Have just come across this "leaked" picture on the net, which has been circulated at Chinese forums recently. It seems to be a cropped picture of a printed product catalogue, as it looks from the reflection at the lower right corner and it does not seem to be PSed. But anyway, just take this as a grain of salt and remember it is a *rumour*, just! :-D
Anyway, if this news is true, that must be a good news for me personally, as a new D700X means a new Canon 5D3 will follow, for sure (that's what Canon has done for years!). And, there is no hope for a Pentax Full Frame in the meantime, as once again confirmed officially very recently, so I have to wait for the Canon, or even Nikon, if I just want an affordable 135 Full Frame DSLR - if the D700X is good enough, then I might switch! (from Canon, but not Pentax, never! ;-))
Update: I've just found that this has been a revived old rumour actually, see this old Nikon Rumors' report:-

But still, I believe that this picture is a real one.. But Where is the D700X nooow?! :-(