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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Only Pentax is Not Supported but All Other Major Camera Systems


"For Canon, Nikon, Sony DSLR System, 4/3 & Fujifilm mirrorless System"

Ony Pentax is not supported and Nissin had no interest to make a Pentax variant for their products! The reason behind must be sound..

Congrats, Pentax! It is noted that Leica is also not supported and hence Pentax has succeeded to become a Leica! That must be great and a really good news for Pentaxians! :-o

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I don’t see NEX either.
1 reply · active 562 weeks ago
NEX, A7 mirrorless and Sony A-series SLT are now sharing the same hotshoe.
Pentax flash systen is from stone age. everything else has been updated put not flash. And it's quit big miinus.
O no, what can I do now, we are all going to dieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 reply · active 562 weeks ago
As I already said, Pentax has now attained the prestigious level of Leica, what a successful marketing!
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 562 weeks ago

I would never buy a Nissin flash no matter what brand if camera... So this is one if the signs if the apocalypse? I suppose I could by a Sony and adaptor for MF lens, and by top of the line Nissin.....what a system that would be ....
This is not like when Zeiss stopped supporting the K mount....

Of course that meant nothing to me anyway, until they (Zeiss) started releasing those nice lenses for Fuji and NEX cameras...
It is a pity that Nissin does not support Pentax. I was looking for a small flash which can do tilt and swivel for my K-01, and i40 seemed to be a good fit with all the ticks at the right places.
Guy with a K-5's avatar

Guy with a K-5 · 562 weeks ago

Plenty of flash units for Pentax are made by Metz, Sigma and Pentax. Beside that the Pentax K-series don't need adapters for studio equipment as it is equiped with a PC socket. What else do you need? And why? The PC socket is much more valuable than the ability of another brand of flash guns to be fitted on a camera as there are more than enough possibilities to buy what you like. Unfortunately, RH is, after a long period of silence, back into picking at Pentax/Ricoh. I would rather have him keeping it shut, as it doesn't add anything to the silence kept by Ricoh, than plain noise and irritation over such futilities.
I use Elinchrom studio flash. no need for Nissin.
You do know that Nissin flash sucks balls right?

It will work great initially and then the WB starts to go, power output goes awry - it starts blasting max power each time, the flash will feel hot even though you only took a couple of pics. Eventually it'll burn itself out.

I had one go out this way, my second one is showing the same symptoms. My friend's had both of his burnt out as well. We both ended up buying Yong-Nuos which surprisingly has been quite ok.

Though I know where you're coming from, having more options is good but not always better though. Case in point.

Disclosure, the nissin flash were for Canon used on Canon systems. So Nissin not supporting Pentax is not a big deal. My Pentax's af 540fgz has been working fine so far for the past few years so when it dies, I will probably buy one again.
This is a new system, so how anybody can tell me how good or bad it is, is a mystery to me. I really like the small size and will get it as soon as the fuji version is available.
Pentax is dead.....
1 reply · active 561 weeks ago
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 561 weeks ago

If no support from a crappy flash company is the sign its dead then....oh wait I think I have been hearing the same blather for YEARS If you want a Nissin Flash then plenty of other option to mount that pile of crap on.

SNAPPERTIM · 562 weeks ago

The Pentax flash units are made by Nissin, so to get the contract Nissin had to agree no Nissin guns in Pentax fit, if you want a flash you have to buy Pentax branded item, the reason the contract went to Nissin was because Panasonic the old supplier was not selling any units in Pentax brand, so the protocol of the flash system was changed so Nissin had a fresh market to sell too, The same applies to the lens, the f2.8 lens are made by Tokina so no lens from Tokina in Pentax mount, any how the k1 full frame will be launched at Photokina and Tokina has the 16-28 f2.8 and 17-35 f4 and a 28-70 2.8 Tokina was seen at CP+ and the 80-200 f4 is out in a couple of weeks.
Regards Snappertim
1 reply · active 562 weeks ago
Thanks for highlighting us man! ;-)
Rice High, as much as you would like to see Pentax dead, It won't happen. Even if the name eventually change to Ricoh, it will still be a Pentax inside. You have been predicted Pentax demise for about five years or more, and the cameras and lenses just keep getting better. Get over it man!
3 replies · active 561 weeks ago
I must be a simple man, but I miss a simple, compact, honestly priced "DA 17-50 f/2.8 DC WR" (like the one Tamron makes). Changing coatings to "HD", producing an oddball zoom like the 20-40 and failing to cover the 24-28mm range with a quality prime, doesn't qualifiy as "better" to me.
Your choices are simple. Don't buy Pentax if you don't like the brand.
ricehigh has been ricelow for years.
I DO like Pentax, and that's why I get so frustrated. I own a K-5 and I need a fast standard zoom to replace the 18-55 kit lens which I can only shoot at f/8 if I want decent IQ. What does "our" brand has to offer?

- The discontinued 16-45? It's an f/4;
- The SDM 17-70? It's an f/4 (and I can't risk that amount of cash on SDM);
- The 20-40? It's an f/2.8-4, 20mm's not wide enough and I don't like the styling;
- The 18-135? It's an f/3.5-5.6 and I don't "need" to go up to 135mm. Only advantages are WR and DC.
- The 18-270? It's not even an option... super-zoom, f/3.5-5.6, rebranded with a premium price.

What's left? The DA*16-50 f/2.8, which is too big, heavy and expensive in Europe (at least for my pockets) at almost 1000 euro (989 on Amazon). The Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 retails also on Amazon for a mere 305 euro. Come on... I already had this Tamron on another mount and it was just brilliant. Well built, compact, sharp, low distortion. Why can't Pentax build such a lens? Better: if they can't, then just rebrand the Tamron, like they did with the 18-250/270, but this time with DC and WR.

Just my 2c ;-)
3 replies · active 562 weeks ago
So fuck off and buy the Tamron...
You can find the 16-50mm f2,8 for 859€ if you take the time for searching on the web.
If it is too expensive, you can buy the Sigma.
You have the choice so stop complaining.
You can't have a LOW price, great IQ, WR, light weight and 2.8.... stop dreaming
Touchy fellow!.. Are you a Pentax lens engineer? :-))
Catchalive's avatar

Catchalive · 562 weeks ago

No I am just a realistic semi-pro photographer ;-)
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 562 weeks ago

I know how you feel, most of my lenses are maual focus (and when I have change mounts I'm not giving up much) but I wanted the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 as soon as it was announced. My Sigma 100-300mm f/4.0 for $1000 is nice as well as my Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 for $600 but I want auto-focus on my zoom lenses. When I do buy an auto-focus prime, it will be for a camera I want (like I did in 1980) instead of what Pentax wants everyone to settle for.

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