Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: 645D Confirmed - 2010

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

645D Confirmed - 2010

See the latest official Japanese announcement at the Pentax Japanese website:-


Targeted Megapixel Count: More than 30 Megapixels

On the other hand, film 645 and 67 bodies will be discontinued in September:-


Reason given: Difficulties in sourcing the required electronic components.

Related Article: 645D Revived?


  1. Anonymous24/3/09 22:46

    a lot of work under new design. very good layout of buttons. like to buy.

  2. There is no dedicated ISO button. There are two unmarked buttons at the top left side of the body (in front of the mode dial), though.

  3. Anonymous25/3/09 03:02

    "On the other hand, film 645 and 67 bodies will be discontinued in September"

    I feel like crying...

  4. Anonymous26/3/09 15:57

    THERE IS ISO BUTTON. BE attentive!!!
    Close to shutter release button!

  5. Oh, yes, you're right. Its there! Thanks :-)

  6. Anonymous26/3/09 16:45

    To say honest Pentax've worked under body for last 2 year. And made good work. I'd like this camera will be launched in production.
    I don't understand - 2 additional buttons close to RAW button. And FLASH button - for what?

  7. Pentax shelved the project for more than two years and it seems that the project has just been defrozen.

    As for the two unmarked buttons, they are reserved for something, of which the functions are not yet known.

  8. Anonymous13/2/10 02:59

    RH, You don't know anymore about the 645D than anyone else at this point.
