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Thursday, July 08, 2010

True Rumour for Upcoming Pentax DSLRs and Plan? (Possibly~)

It is noted that someone posted a "rumour" yesterday at the PentaxForums but his post was deleted very quickly and that guy was sharply prosecuted - as a new member, he was banned immediately!

It has been made well known to us and it is proven that PentaxForums liked/had to/and will delete anything faster than flashlight as long as that thing might have any potential conflict of various interests of them (and very possibly they need to protect the secrets and interests of someone/their boss behind, so that their interests are secured)! But never mind, thanks to Google, I have just searched the Google cached database for the Web and here it is!

(If you are interested to view the whole original thread, do click the above at once and act fast, as the cache will still vanish in a month or so anyway! :-))

No matter it is just all pure imaginations and pure rumours or even hoax, it is no harm to have it posted, right? Why deleted it? Why prosecuted the new member? Why, why, why?? Some fanboys (both blind brand Pentax and now even PentaxForums' ones! >:-{) did still defend that that guy told lies, but so what? Do we need every *rumours* to be true before it can be *approved* to get it posted, especially at a "News and Rumours" section of such a forum!

Okay, back to that rumour, here is the deleted opening post to quote, by "SimonSmyth",

Subject: "Time To Stop Lurking : Tidbits on the pro model"

Content: "Ive been lurking on here for many months but finally friend here has insisted that I sign up, I decided after following threads on the new Pentax camera talk I shall give info, until photokina its all not official or real.

No FF plans until 2012 as 645D is filling this, Pentax may review this decision Mid - 2011.

Three new models will be announced at Photokina.

1. K7 Super - a. Upgraded AF sensor 2. manual video with 720p60. 3. Same 14mp sensor with major improvements for noise and banding.

2. K5 - Will be model between k-x & k-7. K-x with focus points, top lcd, will replace k-x next year. K-x was a "testing the waters" model it was rushed and suprised everyone for good reason!

3. Pro Model this has finally been pushed towards productions thankyou to early success of 645D. I am salivating at this model.

a. Pentax have really listened to feedback and made big changes, DFS can go bye bye for real. b. body is based on the K7 but slightly larger c. intended to compete with nikon d300s d. aimed at sports and action photographers, AF algorithms have been optimized for high speed and action (canon helped here alot). Pentax have had their 2 prototypes at the world cup this year. e. x-sync 1/250 but possibly up to 1/500 if electronic shutter is properly debugged. f. No AF motor for screwdrive g. pentax testing with 2 sensors one from canon the other from sony, both are 18mp decision is resting on final costs of production, if use canon sensor video performance same as EOS7D. g. no inbody stabilization (big shock!) but is it a coincidence sigma is releasing so many OIS lenses for pentax? h. new range of Pro* pentax zoom lenses basically DA* + OIS they will be black with red look very sexy and standout. h. single SDHC slot but optional battery grip will give second SDHC slow, pentax firmly against sdxc.

Thats all folks!"

Well, maybe I am also dreaming, but to tell you the secret, his "lies" do coincide well (almost 2/3, I think) for what I have been told by my own sources and also for what I have read elsewhere. So? ;-D

Just believe it or not. It's just a rumour after all. That is Only One piece of rumour amongst those all others in the sea of rumours on the Web everyday for many things! But as for the dirty hands and evil acts of the PentaxForums, I once again to remind YOU, as a Pentaxian, say NO to the PentaxForums and don't join such a dirty forum (as we can see clearly now!) whom the guys who control it has such a low moral and standards (even though they meant to earn more and much money now and that they hope much and very eager to do so!) Just ask yourself, should you help someone to earn money when they do evils and injustices? Ask yourself and think twice.. (and actually should be repeatedly from time to time no matter who, where and what!)

I encourage everyone to join back the old DPR Pentax Forum, which/where I think do still look far better and much more fairer!

