Part 1: Comparison on Features and Operations:-
(Japanese Excite machine translation to English Here)
Part 2: Image Quality - Full Sized Original Test Samples are available:-
(Japanese Excite machine translation to English Here)
Well, it is a bit disappointed that the DC Watch did not actually carry out any real test to check for the toughness and reliability of these cameras, which is what they were designed for and why they were born! After all, what better IQ should we expect for those *DCs*? :-o
One interesting is that if you look at those GPS sample photos, and if you are using Firefox as the browser and you have installed the FxIF, there will be a new map link displayed in additional to the Latitude and Longitude plus the Altitude values (which are displayed for the GPS equipped models, i.e., except the Casio and the Sony, which has no GPS). A click to that map link will route you directly to the OpenStreetMap.org, see the example link below for this sample picture (Warning: Large File) of the Optio WG-1 GPS:-
Besides, the DC Watch comments in the summary of their tests that the lack of a dedicated video button of the Pentax model (only) would be a real issue that causes much inconvenience, as those underwater DCs are meant to be used under the water. How do the users dig into the menu and call the video recording function when they are diving?! >:-|
Last but not least, speaking of the WG-1 alone and the real-life field test I've mentioned above, I think this video should be of interest, if it is not edited to be too long before you go asleep! ;-D
(URL: http://youtu.be/prwcceG7U8w)