Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Pentax Fanboys' Club! (New Blog)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pentax Fanboys' Club! (New Blog)

Hey, (to) all Pentax fanboys who read here.. !

For years, I have been tired of hearing the repeated (same) argument of and urging me to write more or even solely positive things here about Pentax and gear at my this Blog. I just wonder whether you guys have read or not the themes of my this Blog which are clearly typed in the heading of the page or you just always failed to understand and remember those simple things! (but Why?) Well, I think you people should also read the site Disclaimer, which I had put it here for long, since my this Blog was built!

But I think I am a person who listen, even for different voices like those of yours. Here is the good news! I have set up a new place for all of you! A place where you can voice out your own opinions with "positive" energy overthere and air out all the angers to me regarding my own "negative" opinions in a more civilised way, still all about Pentax and gear!! ;=) Here it is! See:-


The Pentax Fanboys' Club is there! It is created! I allow 100 places for you to participate. IF you want to be one of the Authors, just create an Google Account of your own and then drop me an email, I shall add you to the list!

Dare to join?? ;-D It's time for you to "contribute" to "make the balance"! (lol..) I believe with 100 persons of you, you all can beat me easily as I have only one person myself! ;->

Finally, I copy and paste the first Club Rules below. If you agree, I will be waiting for you!

1. You have to write on-topically according to the themes as laid down in the headlines of this Blog (which might be updated from time to time);

2. You will bear ALL the responsibilities and liabilities personally yourself for what you write here!

3. I, as the site master and owner of this Blog, reserve all the rights to delete any materials which I consider to be inappropriate to appear in this Blog!

4. Be civilised. Don't write in offensive language and in particular no foul language or personal attack is allowed!

5. In case of any dispute that may arise, I reserve the final judgement and all the rights in settling all these in any means as deemed to be necessary and appropriate;

6. Rules of this Club are subject to change and update from time to time when it is considered to be necessary.

Well, see you~ !

P.S. - The term "Fanboy" does not necessary to have negative meaning. There are a lot of people who are fevered in their hobbies and love their brands (of anything they use) as "fanboys". See this example site (which is a very nice one, I think).

P.S.2 - IF you're just a normal reader who read here and you think that you are not one of the "fanboys", just ignore my this post. But of course, you are welcome to visit the new "Fanboys' Blog" so that you can read more on another "extreme" so as to receive/perceive the "Balance"! ;-D

P.S.3 - I shall add the new Club's link at the sidebar of my Blog as a hotlink that will always appear, in order to promote the Fanboys' Club and the Fanboyism! LOL..

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... well well well RH got clowns for breakfast.
Rice, I am not a native english speaker, neither are you, so missunderstanding may be programmed in one or another way due to language incapabilites. But is it only me or does this post sound a bit offensive? Are you exposing us readers to ridicule? Is all this post an ironic stance? Or is it all a big missunderstanding?
This does actually not sound like a real invitation to me, but maybe thats just me. I am a bit disappointed on the tone and tongue you are using lately. ...
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 808 weeks ago

I think ricehigh is upset that I posted my analysis based on facts but they disagreed with his opinions that are based on his own site disclaimer.
The relevant portion is quoted for all to see.

Ricehigh wrote:
"The Author has no responsibility of any kind in the absolute accuracy, genuine generality or whatsoever for any of the contents provided in this Blog."

Which basically means that he can claim anything he wants and not have to support it with facts. Pretty clear really.
The perfect example of that is the K7 SR test where he miss interpreted the results so badly that what should have been just called a bad attempt at testing the image stabilisation of ANY camera was in fact used to lay fault on the image stabilisation of the K7 yet. Yet, when looked at objectively the results clearly show that it not only is better than the competition shown along side, it was significantly better.

I'll give credit to where credit is due.
Ricehigh left my post for all to see and read.
He did not delete it or my other posts.

But, like wise, instead of having a little tantrum he should have posted either a rebuttal against my points or issue a retraction and state that his analysis was indeed wrong. Its there for all to see. We all make mistakes but its how we handle those mistakes that makes us worthy of listening to.