Last but not least, as for that Norwegian SimonSmyth guy, he has done one very wrong thing for sure! That is, he should approach me to give his "secret insider" information known in hands instead of registering at the PentaxForums "after the encouragement of his friends" and then got killed overnight! ;-D [Simon, if you read this, drop me an email, my email link is at the Side Bar! :-)]

Do Read (If Haven't):-

Dictatorship/Censorship Alert (Reminder)

Comments (37)

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Again, you have no clue... story of your life.
That man was banned for good reason (same goes for you). He was just a troll, most likely with little if any inside knowledge (while claiming to know a lot). Some of his claims make sense, but that's not difficult to do even if you're guessing. Others, though, were clearly out of this world - e.g. a new, professional flagship unable to focus with all but the few SDM lenses; phasing out SR when no Pentax lens is optically stabilized (with the Sigma part - what? Does anyone think that Sigma making OIS lenses also for Pentax is a sign or something?) and a dubious collaboration with... Canon. Hard to take him seriously, don't you think?

But that's not what got him banned. He stole a picture, incompetently tried to edit it's exif to "look" like it was made with the supposedly future "Pentax PRO*" camera and post it on the forum. He was immediately caught, as the author's name was still in the exif - and the author itself, member of the same forum, recognized the picture - guess what, made with a K-7...
Do you still want to defend that pathetic liar? But hey, you hate Pentaxforums so much you don't care about such small details ;)
7 replies · active 766 weeks ago
Well, my guess is that "simonsmith" posted a picture, which was with altered exif data, that showed it was made pith Pentax pro*. and the original exif showed that a picture made by an existing pentax camera. k7 or k20d.. so I think it was a good decision to ban him. if however he was banned because of the other reason, then I do not see it as fair decision.
11 replies · active 766 weeks ago
This guy was a just masked troll (there are guesses he is from penta-club.ru).

He has no idea and real clues from Pentax plans.

He is just speculating on his own mad fantasies.

RiceHigh, believe me - what he said is not true. Only an idiot would drop screw drive from top camera, provide technologies for competitive company, etc.
3 replies · active 765 weeks ago
Is it JOKE?
Simon'S Myth is just the clown from Russian penta-club. All his words are FAKE.
6 replies · active 765 weeks ago
conspiracy theory is nice, but in this case its just someone making stuff up.
The thread was not deleted. It was merged with another thread. Please get your source right!
I think we can debunk this 'rumor' right out for one simple line - No AF motor on a Pro Model. Nikon went with no screwdrive on their base models, and have been panned severely for doing so. For Pentax to remove the screwdrive (esp. because a third-party lensmaker is offering motorized lenses) would be laughed at by the pro photographer community.

Half of what was said has been said by Pentax fans for almost a year (K5- A K7 w/ Kx sensor, K7+, pro model above the K7) is listed in this post, so nothing groundbreaking here. I don't see Pentax using a Canon sensor (even with US CEO being a Canon refugee). I see Pentax making the Kx successor even smaller (w/ illuminated focusing points) to compete with all the EVIL cameras out there.

Another question - Why would 720/60fps be a selling point for K7 Super? I think more people want 1080/24fps then that. ANother - Does FIFA or World Cup have an official camera? If so, I do not know if they would be able to utilize photos taken by test camera in presentation of how great the new AF is......
hey, michael,

you're really quite a character. simonsmyth "stole" someone else' photograph, edited the EXIF information and displayed it as the so called pentax PRO model.

and that's okay with you? and you're cursing out pentaxforums for deleting the thread?

michael, micheal, michael, you really have very lowered your already low standards.

i somehow thought you couldn't go any lower, but somehow you find a way.

BACDAFUCUP · 764 weeks ago

Pentaxforums.com's Adam does sound like a punk though, a damn control freak, very rude if you have to email him for some problems...
I was Simonsmyth and a regular PF poster under another name.

This was a prank on my part, although it was sprinkled with some small truths mixed in with spin and red herrings.

But this was a joke that went a bit too far....

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