Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: One More Official Interview: No 135 FF in Near Future, Not Before 645D is Replaced! :-o

Thursday, December 26, 2013

One More Official Interview: No 135 FF in Near Future, Not Before 645D is Replaced! :-o

In a very recent interview with the same Ricoh senior official in my last blog article by a local Hong Kong photo magazine (current issue, owing to the copyright, I do not upload any image copy of the interview page here), Mr. Murano told the following:

1. The K-3 is a very strong APS-C DSLR as a result of extensive and special R&D;

2. APS-C is the mainstream of DSLR cameras;

3. The market share of 135 FF is only from 10 to 20%, versus the 80 to 90% of the APS-C market;

4. For that 10 to 20% small market segment, there are already a number of choices in the market. While they are able to make such a similar 135 FF body, it will not be of anything special. As such, they opted not to make one! :-[

5. The new 645D replacement project is now undergoing. It must happen before any RP 135 FF comes! (But isn't it that he has just said a RP 135 FF is not viable marketing wise?!)

6. They will not get rid of the name "Pentax", as "Ricoh" is a far larger company with far more businesses than Pentax and that they have no interest to make Ricoh becoming a sole camera brand! >:-o

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2-4. He is absolutely right.
1 reply · active 585 weeks ago
Well, The 645D2 Is awaited in any moment and supposedly under heavy development for a long time. It's quite logical It Will hit The market BEFORE any FF
And what about making a FF to make APSC segment much stronger than now (in terms of Pentax market share) ?
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 585 weeks ago

If you can swap mounts from tilt shift lenses ( Pentax D-645 and Leica S ) then you can compare the Pentax Medium Format to the Leica Middle Format ( which has a similar size image sensor ), but you'll sell less Pentax D-645II cameras than full frame cameras because it's such a quantum leap from amature DSLR to professional Medium Format.
P. S.
I'm sure Ricoh/Pentax will push the price of it's medium format camera over $10,000.00...
2 replies · active 585 weeks ago
Well this is really bad news for FF. Especially after all the happy noises earlier on a forthcoming FF.

It is sad that Murano is probably right about FF. I bet that Sony A7 put a chill on the FF plans of Pentax and Fuji. Come next Sept, it might not be so fun being a Pentaxian.
fullframe when?'s avatar

fullframe when? · 585 weeks ago

Is this the article where they compare FF to power in audio apps (versus quality)? If so, why are they criticizing bigger sensors when that's the main attraction of the 645D? Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

They don't want to alienate APS-C cutsomer? Well, what about the bread and butter that made Pentax the brand it is by promoting the FA_LTDs and full frame lenses? What about those users waiting forever?
4 replies · active 584 weeks ago
APSC sucks's avatar

APSC sucks · 585 weeks ago

APS-C was the mainstream of DSLRs. FF is the future. Get with the program.
8 replies · active 582 weeks ago
Mike Kawasaki's avatar

Mike Kawasaki · 585 weeks ago

645DII iz *almost* ready. FF will come in FY 2014, which meanz after the April 2014. 2014 will be a great year.
1 reply · active 585 weeks ago
3. The market share of 135 FF is only from 10 to 20%, versus the 80 to 90% of the APS-C market;

[In that Pentax only has 1 to 2% of the entire market, there still is a significant market share to be captured. ]

4. For that 10 to 20% small market segment, there are already a number of choices in the market. While they are able to make such a similar 135 FF body, it will not be of anything special. As such, they opted not to make one! :-[

[There are just as many choices with the ASP-c market segment - probably more. So, this is a concern, but it is still the same problem faced in the APS-c segment. This is a cop out to a degree. If Pentax is able to do something "special" in the cropped sensor market (based on "extensive and special R&D"), why can't they look to do the same in the FF sensor market. Again, a cop out. ]

This whole presentation is an attempt to deflate expectations and stretch a timeline.
2 replies · active 582 weeks ago
RottenPentaxFan's avatar

RottenPentaxFan · 585 weeks ago

More inconsistencies and weasel words. What Ricoh cant seem to understand is that many aps-c users will eventually grow to the point that they will want FF as the next logical step. If FF is available as an option to current and future aps-c users it actually feeds into overall sales like it already has with Canon and Nikon. I've heard many a new Canon buyer say "I'm starting with Canon aps-c, but I plan to work my way up to FF." Ricoh just doesn't get it. What future do I have with Pentax!? The expensive and elitist 645DII is only an option to me if I win the lottery or rob a bank.

