Changes to V1.11
- Corrected – When shooting image after using the Built-in flash, Exif data of shutter speed is not updated on Version 1.10.
- Added automatic reset function when detecting rarely occur abnormal motion of the sequence.
(When automatic reset function is operated, latest setting will be reset)
*Contents of [Version 1.10] and earlier version will be also updated.
Frankly, I really don't completely understand what is updated and what's new. Fix an EXIF tag bug and an auto-reboot function when something goes wrong? :-o
foton · 552 weeks ago
adrianpglover · 551 weeks ago
foton · 551 weeks ago
Heiko · 551 weeks ago
The shutter in the K-3 - albeit a very quiet one, indeed - isn't optimized for flash work, as it can only guarantee for the the whole image plane to be shadow-free down to 1/180th of a second. Other manufacturers (Canon, Nikon) opted (!) for their shutters to behave a little differently - but in principal share the same limitations. Their shutters allow down to 1/250th of a second. That's just about half a stop. Is it a big deal?
If it is, I suggest looking at the Pentax-Q. Some Q-lenses offer a leaf-shutter that exhibits the same properties as found in some medium-format lenses: down to 1/500th of a second full flash-sync(!). Talking about a PURPOSE for the "cute little Q": THIS IS IT.
However, keep in mind that Pentax isn't the only "large-sensor IL-System" that is thrown back by flash-sync limitations: even newer systems like Sony NEX, Fuji X, Samsung NX and others are handicapped in exactly the same way: 1/180th of a second flash-sync. The problem pretty much lies inside the physical challenge when building focal-place shutters. The mass-latency of the individual shutter-blades becomes bigger with their size and weight. Leaf-shutters built into lenses consist of much smaller, thus lighter shutter-blades and thereby allow for faster movements leaving more headroom for a shadow-free opening within shutter-actuation.
Long story short: USE MORE LIGHT or dare to downsize to the cute Q ((or up-size to medium format, your choice))
Heiko · 551 weeks ago
Sorry, English is NOT my mother-tongue.
foton · 551 weeks ago
Heiko · 551 weeks ago
That's where Pentax engeneering-brilliance meets marketing FEAR (isn't it the same for pretty much all camera-companies?):
I take it the Pentax-PR would prefer to not bother with explaining to users (i.e. customers) that THEY are handling their tools (a Pentax product) in the "wrong way". I really do think it is this exact mentality problem that resulted in this electronic nanny-limitation. Like stability-control ("ESP", ...) on newer cars that you cannot switch off all-the-way (unless you know which electrical fuse to pull out under the hood, probably resulting secondary follow-ups like the engine running in limp-mode).
Also: I meant to clarify things for "adrianpglover" in more detail, hence my lengthy reply.
Anyway: Since I'm just getting into strobist work, thanks for that reminder. I'll have to check that the other day to confirm this problem showing up on my ancient K20D, as well. And my freshly acquired Samsung NX20, as well(...)
...using full-on manual flashes (YN 560-III) with radio triggers that are supposedly good for 1/320th (I really hate that TTL-crap apart from full-auto shooting )
Bukaj · 551 weeks ago
kadajawi · 551 weeks ago
It's insane. They ruined the K-01 (which has the same problems). People complained. Then they went on with the K-30, K-50 and K-500, and they too had the same problems, and people complained. So what did they do for their K-5 successor? Why, of course do the same crap they did before.
foton · 550 weeks ago
Heiko · 550 weeks ago
It's called youtube. Simple.
...Should you proceed to upload the stuff it is also called "making Google rich", as well as giving up on any personal possibility to sell that stuff and most of the copyright - 'cause most youtube-videos can be -legally- downloaded for personal storage and consumption. In addition to that: it means opening/maintaining a google-plus account. That's social-networking: i.e. antisocial "data-mining".
quid pro quo
Or who the heck is watching all these timelapse-videos of a mostly-blank windscreen looking at traffic that some people (more than 2) actually post online?