But if you also look at the illustration diagram in the above post, you will see that the rumoured Pentax mirrorless, which has partially been confirmed to be true officially by Hoya recently, will have a nearly smallest sensor which is actually rather tiny:-

That must be really "great" afterall! >:-o
Read Also:-
Comparison of Sensor Specs - 645D Against Others
Sensor Size of the 645D (and More Technical Talks on DSLR Form Factors)
Katariina Suurimaa · 723 weeks ago
Don · 723 weeks ago
So what will manufacturers offer to convince people to buy a pocket camera? A system that offers better image quality and lenses that still fits in your pocket, for when your cell phone won't cut it, and a d-slr is too big to lug around seems like as good an idea as any other I've heard of...
super-crop · 723 weeks ago
Don · 722 weeks ago
Just because a few d-slr shooters would turn up thier noses, does not mean a million cell phone shooters will.....
As for a second system, aps-c mirrorless with kmount.... makes perfect sense..... you lose the expensive prism and mirror box, drop in an evf, use the sensor and electronics from the k-5 and you got the best Evil class camera on the market..... not the smallest, but weather sealed and highest image quality.... a perfect back up cam for a pro, as well as being able to offer it for less than the k5.
Evil class mirrorless wont take over because they are smaller than aps-c, they will take over because they are cheaper to make if you can drop the prism finder, mirror assembly and even possibly the electronic shutter... I for one would happily pay less to get the same image quality as the k-5 in an evil cam.
Katariina Suurimaa · 722 weeks ago
Uncle MY · 723 weeks ago
Not going to beat one rumour by another rumour.
RiceHigh 110p · 723 weeks ago
Art · 723 weeks ago
Orky · 722 weeks ago
~ 14.05 * 10.40 mm - crop 2.5.
I've heard about 2.5 crop. 14*10.4 mm is not much smaller than 17*13 mm
Orky · 722 weeks ago