No FF= Noooo FFuture for you!
2 replies · active 585 weeks ago
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 585 weeks ago

"4. For that 10 to 20% small market segment, there are already a number of choices in the market. While they are able to make such a similar 135 FF body, it will not be of anything special. As such, they opted not to make one! :-[ " (C)

What we may understand from that great idea?
1. There are two main classes of camera manufacturers in the World:
a) Clever and tricky: Ricoh, Panasonic, Olympus, Samsung etc.
b) Some other ;-) : Canon, Nikon, Sony
Clever and tricky manufacturers do not want to spend their efforts "for only 10 to 20% small market segment" (C) - they leave this market segment for the other manufacturers.
Some other :-) manufacturers do not understand this trick and great strategy and fighting each other for that small and stupid segment.

2. Clever and tricky Ricoh finally gave up it's "we are still working on the FF DSLR" (C) - more than 12 years of work presented the expected result: they finally could make only "such a similar 135 FF body" - nothing special, nothing competitive to the products of "some other" manufacturers. ;-)
OK, we understand: changing the rings on the lenses from green to red - much more innovative. And the new HD coating is also great.

3. Pentaxians, your expectations, needs and wishes do not bother clever and tricky Ricoh any more: "...there are already a number of choices in the market." (C) ;-)
Do you need something special or something what "some other" firms make? - Go away! - "There are already a number of choices in the market." (C) ;-) ;-)
4 replies · active 584 weeks ago
FromerlyPentax's avatar

FromerlyPentax · 585 weeks ago

What they haven't figured out is the FF market might be 10-20% right now, but within five years is likely to be 80-90% of the market in DSLR/MILC's. Sony's beta version A7/r is testament to that.

Again, Pentax are not planning ahead.

How big is the market in Medium Format? I mean that's got to be <0.1% of the market. PhaseOne and Hasselblad are the main players in that market along with Leica and its S2.

From the dismal AF performance of my K-5IIs over Christmas, and I worked that thing hard, any future camera budget will be staying put. Not going to bother with any manufacturer or system for the next five years.
6 replies · active 582 weeks ago
Snappertim's avatar

Snappertim · 585 weeks ago

Full frame may only represent about 20% of the market but probably supplies a great deal more of the Profit, the fact is that most manufactures make about the same profit per unit ex factory, you sell a low end DSLR £300.00 pounds you make about 45% profit you sell a £1099.00 camera you make about 50% profit so you make nearly 4 times more profit on one high end camera than a low end sale, if you do not believe me ask BMW, Bently, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Henry Ford the second once was asked the question, why as a large car maker in Britain did he not compete against the Austin Mini (now made by BMW) and he replied "Small car small profit", modern manufacturing efficiency has made products more profitable at the lower end but also more at the top end.
Full frame will give Pentax buyers a sense of buying into a large and upgradeable system, and the pride that Pentax is a Pro system, thousands of OM10 Olympus cameras were sold in the 1970's because many pro photographers used the OM1 and OM2.
Regards Snappertim
Well, that sucks... But, thank goodness there's a Sony A7 for Pentaxians to have a "Full Frame Pentax"...
If the Sony A7/R is a trendsetter, then mirrorless FF, not DSLR fullframe may well be the growth market of the near future. If so, then it is indeed a wise choice not to invest heavily in a DSLR fullframe. Think in terms of broad product categories, and you'll see that Ricoh has top quality offerings in most of them:

- Pentax 645D for medium format
- Pentax K-3 for APS-C DSLR
- Ricoh GR for high-level compacts.

