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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CES 2015 Pentax Counter

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1 reply · active 531 weeks ago
still no full frame !!
14 replies · active 530 weeks ago
But the green and gold rings on lenses are back. However, whether these will become red when market launched is unknown, ditto for the Pentax logo on the camera's back! ;-)
Green ring means SMC, red ring means HD.
The new 18-50 lens is SMC, hence the green ring.
Rumor has it that it will be announced finally this spring. CP+??
Frankly, I am not interested.
Bobbo Bobson's avatar

Bobbo Bobson · 531 weeks ago

Wait...you're interested in Pentax enough to post some boring information about their CES booth and upcoming products, but not interested if they come up with a FF later on in the year? You're either a liar or a hypocrite. Why continue with this blog then? If you had any integrity left, you'd shut it down...but since you don't, you wont.
Haha. Have you read this blog for very long? Rice as whined literally for years now about the lack of FF and how PENTAX IS DOOMED because they have no FF and here we are with potentially a FF camera that is real about to be announced and he could care less. I'm hardly surprised. Rice seems like the kind of guy that is perpetually unhappy with everything and looks for things to get upset about. Yeah, Pentax is doomed! Doomed to be bashed forever by someone that hasn't even bought any of their cameras since the Pentax Q came out, what, 3-4 years ago? This post is a worthless token. Don't read into it too much. I just come here because just like any good train wreck you kind of have to stop and stare.
Wow, why do you continue a Pentax blog then? If you are not interested? Shoot your Canon or Sony, but don't try to do amateurish journalism, if you can't stop being biased and ignorant.
So Rice says hes not interested in FF and the haters pop up with the same tired old insults. Why do you pathetic losers even come here?
April1st.PentaxFools's avatar

April1st.PentaxFools · 531 weeks ago

Maybe Rice is just not interested in another Pentax rumor.
Remember fanboys there is hope April first is just around the corner.
I think it’s great that April first was renamed “Pentax day” hence the term Pentax Fools.
Bobbo Bobson's avatar

Bobbo Bobson · 530 weeks ago

I think I asked a valid question and I'm immediately labelled a "hater" by those who cannot put three words together enough to counter with a valid response. I also notice my question hasn't been answered. This is supposed to be a Pentax blog...yes? That's why I come here. Why do those who have no interest in Pentax come here? It's clear that they're the ones showing themselves to be the fools. Rice included.
waiting4fullframe's avatar

waiting4fullframe · 530 weeks ago

I'm interested in FF, but NOT interested in any rumours or speculation about it at CP+. We've had years of rumours. I could say the same as RH in answer to the rumours of FF.
DavidPentaxUser's avatar

DavidPentaxUser · 530 weeks ago

Pentax already have a better than FF camera! The 645z is a DSLR! So are we going to say that Nikon and Canon are fools because they have no weather resistant medium format DSLR?

Get real!
Noooo... you will hurt the feelings of local Canon/Sony fanboys (just for reference, I shoot both Canon and Sony, both FF and APS-C, and still love Pentax).
Especially the 645, but I have "only" the film one (yet;-).
I was looking for full frame fun
but instead got the Ks-1
My favorite brand
thinks customer demand
is something that they should shun
Pentax Interstellar! you all can go into hibernation and come back in a hundred years! or get a Sony A7II.
1 reply · active 530 weeks ago
Or a Panasonic LX100, or a Hasseblad H5D, or PowerShot L31, or a Leica Monochome... when we are mentioning totally unrelated and different cameras.
Glad to see Pentax logo on back plus return of green ring on lens, but what's with the tiny thumb grip? New collapsible kit lens is only f4!? Boy, it better be cracking sharp wide open. Swivel Lcd sticks out to turn which makes non-tripod work difficult. I bet it's a real headache to use. But at least it's progress---Pentax is moving again...
Rice, please, tell us what is the sensor inside the camera?
1 reply · active 530 weeks ago
I don't know but probably it's the same Sony 20M CMOS used in the K-s1.
Why is this thread so acrimonious and emotional FF - I have a Canon, big deal can't live with a crop sensor for wild life and is at best only marginally better overall than a K3 in controlled conditions and given the vagaries of conditions in e field doesn't in any way provide more keepers.

In it's own " best application' ( indoors) definitely does not overshadow a K3 or. K 5iis equiped with a sigma Art f1.4 35mm.

The printed images off the K3 are more than equal in quality.

The Ff shines at The highest Iso's but again doesn't provide that much more at an indoor event shoot than the K3 .

As a working photographer i would say what the hell are you squabbling about , what are you expecting or is it the usual thing, " I want a bigger one than yours"; grow up children and don't be so petulant and childish
1 reply · active 530 weeks ago


Green rings, red rings.
Get a life guys.

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