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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Endless K-x Samples! ;-D

The K-x has been on sales in both Japan and Hong Kong for about one week now. There have been a lot of the original sample photos uploaded by those new K-x users.

So, let's view the Japanese PhotobleNet gallery again, there have been a lot of K-x photos uploaded recently:-


The good thing for viewing samples at the PhotobleNet is that most of the shooting information and picture data are posted, which are indeed quite valuable.

I have read 10 pages and selected some of the images for brief discussion here:-

Page Link
My Comments

This LightRoom converted picture is nice, although I would prefer more contrast and sharpness. The colours are okay but not something that worth a Wow.

One of the first in-camera HDR samples that you would find on the Net. Not bad for the pic. As for ISO 1600 with medium Noise Reduction, the noise is well controlled whilst loss of image details is not too severe.

A 20 second exposure at ISO 1600 (Medium NR setting). Quite impressive! Well, I think the K-x is really a night camera and it is well suited for Astrophotography.

The Sirius Star was shot at ISO 800 *without* NR. Really impressive, again!
The picture generally lacks contrast, good colours and sharpness. The poster writes that he PSed the shot for the car name plate but I don't think this would cause too much impact in the IQ of the picture. Disappointed result anyway.
Ditto. I am not impressed with the contrast, colours and sharpness of this pic. The DoF is shallow but the lack of sharpness is just too obvious - see the animal's right eye.
This one seems better but the blue colour of the sky don't look very pleasing.
This one is better but still not up to my expectation in term of Image Quality. The Bokeh of the kit lens is not too good neither in this shooting condition, also.

Well, in short, I think the K-x is an excellent indoor and night camera. But on the days, so far I am not impressed with the daylight photos. I am afraid that K-m is still the King of IQ in Pentaxland if you take pictures on bright days, with richer and more eye-pleasing colours, better contrast as well as better sharpness and image details. In fact, most of the day sample photos of the K-x I have seen so far resemble quite some of the unfavourable IQ characteristics of the Nikon D90, which I don't like.

p.s. The only favourable day-time K-x samples I have seen so far would be this one, which I think the IQ is very good:-


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RH, haha you have a very trained eyes. It is like the images are whispering to you whether the IQ is good or bad. The best way to test it out I think is to shoot same scene twice with 2 cameras. D90 and KX and see if they look the same. But there is also a problem, which is the lens. The lens will affect the IQ isn't it. so it is quite hard to have scientific test on these cameras isn't it?
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
Hehe, just don't mention it, Enche.. :-)

Sometimes shooting "same scenes" also doesn't help as different cameras behave differently for different scenes. As for the case of K-x, I guess at night scenes it will do better but not so for day scenes, for example.
.... could D90 and K-x share the same senosr?
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
Yes, as generally believed.
K-x's colours and contrast = Sony A700/Nikon D90.
Good resolution, less noise, but worse colours and contrast than K-7.
1 reply · active 803 weeks ago
And, the K-m is better (than the K-7)!
I'm not convinced the K-x is good for astrophotography until someone has tested how the camera performs when capturing for hours. See for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fayixBBw5PU , where I took a 30s ISO 200 photo until the battery died. You can clearly see how the noise increases extremely. I wonder if newer Pentax' have the same issues (no in camera noise reduction was used, though Lightroom tried its best during export).

Btw., why is everyone so obsessed with the noise the cameras make in JPEG mode? Who cares? I want to know how much noise the camera really has -> RAW files. That's a much better way to determine noise levels, because you can really see the sensor quality there.
6 replies · active 802 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing. Really interesting video!

Btw, what you show and we see is just very normal. Our DSLRs are not having cold sensor nor it is cooled! :-)
AFAIK Canons etc. should perform much better in this category, even without modifications. But then again it isn't the field of photography I enjoy most (it's cold! And takes hours for one photo.), so I can live with my Pentax not being able to do it. Still, it would be cool if it could.
I think JPG engine NR is very important factor for people to buy a camera. Especially beginner cameras like kx. I bet most beginners even don't know what is RAW file and how to process it.

For serious / pro. Good jpg engine saves a lot of time and time is money. In the field of candid / photojournalism, a pro friend admitted they never shoot raw for several years now because their client want the images asap, and they usually just give the memory cards after finished shooting.

I have the leisure of one or two days to edit the pic after shooting for clients but I also shoot JPG most of the time. it saves a lot of storage space and time.

I currently only shoot RAW if the lighting is hard (mixed or high contrast).
Me too. I now shoot JPEG most of the time with my K-m, and also it have been since I got my 5D. Prior to the K100D and back to the *ist D, I had never been able to NOT RELY on RAW as there are too much problems with the in-camera JPEGs and more so on the inaccurate exposure/metering and the White Balance as well.
yeah i still remember when i used pentax k100, the AWB is so off that jpg image looks like cross processed.
Hm. True, for a beginner RAW is probably too much. But other than that... if you are a serious sports photographer who needs to get the shots to your newspaper as soon as possible... would you seriously use a Pentax? I would go for something like a 7D in that case. And other than that... importing my photos into Lightroom takes a few minutes (depending on how much I shot). Storage is cheap nowadays (and I automatically convert the photos into DNG while importing, which reduces the file size to about 5 MB, from 10 MB). And if the photos turn out ok I can easily just select them, right click, export. And that's it, pretty much. IF I want to adjust them, it is also much easier with RAW (unless you use Lightroom etc., but in that case you might as well shoot RAW). Though of course if you are not working with Lightroom, Aperture, Bibble, ... but with e.g. Photoshop or Gimp, then RAW just sucks.
I've worked with RAW files from K-x and I can say that K-x beats K-7 in terms of noise at all ISO and WB.
I can say that per-pixel resolution is really good. No any problems with colours at all.
JPEG is rather special, but it could be tweaked easy.
kuuan - andreas's avatar

kuuan - andreas · 787 weeks ago

owning a K-x since a few weeks I have become disappointed by the 'darkish' looking daytime images, even though histogram looks good. I prefer the colors of my old *istDs and may just go back using it, and relegate my 'upgrade' K-x for nighttime available shots only.
I have been shooting RAW and converting with Lightroom ver 1.3
Does anybody have a hint how I can improve of the daytime photos? - or I may just try to get rid of the camera again :-(
1 reply · active 787 weeks ago
See my recent published K-x full review and it may contains some hints.

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