For a fourth segment, the "take-all-legacy-glass" mirrorless camera, Ricoh used to lead with the fabulous GXR with the A12 module for M-mount (which, with the right adapter, accommodates a myriad of older lenses). The A7/R is the next logical step in this segment, but Ricoh unfortunately failed to take that step itself. So, the main question for Ricoh now may not be whether to develop a FF DSLR, but rather how to respond to the challenge of the A7/R in mirrorless segment.
pentaxfools's avatar

pentaxfools · 585 weeks ago

FF sales are now 5-10%. That has doubled since the last time I checked. That equates to around 100% growth rate over the past year or so.
The entire concept of Pentax moving into the FF market brings back thoughts of when the industry moved from film to digital. Although Pentax had some early digital prototypes Pentax was the last to put out a digital camera.
I don't believe Pentax will be able to pull off another late entry into this market. The Pentax customer base has been jumping ship for several years due to the way Pentax has executed their business model.
Pentax needs to change the game and not just be a follower. They took bold step in cooking up the K-01. People might be detered by its unconventional look, but deep down, it is a very capable camera. Why don't they just follow this line of thought - add a EVF (just to keep the critics happy), make it "appear" to be smaller and slimmer (just to please the public more), shape it like a professional camera (not to challenge so much the conventional thinking), and slap a hybrid FF sensor on it (if such a sensor is available)? I am only dream on.... until the next Christmas, may be :-) Merry Christmas and Happy New to all of you!!
4 replies · active 584 weeks ago
Jean Pierre's avatar

Jean Pierre · 585 weeks ago

FF is not the only one for digital photography! Why the APS-C from Olympus with the OM-EM1 has become PRO valuation? Because MFT or APS-C is good enough. It is only nostalgia - the good old time with FF-Camera!
About Image Quality is now great difference between FF or APS-C even MFT is very good now (see Olympus and Panasonic).
So, I think APS-C will go in future for sale!
And Pentax goes always a good way. For me I would apreciate that Pentax(Ricoh) comes out with very good lenses in PRO Quality, as Olympus has made with the new lens (12-40/2.8 Pro) for the EM-1.
For Consumer Pentax/Ricoh should launch a slim-Series or build in digicam-technology for smartphone and tablet.
When Sony comes out with new digicam, it is not say that the market will have it! Sony is big and can do some "try and error" things.
Take a look at Fuji. The X-Series with that special X-APS-C-Sensor is great and Fuji takes care to not do to much with different digicam-body and lenses.
I hope Pentax will go this way!
Pentax go one and give your best and convince Ricoh to let your brand PENTAX. Then it is quality and is even with the 645D in high-class representive.
6 replies · active 583 weeks ago
I do not care if Ricoh ever produces a FF Pentax camera. If it does, it is fine, I might buy one.
1 reply · active 585 weeks ago
Simple - if Pentax brings their FF camera, and their 645 replacement, to market ahead of the wave of 4K being added to the existing FF cameras, they will be ok. But also only works with silent motors for focusing, and they need to relaunch their FF lenses then too.

To me, March 2014 is pivotal for Pentax. If they only release some lukewarm 645 replacement, and no FF, then things look bleak. If they release a great 645 replacement, and mention a FF for summer, or have it ready, then the future is bright.
3 replies · active 584 weeks ago
Really? Bye-bye Ricoh/Pentax then...
Wow! 10-20% of the Dslr market isn't worth making any products for. Then a new Medium Format Cam for something about 12000 € ist obviously the next logical step...
I think they are doomed cause they missed the FF trend years ago. Now Sony offers consumer models with FF sensor while Ricoh only has croped DA lenses. Game over. If you think about the Pentax "innovations" of the past years it becomes obvious that they will sell similar cameras with different numbers until Aps c market ends. Finaly the name "Pentax" will be sold to someone who produces cheepo-plasic-toy-cams or so...
Sh**! I'll buy a Canon tomorrow
4 replies · active 584 weeks ago
Pentaxfools's avatar

Pentaxfools · 585 weeks ago

Pentax's remaining customer base are those that desire a FF but just can't afford one and those that don't feel a need to invest in a FF. It is no wonder Ricoh has decided not to produce a FF.
At least Ricoh/Pentax is being honest about it now.
Really how many April firsts have passed with Pentaxian's being the butt of the DLSR worlds jokes. Their are pentax folks that bite every year.
So on the bright side at least this April 1st no one should be able to get over on the Pentaxian's.
Yeah, riiight.
Ricoh Imaging must be really desperate to tell everyone, loud and clear, exactly the things they are planing for the future.
2 replies · active 584 weeks ago
It's pretty obvious that Sony A7/A7R caught Pentax with their pants down
1 reply · active 584 weeks ago

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