Actually, I have been planning to get ready for a Pentax FF system for years and every time I bought a new Pentax lens I had that in mind. Well, below is the case for my current lens setup:-
1. Currently, I have 10 original Pentax primes, amongst which only the DA21 is not FF compatible, so the complete FF range is ranged from 28 to 300mm. The old "film" primes of mine include A, FA, FA Limited and FA* lenses. In addition, my existing three DA primes (namely, 35, 40 and 70) are all FF compatible (see my own samples here and here). In short, there are 9 lenses (out of 10) that can be used on FF!
2. For zooms, I still have 7 Pentax AF zooms amongst which only two DA standard zooms are not FF compatible. Other lenses are F, FA and FAJ ones and the made-up zoom range is from 17mm (fisheye) or 18mm (rectilinear) to 200mm. So, no problem again and I do have 5 FF zooms (out of 7)! :-D
3. I also have two FF tele-convertors by Kenko which is in full KAF2 compliance, i.e., with power zoom (SDM/DC) contacts.
So, all in all, I already have 14 original Pentax lenses plus two fully compatible AF tele-convertors (and also two other Sigma lenses that I rarely used, i.e., 18 lenses in total) to begin with when just overnight a Pentax FF DSLR body appears! Note that most of my lenses are AF lenses and full functions and compatibility is ensured and the focal range has been well covered. That must be really great! :-)) As for new Pentax FF lenses that are to be launched, I am sure that I will not hesitate to invest further if I can see the future of Pentax later on (but not now)!
P.S. If this time the rumour turns out to be not true and still there will be NO Pentax FF by early 2013, I think I might sell most of my Pentax gear and concentrate to build further my Canon system and make it glows. The wait should be over, for more than ten years, shouldn't it and shouldn't I?
P.S.2. I have another 13 lenses for other systems. possibly soon to be 14, when the Canon new pancake arrives!
P.S.3. How about your case? Welcome to share in reply! :-)
Compatibility of DA Lenses on Full Frame
Two Major Meanings of Full Frame - Choice of Shallower DoF and Most Optical Quality from (FF) Lenses
Old Question: Will there be a Pentax Full Frame DSLR?
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Friday, June 15, 2012
What If When a Pentax FF Body Really Comes (My Own Case Study)
Full Frame,
My Gear,
System Compatibility
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Comments by IntenseDebate
What If When a Pentax FF Body Really Comes (My Own Case Study)
DC|Full Frame|Lenses|My Gear|Samples|SDM|System Compatibility|
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Michael A. · 665 weeks ago
Moritz Schwertner · 665 weeks ago
Why I have done this? Simple: No professional support. I've been shooting for AUDI, a major german Motorbike magazine and other high-class stuff - and the guys at PENATX HQ germany surprised me with pure ignorance. I was really committed to the K-Mount, especially bearing in mind that I had invested roughly 4k in their stuff (which is a huge pile of money for a 21 year old!), but when you're getting into other fields it's hard not to get support.
Now I have a lens ecosystem that is very broad, from standard primes to specialized zooms, very bright lenses and so on to the very nice AF (compared to my K-r, K20D and K200D) and with a flash system that I can FINALLY trust at all times. I was just sold on it.
Plus there are plenty of much more affordable stuff for me right now, for example the EF 28mm f/1.8, the Voigtländer 20mm Skopar, the EF 85mm f/1.8 (which is dirt cheap here).
PENTAX is still one of my favorite camera electronics manufacturer - and it sure is capable of providing the gear you need. Unless your trying to become / are an pro that needs to be sure everything works right from the start and without errors. Which is indeed the case with some basics on a K5, but just look at the AF-System. Even the very dated 9 Point-AF of the 5D Mark II is faster then the K5!
Greetings from germany,
Moritz Schwertner
Richard B. · 665 weeks ago
Ganges · 665 weeks ago
Fortytwo · 665 weeks ago
Canon can already see the shitstorm coming and is starting to make video camera's. Hey, with OLED technology becoming so cheap it can replace paper they might just be right. Nikon is praying studio photography isn't going to die (hello megapixels!) and Pentax just stays in it's corner being quiet waiting it's turn.
I'll stick with Pentax until all of this is over. FF or not.
aurèle · 665 weeks ago
Right now, i use film when APS-C cannot do the trick, but film is getting expensive these days, so a FF would be welcome, and at my actual film consuption rate, a 2800$ body would be paid in less than 3 years :-)
So, i really really really hope Pentax will do the move soon, because i hate Canikon bulky FF >:-(
I don't really care about AF, because i almost never use it in real situation. So a K5 with a FF sensor would be perfect for me :-D
Chris · 665 weeks ago
To me, the main advantage of the Pentax system is: usability. That includes by my definition the software ergonomics, customizability, weather-sealing, compact prime lens lineup, compact bodies, nice handgrip feeling, sturdiness, etc etc.
When it comes to picture quality, Pentax has taught me something: good auto white balance is FAR more important than pixel peeping when it comes to the overall impression. I can tell the Nikon photographs of friends simply because I often think "ugly/unreal colors".
Finally, there are a couple of really nice features for the amateur who likes to try out stuff. These include astrotracing, builtin HDR+tonemapping, the often nice filters. Yes you can do that better (quality-wise) with shooting RAW and post processing, but my point is, you WILL do it more often when that functionality is at your fingertips at all times.
Pentax, to me, is a bunch of fun.
And I am NOT a "fanboy", I am an impressed and satisfied customer.
Richard · 665 weeks ago
The downsiide is the bulk, weight, and cost, far greater than the 35mm film it replaces. Even APSC bodies are bigger than my beautiful Pentax MX and ME Super, which were perfect for travel.
A FF MX-size DSLR would sell like hot cakes and I would buy one in a flash. But I'm not going to walk around with a FF as they are at the moment, or pack one in a travel bag.
Indy · 653 weeks ago
Max · 634 weeks ago