, and I do not see the reason to have one. All current lenses work on all current bodies, and all old lenses work on all current bodies as well. So what is the problem? There are no good reason for pentax to release FF body. And I will be happy if Pentax will stick with the aps and maybe release the medium format camera in the future for the high end market. FF is not a significant upgrade from APS-c, but it is significantly more costly. There is still plenty of improvements to be done in the APS-c cameras. Sell your pentax lenses if you are not using them, and go with your favorite canon.
ReplyDeleteBTW I am interested in buying all of the "announced" lenses, except for DAL's, I will get the K-m at some point, and don't really care about the ring flash. I have no interest in the FF from Pentax at all. And there are plenty of people that feel the same way that I do. Shortly, if you are still waiting for the FF camera, you are in the wrong system.
Well, I might be in the wrong system, *now*.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I had already "suspended" my Pentax system and went with a Canon 5D one. However, my aspiration for a better Pentax body has never been changed. As long as there are some real things and/or innovations in the upcoming Pentax bodies / system, I would be glad to report all those and invest again.
To answer you question, the problem with Pentax has been answered by their shrinking market share over time (for their originally already small share). See the sales survey results for the 1st financial quarter (April to June 2008) below:-
If you know anything about marketing, or the photographic industry or Pentax's niche you would know that the new KM and cheap kit lenses is the way to go. Trying to go FF would kill them.