Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: FA31 Limited on A7R Samples with Crops (and A Rumour about the Three FA Limiteds Ceased Production)

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

FA31 Limited on A7R Samples with Crops (and A Rumour about the Three FA Limiteds Ceased Production)

(in Simplified Chinese, Pictures are self-explanatory!)

At the other side of the web, it is rumoured that the three FA Limited lenses have already ceased production and the remaining stocks are being cleared:


Well, just believe it or not, but I am almost sure that Ricoh will continue to remove anything that is Pentax symbolic including the colour scheme and the look of their old lenses. And yes, very possibly a new Ricoh and Canon like red ring will be circled to the new "Ricoh" lenses some days later when they are revamped (but if and only if!).

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From my point of view, and I'm sure you can attest to that, Ricoh revamping the line is a good thing.

After all, from the praise that you heap on to Sony A7r, I would have thought that you would be a strong supporter of the change.

I mean.... what is the Sony A7r if not the natural evolution of Konica-Minolta DSLR which Sony took over? It went through a few rounds of genesis, taking on new qualities and shedding some of the old ones, now with the A7r it is distinctively coming to its own character though you can still, if you squint hard enough, see traces of the old konica-minolta (the ol' konica autoreflex and minolta maxxum genes if you like).

So if Ricoh is phasing out lenses and bringing in new ones and changing the name, I simply do not care, as long as they improve the line. They can call it the Hoodoo Voodoo that you do for all I care.
Pentax Man's avatar

Pentax Man · 571 weeks ago

I guess it had to happen. The tool and die stuff on the manufacturing line probably all say Pentax, and have Pentax part numbers so these will need to be rationalized as part of the new Ricoh parent corp's assets.
The new lenses will remain Pentax branded but will get better coatings, new aperture and better looking red ring. So what's the big deal?
6 replies · active 571 weeks ago
Hopefully they'll get rid off that tasteless pearl-green dot as well.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 571 weeks ago

I don't follow your pretzel logic (you don't have to buy Limited lenses if you don't want to), yet you do a little victory dance when photographers who want one can't get one anymore!
Limiteds are not leaving production. If thex are to be discontinued, it means newer version with some changes and new numbering is on the way. And that is not bad thing, I believe.
I do own all tree FA Limiteds already. All are good old MIJ versions and great quality, BTW. But it doesn't mean I have to like that ugly green blob on the side - hopefully they'll drop it in the new version (which is on it's way, I'm sure).
FA43 does not have the green dot. The green dot is the most pretty thing on the other two FA Limiteds and it means the most valuable Japanese tradition and culture.
Yeah Rice, I know your taste - I've seen pictures of your golden-brown K-r. :D
fullframe_when's avatar

fullframe_when · 571 weeks ago

wow, only 27 posts at dpreview. if this happened just a few years ago, there would be 150+ by now. Many people have already left.

For me, FA-LTDs ended when they switched from MIJ to AIV. I have an FA43 MIJ (best lens ever) and an FA31 AIV (biggest disappointment ever).
2 replies · active 571 weeks ago
So if your 31 is disappointing, then they all are? I compared my brilliant MIJ 31 with my friends AIV 31. Do you know what we found? Nothing. They were identical...in every possible way. Why didn't you return yours and get another copy? Every production lens ever made by every manufacturer has the occasional quality-uncontrolled dud.
fullframe_when?'s avatar

fullframe_when? · 571 weeks ago

For $1,296.95, I would expect ZERO quality uncontrolled duds! Yet many have the same problem with AIV FA31.
Some people simply cannot handle change. Did the F-series look like the A-series when released? Did the FA-series look like the F-series when released? What about the DA-series? Yeah...I didn't think so. Did you spit the dummy when each of those series' were introduced? There is nothing "Pentax symbolic" about the colour scheme or look of Pentax lenses, Rice. The FA limited line is close to pushing 15 years of age. What other series got that old before being revamped? It's time. Get on the train, or walk, bud.
8 replies · active 571 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 571 weeks ago

My 50mm f/1.2 M-series looks a lot like my 50mm f/1.2 A-series (neither is plastic, the PMC works great but the aperture has an automatic setting). Comparing Full Frame to APS-C cropped is like comparing apples to oranges, not offering a FF-DSLR helps nobody, it just limits the choices they have. Ricoh won't build good inexpensive lenses until they realize it's Penny-Wise & Pound-Foolish to build pricey lenses for entry level cameras, that is how Ricoh monopolizes your budget!!!
The M-series didn't have a 50mm f/1.2. You mean the K-series? Even so, they were released within 9 years of each other, with a full series in between. Full-frame / APSC comparisons has nothing to do with the aesthetic of lenses.
"Get on the train or walk, bud. ""Love it or leave it." I've heard this kind of boiler-plate clone-talk all my life. Well Stevo, I agree that some people don't handle change well, but others like yourself goose step in a single-file line like like robots headed over the edge of a cliff. What if I just don't like seeing valued Pentax traditions going under the tread of an unstoppable corporate tank? It's occurred to me that the term "fanboy" is a misnomer. Most Fanboy's aren't really fans at all. They are just spoonfed clones uncritically eating whatever is put in front of them. It's disgusting.
Well, of course there are only two types of people...and I must be the other extreme. So you're saying the FA Limiteds should be manufactured as they are, for ever and ever amen? To what valued Pentax traditions are you referring? Who's the "spoonfed clone" here? Did you get this upset when Hoya let Pentax stagnate, or was that the perfect deal for you, leaving whatever these "Pentax traditions" are, as they were?
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 571 weeks ago

The rest of us realize thear are no absolutes in today's world, it's obvious you want to see an end to all FF-DSLR cameras and lenses. You can buy an APS-C camera and lenses, having the option of full frame won't hurt you, REALLY!
Where did you get that idea? I'm looking forward to a Pentax FF as much as anyone. Most of my lenses are FF capable. I'm simply arguing the point that any update of these lenses shouldn't have to adhere to some imaginary tradition or aesthetic.
Finally, someone who gets it
fullframes's avatar

fullframes · 571 weeks ago

You really believe there will be one? A FF DSLR amount? Its ridiculous waiting for it anymore.
I'm waiting for the canon 6d successor before a pentax FF.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 571 weeks ago

I bet all 3 work great on the new Sony A3S for HDR with little or no noise!!!
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 571 weeks ago

I meant to say Sony A7S, sorry about the typo.
P. S.
I wonder how long it will take Richo to start useing the image sensor from the Sony A7S?
K-mounted's avatar

K-mounted · 571 weeks ago

Next to go will be the K-mount as Ricoh go the way of full frame mirrorless. I reckon the K-3 will be the last K-mount camera as crop format DSLR's are phased out by all manufacturers, including Pentax, just as Sony dod when they moved to mirrorless and E-mount.

Yes, I'd be gutted too.

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