
Via: 1001 Noisy Cameras.
So, Canon has made my old dream comes true but not Pentax, nor anyone else neither. I might buy that EOS100D btw, it's a little funny *reflex* camera with good build quality on paper (using Aluminum metal alloy for the shell)!
Jordy · 625 weeks ago
badsykes · 625 weeks ago
mario · 625 weeks ago
Anonimity is Great · 625 weeks ago
The 100d doesn't have 1.5× crop factor, doesn't use 4 AA batteries, doesn't have in camera image stabilizer, in camera AF motor, 11 AF points with 5 cross types, 4.7fps drive, and finally 1/6000 shutter speed. I would say even build quality won't favor the canon, seeing as how the 50d felt cheaper and less robust than my trusty k-×. And just look at that miniscule grip!
The only feature the 100d has over the k-x is the 3" touchscreen. It isnt even for sale at a cheaper price than the k-x when it was new! And it isn't even that smaller! Only 1mm in every direction. 1mm, ffs!
You should really look at this more objectively, Rice. Usually youre a bit annoying but fair (barely). Now you're just annoying. How is it that this s*** from canon, your dream?! Should Pentax release a DSLR with lower spec than the k-x, sell it for a completely unreasonable price, to meet your dream?!
The guys at Pentax does a very, very good job making the k-x. You owe them an apology.
Max Power · 625 weeks ago
Dimensions of the K-x: 122.5 x 91.5 x 67.5 mm.
Practically identical. So why is the size of the new Canon news?
And I await with interest the DxOMark score for the new Canon. I have no doubt the K-x will rape it.
zenit_b · 625 weeks ago
jeez · 625 weeks ago
But if I really need something really small just to go out, I prefer my Oly EPL5 and Panasonic 20 mm.
Pentax SX · 625 weeks ago
Don’t forget K01 and K30. if you check the size of k30 without the handle, it is really small, in fact similar to my MZ5.
The most important piece Canon missing now is lens, apart from that so called 40mm pancake what other option do they offer?
Whereas we have 15, 21, 40, 40SX, 35, 70. lol
Andrew Munster · 625 weeks ago
OGL · 625 weeks ago
technical specs are the day before yesterday
moshe · 625 weeks ago
badsykes · 625 weeks ago
PS: remembering my k-x ... begin to miss it somehow...
Fred · 625 weeks ago
K-x size, no SR, more money (than 4 years ago!) and I agree with the previous poster that said the sensor will score lower than the K-x on DXO.
Yes it is lighter, but I've always been surprised at how light Rebels are. They feel like cheap crap, but the people buying them don't know any better. However, those people buying them are happy with the results. Everyone has their choice. I think posters here are more interested than the typical Rebel buyer and know more. It is a cheap little camera for women who don't know much... they will stick the kit lens on the front and it will never be removed, so they don't even care about pancakes.
It just annoys me how Engadget, Gizmodo, The Verge, DPReview, everyone, makes SO MUCH noise for Canon. Why? I think they also don't know better.
Joejoe · 625 weeks ago
come on that little size aps-c dslr is a real REVOLUTION....
hmmm wait...
ho, someone is telling me K-x is almost about the same size.
Hmmmm Pentax K-s then must be the real REVOLUTION...
Wait... it's 4year old.
okay, why every one is making such a big fuss about that ??? really, WTF?
OGL · 624 weeks ago
agilchrist 4p · 624 weeks ago
yeez · 613 weeks ago