So I'll start, I appologise to ricehigh for coming on so strongly.
Its not that I'm a fanboy that I posted yesterday.
I'm an engineer who absolutely detests bad engineering analysis and poorly constructed tests that then make conclusions that are not even consistent with basic testing procedure. Nothing in that test showed any real understanding of objective testing or sound engineering test procedures. So while I read how Ricehigh is worried about dpreview and others who can review equipment they know nothing about, he uses this as an example of people that do. That is hypocrisy. Seeing someone claim they are an engineer do this, well, that raises my blood pressure.
Be it condemning Nikon or Canon or Olympus etc, bad testing and bad conclusions need to be called out and not supported and used as evidence like they have any actual merit.

So, straight up, I ask Ricehigh, are the test conditions and the conclusions as documented by the magazine correct or are they flawed?
Do the tests actually show as I have pointed out, that the Pentax has better SR performance improvement over the Olympus when compared to the units having their IR/SR off vs them having them on?
Is the choice of reference being off/off for each camera the correct reference to use when making a comparison?

Don't speculate on what is going on inside the camera as we don't know that information. Just look at the results and draw conclusions based on good engineering principles.

Feel free to rebut my analysis if you can but I did testing and calibration for years in a labratory and I can assure you that the analysis of the results from both the magazine and Ricehigh are incorrect.

That's not being a fanboy. That's being a good objective engineer.
Making a claim otherwise is acting like a hateboy.
That is being guilty of magnifying any fault or introducing them even when the data shows otherwise.

Your call ricehigh.
I'm more than happy to argue the merits of engineering test procedures with you but we both know I am correct so please withdraw your false conclusions in that report. Likewise, if you are truly impartial you would contact the magazine and explain to them why their test procedure and conclusions are incorrect. Now that would be impartial and unbiased.
That is what I have done with you.
I came down hard on you because this is not the only example of bad engineering I see on this site.
But like I said, I appologise for the way I presented the facts, I do not however appologise for pointing out the flaws.

I am more than happy to tackle your claims at the hardware level vs firmware level of image sensor readouts (the green line) as well if you like.
We can get into timing issues and propagation delays and clock skew which can be fixed in many ways since high end DSP chips provide the ability to change both clock speed and slew rate. They can even be trimmed to extract maximum performance etc. If you are an engineer in the field you should know this. If you are not then you are speculating outside of your scope of experience.

So please feel free to rebut my claims bad testing and bad conclusions with the facts.
If not, please feel free to withdraw your objections or you will be clearly demonstrating an unfavorable bias yourself, i.e. being a Pentax hateboy.
I think you should edit your heading and post something like "Summaries of Reported Issues, potential problems and the things I hate with Pentax DSLR Gear System" or "Summaries of Reported Issues, potential problems and my undying negative comments with Pentax DSLR Gear System" Reporting tech issues and giving comments is common. But giving comments from being negative to being disgruntled is another thing.

I think you misunderstood what people who view your blogs is asking. They would like to read something positive in light of the issues. Can't do it, because you are too disgruntled already...
To real engineer. Can you validate his claim of being an engineer but have had no luck.
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 808 weeks ago

I can't validate his qualifications, just like he can't validate mine.
What we can do however is observe the conclusions that are derived from various tests, what sort of criticism is presented and how objective it is.

Simple errors like the above example should not happen to an experienced engineer but I can accept that for whatever reason it slipped his mind. Although this seems to be a bit of a habit here.
What it comes down to is how he reacts to being corrected.
An engineer will look at the data and realise his mistake, appologise and correct it.
That's because to an engineer all that matters are the facts, not personal feelings of being incorrect or personal bias to one company or another.
There is no harm in being incorrect at all, its an opportunity to learn and everyone is incorrect about something.
Not acknowledging being wrong however is totally in opposition to engineering.
This is why companies do not admit fault with the technical aspects of a product till they are absolutely sure.
An engineer will wait till he is 100% sure what the problem is then go forth and fix it.
Making rash decisions is not a part of engineering.
Imagine taking the responsibility for a fault and then finding out that it was user related or had something to do with shipping accidents.
It would show incompetence in the engineering department and the lack of faith of the senior management in their own R&D and service teams.
Having management taking the side of an unknown person(s) without finding out the facts over the engineering team would be the ultimate insult to the engineering department and the best way to lose fantastic engineers.

