Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Pentax Q Prime Kit Sells for $375 at Amazon

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pentax Q Prime Kit Sells for $375 at Amazon


This is for the prime kit but not dual lens kit, i.e., the heading contains a typo. Just looks at the optional items below and we can see the zoom lens is there.

Btw, the Q has been selling cheap recently and so did the K-01. And, the K-5 has been discontinued and thus what is left in the Pentaxland as being current and popular? The K-30? Only? Or, do we still remember the aged 645D? Well, even the Pentax DCs will exist no more very soon. So, what is the actual state of Pentax NOW?

Yes, they/we are now having a four-hierarchy product line as previously disclosed (i.e., 645D -> K-5/K-30 -> K-01 -> Q), but it seems that nothing has worked well for the company as well as the users and all the lines seem to be helpless by themselves and would possibly die out silently one by one, sooner or later! >:-(

After all and yet still fortunately, there are still some weak signs for the existence of Pentax up to this moment. At least someone is still willing to produce a few dedicated accessories for their products, see these leather covers for the Pentax bodies for example, namely for the K-01 here and for the Q here (which are sold at the Japanese home market). Otherwise, I would really safely to declare that "Pentax is doomed" right now! :-o

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You shouldn't be so pesimistic. The K5 may be discontinued (though it does not appear as discontinued in the official pentax site so that asummption may be wrong), but is still on stores and still selling. The K-r is discontinued, but I can see people buying it around, no less than before it was discontinued. And In two months, during Photokina, Pentax probably will announce K5 succesor and most probably something else.
In fact, the K5 gave Pentax much more life than it had before, so I can't see a die pattern around. Of course, Pentax could die if they dont do things as they must, but right now, I see more hope in Pentax than I saw before, when Hoya owned it.
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
i agree
snappertim's avatar

snappertim · 660 weeks ago

So let me see Pentax has realised Mirrorless Cameras Do Not Sell, (Do not take my word on it the Presedent of Sigma said they were not interested if Canon introduced a camera like the Nikon 1) and the best thing to do is introduce some DSLR,S.
Regards Snappertim
I want to be positive about Pentax but I know my doubts are a major reason I have held off upgrading. The K-30 is a step forward but it is tough to tell how big a step. Is the K-30 the replacement for the K-5? Is that the new "top of the line"? Its a great camera but it does lack a couple of key feature (battery grip, top LCD) and if those are going away it is an issue for me. It doesnt help that it has been almost two months since we have hear anything from Ned. THe last time he went silent like the the company got sold.

In three years I plan to be a full time working pro with 50% of my income coming from photography. Im at the point where I need to make a serious decision about sticking with Pentax or jumping to Nikon. What I dont need is FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) but that is exactly what Pentax is giving me.
4 replies · active 660 weeks ago
You make your living from photography and are worried that the K-30 will be the top of the line?

Are you serious?

You're going to be a very happy bunny soon.
I'll be glad if Pentax will really get rid of their compacts. This way, people won't be worried that every newly launched Optio is the new top of the line ;)
Read carefully - 3 years from now. 3 years from now I will be retired from 27 years of active duty military with full medical and dental for life. Its about the only way to survive as a professional photographer. I have no intension of doing weddings - too high stress - or I would have switched to Nikon already. I wish Pentax could offer 50% of what Nikon CLS does but I dont see that happening.

What I need from Pentax is some assurance that they are going to continue to build K-5 class bodies in the future. The K-30 is close but not quite there.
What kind of "assurance" would be that? To publish a fixed (i.e. with the explicit promise of not changing anything) 3 year camera roadmap?
This is silly.
actually, the k-30 is a mid level dslr, as they decided it to be.

so we can see that pentax made the most enthusiast-customers entry level ever, considering it had several things that no other brands can provide at this level of product:
100% viewfinder, full water resist, dual wheel controls

indeed, they decided to use an older type of sensor, but that k-5 sensor is just the one of the best product ever that have been made from that technology, all brands considered, so it won't be a problem at all, as the k-5 still produce one of the ebst results today, on that product range. even that nikon 3200, even if using a 24m sensor, is just a crappy use of the sensor.

i still thinking positive from that k-30.

considering all that little k-5 brother have to offer, the bigger brother, maybe the k-3, will probably be a great GREAT thing to come.
Another APS-C camera ? No thanks. FF is the future for me, say hello to Nikon D600.
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
Its funny you mention the D600 - a camera not even announced yet. If you have been following the rumors, then you know Pentax has been rumored to get this same sensor for their own 'Prosumer Full-Frame" six months after Nikon does, because Nikon paid to break the Sony exclusivity window and Pentax did not. I guess if you are going to buy a rumored camera, why not buy a K-3?
VladimirYo's avatar

VladimirYo · 660 weeks ago

You spread not enough panic. Try again.
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
Vladimir.....An excellent comment.
K-5 "discontinued"? That rumour is still a rumour, even if you keep repeating it to make your story, Rice. Only this time, you forget to mention it as rumour, you write as if it is a fact.

By doing so, you are damaging your "beloved Pentax brand". Are you aware of that?

Also, all those who "hold off" just to see the fate of the company, by doing so you are making life even harder for Pentax.

I am afraid the future will be smartphones for the private users and ultra-high-priced pro tools for the pros. Imagine prices like today's medium format for ANY professional tool above the smartphone level, and a selection of only two brands - Nikon and Canon.

K-30 is to K5 what K200 was to K10d. Same sensor, some improvements in mid-range body. Following the flagship pattern:
new body (K10d), new sensor (K20d), new body (K7), new sensor (K5), I would expect the new pentax flagship to have new body, although this time around a new sensor wouldn't surprise me either.
Oh noes! Pentax sky is falling, noes!

Seriously though, anyone who takes this blog with any seriousness at this point, doesn't have an iq past 100. It should be pretty obvious at this point that Rice posts sensationalistic negativity, even stuff he has made up Pentax didn't do and never even has the common courtesy to admit he was wrong.

That's why I stopped coming here.

PS: OH go ahead Rice. Do internet 'clever' reply #537 "But if you said you stopped coming here, how come…" duh. Way besides the point.
K30 was too late already, and another great but not superb crop-sensor DSLR would spell the death of Pentax for sure. There is clearly no market for still more of the same. Pentax is down, and the only chance it has to perhaps survive is to stand up and fight like it never fought before: make special products, not "me-too" products, read: affordable, weather-sealed small-size FF. Come on, Pentax, do what you used to do best: small, quality, affordable, resourceful. Anybody out there listening, hello, hello... Unless there is a positively shocking breakthrough from Pentax by the end of the year - then, Rest in Peace my love of so many years...
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
If greatness for cheap is not enough, Pentax is indeed doomed. Unless they can find other customers, who would be satisfied with only greatness.
Toomas Kadarpik's avatar

Toomas Kadarpik · 660 weeks ago

this camera does not outperform mobile phones even, I mean Nokia 808 style and the Nokia is cheaper. Soon we do not need such toy cameras and compacts.

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