1. K-300 - 16MP basic (cheap) model, old sensor, no WR, no remote switch socket, no microphone input for video. Treat it as a K-01 with the addition of the old Penta-mirror finder found in the K-x/K-r but with deletion of the stereo mic input;
2. K-5N - with the new 16MP Sony sensor (likely the one used in the NEX-5R) and new SAFOX X, 21 AF points, finally! (9, crossed, 12 linear), slightly higher frame rate at 7.5 to 8 fps, flipped monitor screen:-
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3. K-3/K-S - with the somehow old Sony 24MP APS-C(!?) sensor, and new SAFOX X, S model being variant without anti-aliasing filter to be marketed at a later stage, lower frame rate (~4.5 to 5 fps), flipped monitor. Last time the MZ-S model reminds me of the S letter hints the end of the line, and hopefully! Btw, the K-S is said to be priced at 1400 Euros - same original (high) price as the K-7 when it was first sold.
4. 645DN - replaced with a new 49 x 37mm 50MP CCD sensor, support 16-bit RAW, effective 48MP in 48 x 36mm. So, the crop factor of the 645D will change! That is, from 1.36 to 1.25X, e.g., the DFA 645 55mm "standard" lens used to a 43mm on the 645D in 135 sense and it will effectively become a "40mm" lens on the new 645. The 645DN will be aggressively priced at 1,000,000 Japanese Yens (~US$ 13,000).
5. New O-GPS2 unit and an AF200FGZ compact external flash replacement.
6. First announcement comes on September 3rd.
There is no K-01 nor Q replacement. And there is no Full Frame! >:-|
The alarm clock sounded then and I saw no more things! :-(
N.B. Don't blame me for anything inaccurate! The Relative Humidity RH=50% (which is good for the storage of glass, lol..)! After all, it was just a dream made by someone who "needed to see a doctor" and who "has no credibility of any at all"!! ;-p
Last Related:-
Photokina for Less Than 30 Days to Come - Pentax Predictions
Ying · 654 weeks ago
James · 654 weeks ago
Raffwal · 654 weeks ago
loock · 654 weeks ago
2. screw APS-C, and "flipped" screen too !!
3. screw APS-C, " flipped" screen, and tiny photosites of a 24 MP APS-C, too !!!
4. a) A 50 MP 645D, is not a true upgrade.
A 60 MP 645 sensor, 40 x 54 mm sensor, like on Hassy H4D-60, and MOST IMPORTANT - a final greater viewfinder magnification, would be a true upgrade.
b) On a 1.25 crop of 645, a 55mm lens field of view, is like 39,41 on FF35. ( not 47mm)
75 / 1.36 = ~ 55
75 / 1.25 = 60
60 / 55 = 1.09(09)
43 / 1.09 (09) = 39.41...
c) 40 x 54 diagonal is 67.2mm
75 / 67,2 = 1.116 crop from FF 645
67.2 / 55 = 1.2218
43 / 1.2218 = 35.19 ( new framing for 55mm compared to FF35)
5. I do not care
6. we'll see...
Rob · 654 weeks ago
K-? - 24MP APS-C in K-5 body. This follows the "normal" path of the low end body (K200D, k-x, K30) pushing up into the space of the former high end and then the high end jumping.
645 - 50-60MP with ISO 6400 top end. If they decide to pull a rabbit out of the hat, it has a 4K video mode.
18-220mm DA-WR Zoom
DA 550mm
A new flash. Kinda dont care because it will no doubt suck.
A new GPS unit that wont suck.
Ron Hendriks · 654 weeks ago
APS-C Fan · 654 weeks ago
daedbird · 654 weeks ago
I do not see that happening.
The K-3 will be released with a 24mp sensor, 7FPS, weather and temperature-proof, and inputs galore. I hope for a variant, al the D800e, but not sure that will happen. Tilting screen? I do not know and really not caring too much.
Update of 645D - no question
FullK - maybe under Lucite, but few details. I actually see full-frame lenses being released, with a wink and a nod to those who want a FullK that it will be coming this spring.
I see a replacement to the K-01 getting smaller and taking the entry role (although with continued dropping of the price of the K-30, maybe it moves into that role all by itself). I don't know if it comes during Photokina,but will be here by Spring.
Lenses, Lenses, Lenses.
Barbarosa · 654 weeks ago
What's a Pentax? · 654 weeks ago
srg · 654 weeks ago
Fred · 654 weeks ago
That would shut-up all the naysayers.
A FF sensor used to be expensive. Not anymore. The camera could be very profitably sold for US$1,800.
It would be a magnet for the FA Limiteds (lots of lens sales for Pentax), and an absolute bargain for the many unwilling or unable to buy a Leica.
D0n · 654 weeks ago
Nubi · 654 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 654 weeks ago
Andrew Munster Pentax k20d, k5, k-01 and Rollei TLR
serge · 654 weeks ago
moi · 653 weeks ago
6030*3994 pixels
24,08 MP
22 AF points (18 crossed, 4 linear)
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moi · 653 weeks ago
Think K-30
- WR
- Front e-dial
- TAv, U1 & U2
+ Tilt LCD Screen