Via: Post @ Pentax Forums
The price cuts for the 645D, K-01 and the Q are quite significant.
On the other hand, I can only see similar major price cut for the 645D only at Japan, in 100,000 Japanese Yens, which is yet very close to the US1,200 rebate in the US. See:-

It seems that the 645D would be replaced very soon and Pentax is trying to clear its stock as fast as possible.
Walt · 653 weeks ago
The 645D is due for a refresh too especially after the D800. It will be an interesting few months.
Walt · 653 weeks ago
? Truesense is the relatively new company created from the Kodak sensor division. They also have a 645 full format at 50mb - That would put them into the true medium format sensor size. I wonder if this sensor is used by any of the other medium format brands?