From reliable source which has never been wrong!
In Japanese, Google English translation here.
So, the 645Z is not unique again, and the upcoming 5Ds should be much cheaper, at half of the 645Z price very probably, but yet provides the same pixel count, and is a much faster camera of which the system has far more lens choices and much better portability.
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Friday, January 30, 2015
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50MP Canon FF DSLR is Coming
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foton · 529 weeks ago
So, what is the "advantage"? You will definitely have 1. MUCH larger files (new computers probably needed to handle those). 2. Much noisier images, probably quite noisier than even a good APS-C camera (canon sensors never shined, for that matter). 3. Overpriced new sensor. 4. And the same quality for most of the things. This camera might have a good place in studio work, though.
RiceHigh 110p · 529 weeks ago
foton · 529 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 529 weeks ago
foton · 528 weeks ago
maksa · 529 weeks ago
gashcr · 529 weeks ago
6BQ5 · 529 weeks ago
Leonardo · 529 weeks ago
Jonathan · 529 weeks ago
I've been reading your blog regularly for a couple of years and frankly your post is a nonsense! Canon can launch a 100 megapixel full frame and it won't make any difference, the 645Z will still blow it into the weeds for image quality because the sensor size is 2.5x bigger and at this level sensor size makes far more difference than pixel count. You know it and I know it!! The truth is that your blog only has real value if it can be seen to be relatively impartial and your latest post simply isn't. The truth is that Pentax are on a real roll at present. The K3 is a match for the EOS7D MK2 at half the price and is better weather sealed and better built. The 645Z matches the phase 1 and Hasselblad medium format designs at one third of the price and this year it looks like they're very liely to (finally) launch the full frame camera we have all been waiting for. They also have the backing of a company bigger than Nikon and 2/3 the size of Canon and an armada of full frame compatible lenses already available plus more waiting in the wings ready to launch with the system.
The truth is that there probably hasn't been a better time to be a Pentaxian since 1960. The DA limited primes are Leica/Carl Zeiss quality and almost incomparable in the marketplace. The bodies encompass everything from the Ricoh weatherproofs (no waterproof housing required) through the Q series (almost incomparably small interchangeable lens system, through the APSC DSLR's and up to the world class 645Z. They're about to plug the only gap in that range with the full frame K1 and I for one can't wait...
RiceHigh 110p · 529 weeks ago
Aspa · 529 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 529 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 529 weeks ago
Bartek · 529 weeks ago
1. "Armada of full frame compatible lenses already available" - You mean currently produced full frame zoom lenses right ?
Of course I could imagine FF system based on fixed focal primes and third -party zooms although I think it is unlikely we'll see Pentax FF camera before the launch of aforementioned full F. capable zooms.
2. "The DA limited primes are Leica/Carl Zeiss quality" - You must be joking right ?
Have You seen the side by side comparison of 31 ltd vs Leica 35 Summilux ASP ?. And yes I know Leica is more then 4 times more expensive.
3. As for the Zeiss lens lineup - I've got some of them (Distagons, Makro Planars alnog with DA limiteds) - and we could argue that Pentax lenses might by comparable in the field of optics (just might be) however build quality is uncomparable.
Padmakar Srivastava · 529 weeks ago
Jonathan · 529 weeks ago
Sorry, you are quite correct 70% larger sensor, however no full frame will be able to match a 645D/Z and so if ultimate quality is one's aim as a photographer then they are simply superior to the Nikon D800 series or any future canon full frame of any megapixel count foreseeable. I fully agree with you that Pentax are far too late in the game with full frame and many many keen fans such as you and I are fed up waiting. There remains however a very large number of K5/K3 level users still with the brand with a fairly large system commitment who will jump at the full frame when it arrives this year. I bet you will and I know I will too (although probably not at launch, I will wait a few months for the price to settle.) If I had the finances though they would get my money on day 1 ;-))
The truth is I can see Pentax under Ricoh becoming a very powerful force to be reckoned with once again. They already build the most compelling medium format system, they already build the best value/built APSC system. Pick up a K3 and then a Nikon D7100 and tell me which feels best built, nicest in the hand etc and which has the most intuitive interface or which one would you trust to shoot in the rain? Quite honestly I'm staggered how good the K3 is after owning pentax for 33 years. Sometimes I get pictures into Lightroom and zoom in on the eyes of a portrait and can't believe what I'm seeing - individual strands of hair standing out like razor blades. To my mind they have the product, what they need now is to get their marketing and distribution sorted out. They're already back into John Lewis in the UK (a big coup) and they're now stocked at most major high street specialist photography shops but they do need to do more in this area and I think they're starting to. This will be the first year in several that they're putting on a full stand at the Birmingham NEC Photography show (biggest show in UK) in March and I for one am glad to see that.
I really do believe that in 2015 they will launch a superb full frame camera and they will start to gain ground on the big two. I have a Canon using pro friend and even he is visibly awed by the 645Z because even he knows that Canon have nothing to touch it - nothing that comes close... It was he who told me Hasselblad have just had to knock £7000 off their MF bodies to stay in the market because Pentax are making such large inroads into pro MF. Talk to SRS Microsystems (biggest Pentax dealer in Europe) and they'll tell you the 645Z is running off the shelves to serious pro's. Even my Canon mate acknowledges that Pentax coming back strongly will be good for everyone because it will push Canon and Nikon to innovate too rather than resting on their laurels.
