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Friday, October 09, 2009

Updates on K-7 Vertical (Green) Line Bug

There is progress of the case, although nothing is official so far:-


It seems that Pentax/Hoya has been trying hard to eliminate/hide the problem by firmware, the problem and phenomenon is reduced, but it is still not totally eliminated.

Let's wait and see what other affected K-7 users will report in due course.

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Brian Toward's avatar

Brian Toward · 802 weeks ago

Good afternoon from the UK. I have been looking at posts on the vertical line problem with interest. My own K-7 purchased in mid September has two very fine vertical lines, always in the same place, only visible (to me at least) on blurred backgrounds and with the colours/brightness moved along the line.
The dealer sent it back and Pentax have had it for nearly 4 weeks. I emailed Pentax, mentioning your blog, in the middle of last week and have had no reply. Clearly I shall have to take my own measures to deal with what is now a most unsatisfactory situation but any light you or others can shed on this would be much appreciated.


Brian Toward
Brian, did Pentax solved your problem? I am asking because mine K-7 is at Pentax service in Paris for same problem for 3 weeks now,
Brian Toward's avatar

Brian Toward · 800 weeks ago

This is a message received from the UK dealers on 9 November. Is your problem associated with use of LiveView? Mine isn't and I have to say that the message is worrying to say the least.

We have recently just heard from Pentax regarding your repair. Firstly apologies you were told 3 weeks maximum, usually we quote 2-4 weeks minimum. Secondly, the technicians dealing with your camera are having problems resolving the fault and have contacted a number of people in Japan. We are awaiting more information from the repair agents, as soon as we hear anything we will contact you. Sincere apologies for the delay but it is still in Pentax's hands.
3 replies · active 800 weeks ago
Brian, I have just received message from my dealer saying that Pentax service in Paris couldn't repair my K-7 also. But, they are sending me a new one instead. It seems it was same problem as yours. I hope that you will receive new camera too.
Brian Toward's avatar

Brian Toward · 800 weeks ago

Thank you very much, Jadran. I hope your new camera is fault free, This will be useful information to help me also get the replacement I have asled for.
Well, Good Luck to all you guys! :-)
Brian Toward's avatar

Brian Toward · 800 weeks ago

Just had a message from the dealers

Have just heard from Pentax regarding your repair. They have heard back from Japan and they have confirmed the fault. They are going to be replacing the CCD Sensor unit and supplying you with a brand new one. They apologise for the delay as do we. They are treating this with great importance. Any other information we hear we will pass onto you immediately.
Wonder why they couldn't work out it was the sensor themselves?
We shall see if it is OK in due course and I will confirm this to round off the story. Thanks for your interest in the meantime.
2 replies · active 800 weeks ago
Well, I hope you will get your camera back soon. My new one is going to be in my hands tomorrow
Good news for you! Hope the replacement unit will work! Do report back, no matter the problem is resolved or persists.
Replacement camera is here, works like charm! I've tortured it with Live View and Movie mode, bursts and every other possible way, all at high ISO, no problems whatsoever.
2 replies · active 800 weeks ago
Very glad to hear your good news.

Btw, it seems that there have been a production problem of some K-7 and sensors but Pentax have never issued any announcement and product recall even though they have known well the problem!
Well, after extensively searching forums and the web, I've seen only few cases (in fact four) that could not have been resolved with firmware. One of them is mine. Certainly not that much to recall the product. In my case, I call it bad luck, it can happen with any brand and any kind of product. But, I agree that after the first reports of that "green line" problem Pentax should react and issue some kind of statement, that would for sure make customers with problems feel better. You can see how fast Canon reacted to problems with 7D, confirming that there are problems and they are working to solve them.
Brian Toward's avatar

Brian Toward · 799 weeks ago

My repaired K-7 was collected on 18th November and the weather has cleared enough to allow a brief test which did not show up the old fault or any new ones. About time too.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

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