Tested the three cameras at the Sony showroom today (the A7 and 7R are undoubtedly the most wanted-buy bodies of the year for many those old Pentaxians with film glass!), and found the following:
- A7 shutter action is smoother and faster than that of the A7R, which is terrible, i.e., loud sound, stronger vibration and longer shutter lag;
- The build quality of both cameras whilst is acceptable, but not outstanding;
- I am not convinced with the clumsy user interface and troublesome operation menu of the A7 cameras, which is really a nightmare to use! I comment this as an existing NEX user, of which the operation should be simpler, I believe! >:-(
- The slow speed 28-70 FE kit lens is cheaply built, the IQ of it is not that bad, though. Still, this lens just feels a bit large when it is mounted and thus unbalanced;
- The EVF and LCD displays have some yellow tint to my eyes. The refresh rate of those are not that good;
- AF speed is not fast, but could be acceptable to most people;
- Continuous shooting (speed) of both cameras is just a joke, I don't know what is/are the real problem(s) there. I used a Class 6 Transcend 8GB card to test;
- Exposure accuracy and metering intelligence of the cameras are good enough;
- AWB seems to do a better job than those NEX cameras;
- The IQ is the most important thing of these two bodies, two full ISO speed tests from ISO100 up to 25600 for each of the bodies are posted as follows:
All camera settings were reset to factory defaults. Lens used for both tests was a FE 35/2.8 ZA "Zeiss" prime. Full size original sample for the same (close) test scene can be downloaded per picture page (by clicking the magnifying glass symbol twice).
Nevertheless, I have not brought any of my Pentax lenses to test further for the adoption of those lovely Pentax glass of mine on the A7 and 7R. I have no doubt about the IQ of these cameras after my above first test anyway. However, I have big reservations on quite many of the issues that I have mentioned above!
As for the A3000, whilst it is cheap enough, I think it is also close to a piece of junk in many ways, including the build and the ridiculously tiny/low resolution EVF of it. It is even stupid enough to switch between the EVF and the back LCD manually, just like what was done four years ago with the first generation added-on EVF for Pana GF1 of mine! :-o The LCD looks bad, also..

As for the IQ of the A3000, it is just so so. Noise starts to appear and could be easily seen from ISO400 and up, just see the following few full samples:
hys · 587 weeks ago
All of my pictures had blurred edges. The camera itself is light and neat but the pictures were not better than those made with D610.
6Bq5 · 587 weeks ago
Hayami · 587 weeks ago
guy incognito · 587 weeks ago
well failed
CathAlive · 587 weeks ago
foton · 587 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 587 weeks ago
Pop · 587 weeks ago
• 13 days ago
We at Leica say: "Who needs a Sony should have a Sony!" In my humble opinion the Sony will be discounted soon, and for a reason..."
Maybe sooner than Mr Kaufmann had in mind......
Andrés · 587 weeks ago
So the advantage of not having a vibrating mirror box it´s not an advantage at all?
SonyFFbeta · 587 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 587 weeks ago
Chris · 587 weeks ago
Rice I suggest you rename this blog to "Sony blog" and start bashing that company for a change.
Bukaj · 587 weeks ago
Bzrkd · 587 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 587 weeks ago
Milan · 587 weeks ago
It's amazing how many of my AF Pentax lenses with aperture rings perform better wide open manually with focus peaking on my NEX than they do auto-focusing on a Pentax SLR. All these crap predictions about people getting tired of manual focusing neglect 3 things: The superiority of Sony's focus peaking and manual focus assist, and the economic benefits of cheap high quality legacy glass.
Sam · 587 weeks ago
What I love about them is what I hate about them too. It always seems to me that they always seem to move on from one idea too fast. Like some kid with adhd that can't seem to finish anything that they started. Hopefully, they'll stick with the A7/A7R concept and refine it further in the next new models. I saw the cameras, managed to toy a bit with them. They seem nice, small, light, great image quality potential. But after having used to using cameras that are quiet, they seem pretty loud and clunky.
I like the Zeiss labelled lenses but I prefer the old Minolta glass. Sharp is sharp but it is too overated perhaps that is why I love the Minolta lenses. They're sharp but not too sharp, nice bokeh, beautiful colours. Add that with the Sony sensor, it has a different quality to it that I can't quite put my hand to it yet(probably just my own imagination). And that is the thing I don't like about Sony, too many mounts, too many different specifications. No focus (pun intended) on what they want to achieve. Play safe and try to please everyone?
tipentax · 587 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 587 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 587 weeks ago
Pentax needed a "game changer" not an incremental improvement to an APCS camera. The industry has moved on, Pentax has not. It's a shame but it is what it is......
Frank · 587 weeks ago
Its finish for me the Pentax body...
Frank · 587 weeks ago
Frank · 587 weeks ago
Frank · 587 weeks ago
In Sony, Twoo Mount, Mount A , Mount E(FE)... Ricoh Pentax, its same. There will be a new adaptater for K mount but ....
It is totally logical that Pentax Ricoh created a new mount to miniaturize FF.
Finally, the K5, K3 ect is too big than a Sony A7. The FE Mount is really the best choice...
http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/52384176 http://photorumors.com/2013/10/25/ricohpentax-ful...
Frank · 587 weeks ago