Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Japanese Best DSLR/ILDC Sellers in 2013

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Japanese Best DSLR/ILDC Sellers in 2013

(in Japanese, Google translation to English Here.)

So, Pentax K-30 is on the list, ranked no. 11 amongst the best DSLR sellers of the big 20. As for ILDC, the three Pentax Qs are all on the list, namely no. 7 for the Q10, no. 15 for the Q and no. 18 for the Q7. Not bad results indeed.

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Really good.

(And 7D still more popular in Japan than 5DMkIII amd 70D. Amazing.)
3 replies · active 583 weeks ago
Mike Kawasaki's avatar

Mike Kawasaki · 583 weeks ago

Not quite interesting az it seemz. It's distressing, in fact. Both Nikon and Canon have truckloads of overproduced old cameraz. They were manufacturing them beyond demand and now both are facing involuntary inventory build up. They were using overproduction to write off expenses in the future terms, and to show the better future financial results, also to lower the entry point of entry level DSLRs. Which iz a bad thing for the long term future of the camera industry in general, and one of reasonz camera industry is suffering at the moment, as many people buy old cameras because they seem to be cheap. But both Canon and Nikon did this on purpose, to saturate the market with their own cameras, helped create a crisis in which others must lower the prices too, but fight with losses far greater in relative terms as they can not have economy of scale az Nikon and Canon. In this act Nikon and Canon will appear to suffer, but all is done to stop the mirrorless invasion onto their turf as much as they can. Very nasty business, that stopz the real innovation. Not a single perzon in their right mind would buy a camera from either Canon or Nikon.
Mike Kawasaki's avatar

Mike Kawasaki · 583 weeks ago

In old timez we had monopoliez and monopoliez people started to hate and became targets of legislation. But in rotten dayz today we have a trend of artificially created agreed duopolies, in which parties appear to be very competitive, but in fact are just acting, agreeing to split the market by making their mutual competition so fierce that all other players appear irrelevant. Apple and Google in mobile operating system businez, Canon and Nikon in camera businez, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and so on. People need to be smarter an recognize theze frauds, see how we are manipulated, and support smaller players whoze only way is to play by true innovation and more sincerity.
one more Z and your nuts will fall off
Congratulations to you Rice, as a constant loyal promoter of Pentax equipment.
Keep it up, and never change. :)
2 replies · active 583 weeks ago
pentaxfools's avatar

pentaxfools · 583 weeks ago

I find the site to balance for PF "decent is not tolerated policy". Topics can actually be debated on this site. Fanboys are not used to this and it is obvious in there posts. Pentax Fanboys clearly have very little substance to debate on so their replies/posts turn into personal attacks on those that do not march in lock step.
Is the k-3 the "best selling camera of the year" as the title indicates or is this more of a popularity contest like "home coming queen"?
I wish Pentax was the photographic equipment manufacturer it once was now it is a shell at best.......
FFprettyplease's avatar

FFprettyplease · 583 weeks ago

I actually think Mike Kawasaki's right. Pentax is having to compete with an oligopoly and is trying, within its resources, to compete by producing a better product. Sadly, established brand names and marketing budgets win over technical ability when it comes to the uneducated consumer and hence we have Nikon and Canon dominating with outdated old stock.

I'd still have a Pentax APS-C over any other APS-C for all round general purpose shooting. I do wish they'd just go one step further and put a non-Bayer sensor in there like a Foveon or X-Trans if staying APS-C or just go FF next time round.

I can see the dilemna. Mike puts it very well. I'd go further and apply the same to political parties in the 'democratic West'. You can have this one, or that one, only thing is they're both the same and actually not very good.
It's seems like Pentax are doing something right, then!

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