Quite honestly whether you are a beginner a keen amateur or a world class professional, the Pentax system simply offers a much more compelling product than any other. You will get a better body and more lenses for your money. Even experienced professionals have to justify the cost of their equipment and if a £20 000 Hasselblad can't justify its extra cost in terms of commercial benefit over a 645Z then they'll buy the Pentax. Everyone has to watch their costs nowadays. My Canon friend is currently like me a beginner part time pro and if you compare the systems in terms of cost v the results we're getting even he would acknowledge there's little difference in quality:
Pentax K3 body £769 Canon EOS 5D MK3 £2288
Pentax 16-50 F2.8 £689 Canon 24-70 F2.8 EF-L £1447
Pentax 50-135 F2.8 £770 Canon 70-200 F2.8 EF-L £1647
So £2200 gets you into a pro grade wedding/portrait business capable professional grade Pentax system
You need £5300 for the equivalent Canon system. That's what I call a compelling argument!
That's a helluva price difference if you're either a new pro or even just a keen serious amateur. Also I know which I would rather lug around with me all day too at a wedding or up a hillside or around a town on holiday.
I've just bought a larger rucsack Lowe Pro trekker 400AW and my Pentax system (K3 & K5 & 17-70 F4 & 12-24 F4 & Tamron 70-200 F2.8 and 17-50 F2.8 plus some flash, triggers, filters etc is still a pretty darned heavy load to carry for any length of time) It struck me the other day when I pulled out my old full frame film Pentax bodies just how big and heavy even the K3 is compared to an ME Super or a MZ-5N. The K3 is huge by comparison even without my battery grip.
Another keen amateur friend has just ditched his entire Canon system and got an OM-D EM1 (nice camera) because he was sick of lugging the huge and heavy Canon system around all the time. I actually hope the future FF from pentax isn't too big and heavy!
Anyway, just my thoughts as to why I feel Pentax are poised to have a very successful future indeed because they have (or at least soon will have) all bases covered with superb class leading products. Build them and they will come...
Bukaj · 529 weeks ago
afan137 25p · 529 weeks ago
If only the number of pixel is taken into account, with the same logic Sony A7s serves no purpose because one can get GH4 with half price and still has more pixels. Maybe you need to rejoice with your 645D and show us pics.
Jonathan · 529 weeks ago
Yes, I do mean the existing lenses plus the stuff that is almost certainly full frame and about to be launched such as the 70-200mm F2.8, the 100-400 and the UWA that's on the lens roadmap. Plu we'll get at launch the inevitable 24-70 F2.8 and 24-70 F4 kit lenses that they haven't announced yet for fear it will give the game away to the competition.
In summary:
There is a wide angle on the road map that might be the 14-24ish
They've already shown the new 70-200 2.8 and 100-400 lenses
The DA* 200 2.8 and DA* 300 F4 telephotos are FF capable already
They have the FA 20mm, 24mm, 35mm and 50 f1.8mm plus 55mm f1.4 prime lenses
The FA* Limited 31, 43, and 77 are there offering top grade primes in full frame
The 50mm and 100mm macros are already in place and full frame compatible
So potentially right off the bat Pentax have a full range of primes and zooms available for a FF launch ranging from 14mm to 400mm including two macros, top grade primes and fast and normal zooms.
There's also nothing to stop pentax taking some of its old legacy glass and putting it back into production if they really want to get serious - so 400mm F2.8 anyone? Or perhaps the 24mm F2 and 85mm F1.4 - probably two of the greatest lenses ever built by any company in the history of photography. I've looked at the images that 85mm F1.4 produces and they're beyond compare, genuinely beyond compare. Check the images here out: - the bokeh alone is of a quality I don't know I have ever seen on anything else. See what luminous landscape has to say about the Limiteds including the 31mm:
And nobody pays all that much attention to Pentax. Pentax does have some pretty pedestrian optics in its bag, it's true. What many photographers aren't aware of is that Pentax still also makes some of the best SLR lenses on the planet. For pure picture quality, taking bokeh into account, my considered opinion is that the Pentax 50mm f/1.4 is the best fast fifty (and I say that having carefully tested damn near everything out there). The FA 24mm f/2 is certainly one of the best 24mm AF lenses going. And if you were to directly compare the Leica 80mm Summilux-R, the Zeiss Contax 85mm f/1.4, the AF-Nikkor 85mm f/1.4, and the Pentax SMC-FA 85mm f/1.4, it would be very clear to you that the latter lens absolutely belongs in the company of the former three. For portraiture, it might even edge the others out.
Yet the very best AF SLR lenses made today are the Pentax Limiteds. There are only three, and they have focal lengths apparently chosen by means of occultish numerology: there's a 31mm f/1.8 wide, a 43mm f/1.9 "true" normal, and a 77mm f/1.8 short tele. All three are made of metal (imagine that), focus manually more than passably well, and are of an size and weight that doesn't constantly penalize you, whether you're lugging them around or holding them up to your eye on a camera. They have beautiful matching metal lens hoods and a feel of quality that puts them above virtually all other AF lenses. (Full article
I would say Pentax have played a very clever game here. They in essence have managed to create a comprehensive range of FF lenses without Canon, Nikon or anyone else noticing!!
PS Ricehigh I posted a long post before this one that your forum said needed moderator approval but it hasn't appeared yet - any chance you can release it?
2015 will be the greatest year for Pentax since they launched the Spotmatic and I for one can't wait.
fa31_wobbler · 527 weeks ago
Jonathan · 529 weeks ago
Mike · 528 weeks ago
too expensive · 527 weeks ago