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The main thing that looks similar is that it's big, a lot bigger than the FA 50 1.4, but anyway since the otus came out we started to understand that the size is a requirement to make a lens that can maintain an high resolution even at f/1.4. It also seems thinner and longer, and anyway why would they make a mock-up for a show off a developing lens, if the actual lens has long been in the market? We didn't see mock up for the 15-35 or 24-70, and also being them third party lenses they have not the exclusive star badge. The pentax seems also thinner and longer than the sigma, consider that the canon mount is wider than pentax's. But on the other hand if it would be a rebranded sigma it would explain why sigma stopped making their art line for pentax right when the full frame came out, which is the moment they would start to sell a lot being pentax's system by now rather incomplete.
Sigma art Pentax branded WR version are ok if price is not as hilarious as 15-30. But they will find buyers. But!!!! One of main advantage of Pentax are unique lenses. Small compact lenses. Unique is what should be behind Pentax/Ricoh. State of art technology and vision. Like FA-Limited 31 43 77 serise
You are so negative. Many user waiting for fast high quality modern primes. Pentax has slightly slower thiny lenses. The 31, 43, 77 won't be discontinued. If the new lenses will have reliable PLM autofocus, then I start saving money for them. I'am more excited about the DFA* 85mm, but the 50mm is also nececerry update to the line up. Now only the 135mm is missing completly from the roadmap. I would like to see WR update for the holy trinity and a DA* 16-50 mark II.
I want the 20/2.8, 85/1.4 and 135/2.8 in a modern, WR BUT COMPACT (pls listen Pentax!) form factor. DC would be nice but absolutely no must.
I own these three as used lenses. Would also buy them with refined optical formula and improved coating, even if they are not WR and not DC. But COMPACTNESS is of the essence.
(ok, the 85/1.4 cannot be really compact because of physical constraints. Still, the old used 85/2.4 of Pentax is more compact than the competition's offerings).
I have FF 20mm 2.8 and newer version with just better coatings will be enough. For over 100mm I prefer to have something like 120-150 mm f/4 We have very compact DA*200mm 2.8.and quite compact DA* 400 f/4 I've also wait for tests of IRIX 11mm and Laowa 12mm f/2.8 Zero-D both quite compact and extremely wide. So for now it hard to choose
Marco · 421 weeks ago
Piotr Krochmal · 421 weeks ago
One of main advantage of Pentax are unique lenses. Small compact lenses. Unique is what should be behind Pentax/Ricoh. State of art technology and vision. Like FA-Limited 31 43 77 serise
All 2016--2017 bodies make similar quality of pictures. Look now good EM-1 MK2 is: http://www.optyczne.pl/356.8-Test_aparatu-Olympus...
It is at least as good as K1 @ ISO 3200.
So this is why I bought FA 20 2.8 not 15-30.
Chris · 421 weeks ago
Ebk · 421 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 421 weeks ago
common 50mm · 421 weeks ago
common 50mm · 421 weeks ago
b3ar500 12p · 421 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 421 weeks ago
08amczb · 421 weeks ago
I would like to see WR update for the holy trinity and a DA* 16-50 mark II.
Chris · 421 weeks ago
I own these three as used lenses. Would also buy them with refined optical formula and improved coating, even if they are not WR and not DC. But COMPACTNESS is of the essence.
(ok, the 85/1.4 cannot be really compact because of physical constraints. Still, the old used 85/2.4 of Pentax is more compact than the competition's offerings).
b3ar500 12p · 421 weeks ago
Piotr Krochmal · 421 weeks ago
I've also wait for tests of IRIX 11mm and Laowa 12mm f/2.8 Zero-D both quite compact and extremely wide. So for now it hard to choose