Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Sony NEX-5 VS Pentax K-x ISO/IQ Shootout (Dual Scenes)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sony NEX-5 VS Pentax K-x ISO/IQ Shootout (Dual Scenes)

Before you measurbate or even make a comment after that, do read the following Testing Conditions and Notes first! Last time, I was just too lazy to type less things as I think the EXIF data are there and my recent testing and posting methodology has been adopted for quite a while now (and should be well known). But still and unfortunately, people are confused and have been arguing! :-(

Testing Conditions and Notes:-

1. Click on any thumbnail below will open a Large Image in 10.6MP size, for both cameras. A new/separate Window/Tab will be opened. As the image size is now unified for images that are originally in different size (coz the cameras are with different pixel count, "100%" view and comparison are facilitated);

2. If you still want to download the original full size samples, just go to the individual original image pages and click "high res. image" under the "download" tab/menu;

3. Test was carried out outdoor on a bright sunny day. All samples taken handheld for the same scene, at the same place, at the same Av, at the same focal (as indicated on the zoom lenses' scales), at nearly the same time. Besides, no lens hood was put on the lenses of both cameras;

4. Detailed settings of the NEX-5 for making the samples are as follows:

"Standard" "Creative Style" with Default Parameters (Factory Defaulted), Av Mode, Manual ISO (of course), DRO/ Auto HDR Off, AF/Central AF Point, Auto WB, Large Fine Jpeg (in 14M), Evaluative Metering (No Exposure Compensation, No AEL), Auto NR (no further setting can be adjusted anyway), Lens OSS On (Factory Default);

5. Detailed settings of the K-x for making the samples are as follows:

"Bright" "Custom Image" with Default Parameters (Factory Defaulted), Av Mode, Manual ISO (of course), DRO/ Highlight/Shadow Correction/HDR All Off, AF/Central AF Point, Auto WB, Large Fine Jpeg (in 12M), Evaluative Metering (No Exposure Compensation, No AEL), High ISO NR "Weak"/Starting from ISO 1600, Body SR On (Factory Default);

6. What to Measurbate? (I won't comment further - you judge yourself! Different people could have different observations and opinions anyway! :-)) Inspect the samples and see the colour response, exposure accuracy, resolution/focusing accuracy - for both central and corner "sharpness", sharpening artifacts, sense of perspective/3d feel and so on..

Well, let's go! :-o

Scene 1, at Infinity, 24mm f/8:-
NEX-5 + E 18-55/3.5-5.6 OSS
K-x + DA 16-45/4
*Overexposed as a result of maximum Tvs (NEX: 1/4000s; K-x: 1/6000s) were reached.

Scene 2, at Middle/Far Distance, 28mm f/11:-
NEX-5 + E 18-55/3.5-5.6 OSS
K-x + DA 16-45/4


Next Coming../Blog Trailer:-

BIG Question: Would Turning On/Off the SR of the K-x on A Bright Day Affect Image Shaprness??

Further Reading:-

Sony NEX-5 and NEX-3 Hands-on Impressions / Quick Review

Summary Matrix for Equipment Tests and Reviews

Comments (33)

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Exposure and focus are different, so it's hard to judge image quality from your test shots. If you want to test the accurate of metering, then it's OK.
6 replies · active 764 weeks ago
Who cares about Auto and Factory Default Settings? Milk-suckers?
I'm surprised, but the shot from sony is better, especially sharpness in the corner, noise perfomance better too, color-pentax better. I'm confused the only thing-it is little different lighting. IMO
2 replies · active 764 weeks ago
Thanks a lot for this, Rice High. But there are too many random variables. The cameras could have been placed side by side and the pictures taken at the same time to avoid differences in exposure and therefore differences in test results like sharpness, which is affected by exposure. The Pentax kit lens should have been used so there is a better match of optics and f-stops and lens capabilities. The f-stop is variable in the Sony lens. Are you sure it gave you a real f/8 in that test? Difference in the actual f-stops can cause DOF differences and can affect sharpness results due to diffraction. It seems the Sony may have better default settings to show more sharpness for pictures straight out of the camera. K-x is known for keeping more fine details by not being too aggressive in noise reduction. It would be interesting if pictures from both cameras can be enhanced for optimal sharpness to see if there is much difference, as someone tried already. I agree blurriness or sharpness cannot be really fixed in PP (without destroying detail signals) and there is nothing that can be done, unlike colour bias, CA, lens distortion, etc. Your tests are much appreciated however as they show how strong the NEX are. It is going to take sales away from the K-x, the NX10 and from m4/3s, based on IQ alone. It looks ugly however and it needs a flash and some more buttons. The next model is the one to watch out for. With Nikon rumored to be also entering this market, m4/3 is going to find it very tough as those cameras simply do not have the sensor to compete in IQ.
Best of Best 's avatar

Best of Best · 764 weeks ago

Rice, all your JPEG comparisions at your blog are really trash. I don't see any sense in such useless work.
Your comparisions are LAMER'S work and waste of time.
2 replies · active 764 weeks ago
Again, hand--held twilight mode will boost nex-5 low-light performance even more (by at least a stop?)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I see much better dynamic in K-x samples. Look at the clouds - in NEX they are just a white spot.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ikoflex look at exif, the first sample from sony 1/250, from pentax 1/500, sony sample little overexposed, dd from both cameras very simple, the difference only jpeg postprocessing
3 replies · active 764 weeks ago
Rice High - if You will test two cars, one with manual gearbox and another with auto, and your test procedure will be just pressing the accelerator, the auto one may be going and manual just make some noises with engine.
Any test make a sense if you give same chance to tested items to show they best.
Auto mode in any camera is just a set of choices made by programmers. For example: in same light condition one camera will speed up the shutter and another step down aperture - each one give you same exposition in EV sense, but second one can show better sharpness. Unfortunately, it tell you nothing about real sensor performance...
Your procedure is perfect for point and shot cameras with free-focus, plastic lenses. In this case everything depends on the settings in auto mode. But DSLR and even EVIL cameras are a little bit more than P&S and users pay for this. If they want the best of the equipment, they should used the brain with the finger on shutter button. If they will rely on auto mode only, maybe even Nikon D3 could be worse than NEX. 'cos the second one have a better program line? But - is it a better camera too?
2 replies · active 764 weeks ago
Both camera's perform great, the sony has a little less noise, but then the shots are a bit lighter. When getting their exposure the same there is almost no difference. Putting them through any mild noise reduction makes them indistinguishable.

So it comes to what I need in a camera, and the no viewfinder on the sony makes it not an option.
Thanks for the review. Unlike some others, I really appreciate it. I'm no enthusiast, and will probably leave it in Auto mode most of the time. So this helped a lot.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thank you! Very interesting.
Thanks! Would appreciate comment on the performances (focus, anti-shake, etc..).

Which one would you carry if you were going to choose only one?
1 reply · active 762 weeks ago
seems like sony won this game..
posible as it is bkoz 'its a sony'

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