Source: Japanese Digicame Info
Utter ugly, silly and toyish look! It's indeed a stupid design for this appearance!! OMG!!! >:(
Update: This new body will be small, comparable to the Canon EOS100D, but not considerably smaller. Look:

Source: Japanese Twitter
Big Daz · 552 weeks ago
foton · 552 weeks ago
K5 rules · 552 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 552 weeks ago
xbox · 552 weeks ago
Heiko · 552 weeks ago
BUT: LED-lights-rope FTW !?!?!?!?
Seriously: wtf , sarcasm-galore!
At least that "beam of light" will notify its users to use their right hand first when reaching for their camera - and thus hopefully let them cover up that distraction in order go into achieve "stealth-mode", again(...)
Can anyone of you think of a better use of that thingy? I'm just about to explore my personal limit of (in)sanity!
...then again: it is an ultra-low-entry-level-should-be-cheap-as-chips kind of camera. Seems like they still sell those when they publicly display one itereation after another. (And there goes my theory of offering two click-dials at the low end (K500) being a good strategy - we are now back to just one).
So yeah: mixed feelings about this one. Unfortunately I do *NOT* want that thingy in my bag. Not saying all of the "innovations" found here are bad. The user interface actually looks like a good idea... ...but does not *quite* do anything for me in this exact implementation - since it is still a castrated entry-level camera without seperate AF-ON, AEL and at least TWO click-dials. Same shortcoming with the K500/K30K50: only one function XOR the other.
At least they made it *look * really different, this time 'round.
So Photokina 2014 - for Pentax- means "KS1" ... ... ... ?
Really Pentax?
(hoping for "bigger" things to come - in true Pentax-style I'll even cound smaller packages as long as they pack the punch!)
werku · 552 weeks ago
anunnaki · 552 weeks ago
Pentaxfools · 552 weeks ago
Bukaj · 552 weeks ago
maksa · 552 weeks ago
Allan · 552 weeks ago
I would like to try one before I diss it on looks alone.
Gert · 552 weeks ago
Anonimity is Great · 552 weeks ago
foton · 552 weeks ago
Heiko · 552 weeks ago
THAT is some true innovation in DSLR-land, I'll give them that. Less likely to hit the mode-dial when shooting, as well (without adding additional cost like they did in the K-3 with its mechanical (costs money) mode-dial-clutch.
Buttons and wheels cost real money. That's why this camera sports less. I might add, it might not have been such a good idea to build two exact look-alike models - one with weather-sealing, one without ( K50, K500). Uneducated buyers might have mistaken the more expensive K-50 for the slightly less-capable, cheaper K-500 - that sported real goodies like glass pentaprism & 2nd click-dial, but no in-finder AF-information (red blinky dots) and omitted weather-sealing, as well.
So the "inexpensive" K-500 now got replaced by the "cheaper" (to produce) K-S1.
Improvements in User Interface-accessability meets spec-sheet regression – same price-point.
At least has not turned out like the Hasselblad Lunar.
In my eyes it is a small tragedy that with every well thought through innovation Pentax seemingly manages to screw some other thing up, really substantially. Mostly at the low-end. First was with the "DA-L" castrated lens-line(s) ("quick-shift" costs money - yet I found it to be money well-spent!). And then: Neither a swiveling screen nor an electronic viewfinder on the live-view-only K-01? And here I thought ONE of these items would have made perfect sense on that model... ...but I digress!
Speaking of the low end, at least P.-R. continue to try stuff there.
Next time Pentax, please get rid of that annoyingly reflective, glossy plastic finish, will you?
pjalves · 552 weeks ago
Andrés · 552 weeks ago
badsykes · 552 weeks ago
benny · 552 weeks ago