Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Korean K-x Special Page

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Korean K-x Special Page

Well, there is no new nor special information over there but I think the presentation is nice!


The girl and product photos are very nice but from the EXIF (if any preserved for some of the photos) I can see that these are not taken with Pentax gear but just a Kodak FF DSLR anyway.

The sample movie clips are in Flash format. They look nice for the colours and sharpness I would say but there is some jumpiness. It is actually unknown for whether it is caused by format conversion loss for dropped frames or the source video clips are just like that, nevertheless.

Update (10-17):

Sample K-x photos uploaded at the Korean site:-

http://www.popco.net/zboard/zboa ... esc=asc&no=5787

http://www.popco.net/zboard/zboa ... esc=asc&no=5794

http://www.popco.net/zboard/zboa ... esc=asc&no=5820

Well, those are downsized and without any EXIF data. But what I want to say is those pictures are looking . . . . really nice!

Comments (13)

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the girl with glasses looks under 15 years old. Pentax tries to appeal to younger generation now? smart move! he he he.. It might be overkill for them tho.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The girl might look younger than she actually is! :-)
just a news: Ned Bunnel has posted this http://nedbunnell.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-first-k...
thanks noou
not at all!
also, i don't know if it's already been noticed: the pentax k-x "review" on flickr has been updated with a second part: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29738823@N02/sets/72...
imo, very interesting results, not only at high iso
great, thanks!
however the reviewer says the k-x is pretty expensive compared to its competitors, costing 700 GBP... which indeed is not true: http://www.bestcameras.co.uk/shop/acatalog/Pentax...

Yes. K-x has lower noise than K-7, but as for me, I didn't see any good photo from K-x yet. The colour and contrast are very mediocre.
It's the worst colour in Pentax cameras which I've ever seen.
some new pictures posted on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/27266712@N03/
Rice, the last pictures are very nice. Add low noise at till ISO3200/6400 and it will be your next camera.
1 reply · active 804 weeks ago
I don't buy every new Pentax DSLR (although many, as long as they passed my "nitpicking" tests). :-D
here are some hd videos found through the updated links http://www.popco.net/zboard/zboard.php?id=dica_fo...
imo, they look great (apart from some jello)

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