(in Japanese)

The aggregated sales trend of the top four market leaders are plotted for 6 months, namely, Canon (Orange), Nikon (Yellow), Sony (Blue) and Olympus (Green). Do note that the sales of both DSLR/reflex and mirrorless types are included and added up.
As both Canon and Nikon sell mostly reflex cameras instead of mirrorless, it is proven that DSLRs and reflexes still have a huge market of its type. The market pie is being eaten by the mirrorlesses, though. That's what the result achieved by Olympus has told.
Japanese Mirrorless Market Share 2012 (Up to October, BCN Data)
Rob · 624 weeks ago
Now look at the Sony numbers ( NEX cameras are selling well and clearly show the future for Sony. If you read between the lines of Sony's financials filed with the SEC they are looking for a way out of the DLSR market. If they do, that would leave just three true DLSR makers - Nikon, Canon and Pentax.
IMHO mirrorless is a niche. I also think it is a niche that Sony can and will dominate. Their decision to go with a big sensor will end up crushing m4/3. The SLR form factor is the result of 60+ years of feedback from photographers. Every time we have attempted to make cameras smaller than a certain level it has failed. Why? Because hands are still roughly the same size. Because getting a good shot means stability. Because holding a camera at arms length will never be as stable as pressing it against your face. Im a soldier and a pretty good shot with both a pistol and rifle. Im going to choose the rifle every time because I can generate a more stable firing platform. For the part of the population that careas about the image more than anything else, DSLRs with optical viewfinders will continue to be the way to go for a LONG LONG time.