Test Conditions:-
1. Pentax Q with 01 8.5mm prime lens, effective 135 focal ~47mm; NEX-3 with E 30mm Macro lens, effective 135 focal ~46mm.
2. Both cameras set in Av mode for best performing f-stop so as to avoid diffraction while stopped down for just more than 1 stop, namely, Pentax Q at f/2.8 and the NEX at f/5.6. Multi-point single autofocus set for both cameras.
3. 2 second timer was used for both cameras, each of which was mounted on a sturdy tripod during shooting.
4. Auto White Balance and colour mode of Pentax Q was Portrait (all in default settings) and that of the NEX was Landscape (with Contrast -1, others at defaults).
5. NR settings of both cameras were left at their factory defaults.
Okay, let's go! Note the captions of the image files for what are them. EXIF is also preserved:-
Please feel free to tell us what you've measurbated and found! Btw, I found it is really amazing for the PQ of this little toy which is also called as P-Q! ;-D