Yet this is exactly what ricehigh wants them to do.

I have no words other than insulting ones for such an attitude so will refrain from doing so.
But I will say, they are words devoid of engineering influence or experience.
"But I think I am a person who listen"
RH, how about listening by correcting some of the lies on this blog? Like this one:
"In addition, what I would tell is that the K-x is now (about two weeks ago) only under Alpha testing, for what I have learnt (That's also why what you can see in the "brief hands-on" at the DPR is so "brief"). Those Alpha units are not yet be capable of making any still pictures! Yes, just still pictures, not movie clips! "
We had official samples from the launch day, obviously made with one of those cameras that should be still in Alpha-testing, not capable of taking pictures (don't tell me they could finish it in 2 weeks); we have world-wide events where Pentax is showing functional cameras. And you can't say you don't know about the samples, since you're complaining that the EXIF might be edited, and that Hoya dared to use EC (see: http://ricehigh.blogspot.com/2009/09/pentaxhoya-d... )
Before starting another blog where you'll kindly allow those fanboys to write, why not spend some time correcting the lies on this one? Or, since you never do this, lying is OK with you, as long as against Pentax? It certainly looks so.
Don't be a hater's avatar

Don't be a hater · 808 weeks ago

Did anybody notice something? If someone smart says something that is beyoung RH's intelligence (which I believe 2 digit IQ level), he simply ignores it. Or has no way of "comeback" remarks. But then somebody at his level says something, he would go on and on and even makes a blog page full of that issue. From that observative conclusion, he maybe a just a teen boy who needs people's attention ? Give him some love.. don't hate.
Yes the world does need more love.

People are starving and we are all worried about trivial inane minutia (myself included)

I think RH is more likely to respond to posters if they remain civil...you don't have to like him, but it IS his blog, and he has the right to say whatever he wants.

A more productive way to counter his viewpoint is to present strong factual counterpoint arguments. Or start a competing Blog! (I don't have the skills, time or brainpower, but I'm just putting it out there :)
"A more productive way to counter his viewpoint is to present strong factual counterpoint arguments."
I did that already. Guess what - I was ignored :)
2 replies · active 808 weeks ago

You made a good point, but how would you react if someone called you a liar? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending RH, he (or she??) has a lot of work to do...
The fact is, that *is* a lie, be it RH's, or from the one that told him that piece of "valuable info". I only see 3 options here:
- he honestly thought the information was genuine, and put it on this blog without further checking. Guess what, it's not - it's a lie; to prove his "good faith", he should retract it immediately, and in the future, verify such data.
- he made it up. Not an unlikely scenario.
- maybe he heard something like that, maybe he misinterpreted someone's words... but he was so happy he found something bad to write, that he didn't cared about accuracy. Well, he don't care about accuracy at all, as long as it's about Pentax, and it's a negative. Since he don't care, he will never correct such mistakes.

I vote for the 3rd option, after all, that's how this blog was built. And btw, it's not the first, nor the last time he does that, never correcting such "mistakes". Thus, he's as good as a liar to me.
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 808 weeks ago

Tap tap tap...
Is this thing on?
ricehigh are you there???
Would you care to rebut my analysis or retract your own?
Anybody here?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 808 weeks ago

I'm with AlexS.
Everyone makes mistakes and makes claims that are inaccurate at some point.
If you find out you have made a mistake, you correct yourself.
That's what being impartial is all about.
If you choose not to then you are 100% guilty of spreading false information willingly.
That is called lying.
It makes the transition from mistake to lying once the person has become aware it is false yet refuses to retract it.

The real question is why he would do this.

This right here be comedy gold.
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 808 weeks ago

Still waiting for an honest rebuttal or an honest apology.
You can do it. Come on. I know its hard to admit being wrong but it is possible.
Let the world see your first steps in becoming humble and admitting when you are wrong.
Take a couple of pictures to record the moment, I suggest a Pentax K7 as its got really good SR so should take out the nervous shake from your hands as you do a self portrait.
Its OK, RH, come on. come towards honesty.
Its only a step away.
Real Engineer's avatar

Real Engineer · 807 weeks ago

Still waiting...
Prove me wrong or retract.
Its your reputation on the line not mine.

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