Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: K-x Super High ISO Samples

Saturday, October 10, 2009

K-x Super High ISO Samples

@ ISO 12800 and 6400:-


Really impressive, I have to say, for the noise control and details retained. The colours still look odd but these are extreme conditions and the (auto) white balance can't be perfect anyway.

Update (10-16):

According to information provided by "noou" (thx indeed :-)), here are more latest K-x samples uploaded by the same person:-


Now we can see low(er) ISO ones, also.

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My friend, I have not seen you often with a positive comment on Pentax products. I hope your enthusiasm can last longer. Your posted flickr image is impressive at iso 12800. It was noisy when I view it but when I look at the ISO setting of 12800, I got excited and look for images of lower ISO. Is there a similar image on the same scene taken in iso 6400? I will be more interested to see samples in iso 3200 and 6400.

Thank you for sharing links and with positive comment on K-x. Any chance that you will upgrade your K-m with K-x. If not, why not. I don't know about you, I love occasional movie for traveling. And the color choices are just wonderful add-on. Please get me more excited so that I come to you often to see positive comments.

Your admired friend -- Hin
YES, seems like i found my new toy.. eh camera :D Now I have to choose the color combination :) it is harder than choosing the camera you know hehe..

Seriously, i find the noise rendered very smooth and art like rather than usual electronic noise. Good job i must say.
great.. it seems HOYA will thank to Pentax K-X for saving the business...
Now it's my turn to be negative, what is it with reviewers, they keep testing high ISO with night pictures? I shoot an average of 80, 000 pictures a year and none is done at night. Same pattern with my friends and also the pro's I am hanging with. What we need is ISO at daylight but without sun, no one seems to understand this. I browse the web every day, I don't see much night pictures but what I see is poorly taken high ISO shots. Can't anyone understand this. It's not every one that shoots with deep shadows all day long. That's all we see as test and most is done with night pictures, why? Even DPReview is doing museum shots at high ISO, what, there's a gigantic market for museum cameras now? NO one bothers to test this in sunlight or cloudy skies? I shoot wildlife and I am not alone so I need speed and accuracy. High ISO is an important key. I'm I in my own world here? So far what I see in the field is the new Canon 7D is the best in real noise test. My friend has been testing out and what we see is clear, no noise in shadows, dark colors or blacks, at ISO 800. Even lightening up the dark plumage in Lightroom creates no noise. My K20D is a disaster compare to that. I hope I see a change. Rice your comments are well taken but you are not helping the brand even if you mean well. Why don't you stick to the strengths of the product, if not change brands. When I buy a vehicle I don't complaint about every little thing I don't like about, it is my choice to either continue buying the same product or not. In the end It's the consumers actions that determines the success or failure to the brand/products. Not the whining.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
You should try something like topaz denoise or dxo optics pro - K20D actually has better RAW iso performance than the D300 and 50D (see dpreview K-7 review). If you shoot in tough situations, you should do this instead of depending on JPEG ISO reduction..
Johnny, the point is not me having issues but Rice degrading Pentax most of the time. I did not see I my comment something about the K20d being inferior to a D300 or a 50D, only stated that the new 7D is much superior, please go on my page and look at the galleries and you will amazing stuff, I for one is not complaining about my camera. Also the noise reductions you are mentioning are useless in my case simply because they degrade the details of the feathers, you should try it and see.
Uh, the DxO optics and topaz denoise are significantly superior any in-camera noise reduction which degrade fine details, I am quite positive the 7D is no exception, though the 7D may be better than every other in-camera NR. Just don't leave them on the defaults... that's the point.

What you seem to be talking about is dynamic range / SNR, not NR.

However, I agree with all these sample images being pretty worthless. In about a week maybe we will see some better ones.
1 reply · active 805 weeks ago
Johnny, I never use any noise reduction in camera nor are friends, during post processing again it is not used. I appreciate that you visited my galleries, as for the white balance, if you mean the auto white balance in camera it could be that some are off but then again most are balanced in Lightroom. My monitor is also color corrected. Do you have any pictures to show us so I can compare?
Check out http://www.ephotozine.com/article/Pentax-Kx-12172 it confirms that kx has excellent ISO. 3200 is clean, even 6400 is pretty good. no annoying chroma noise.
I just check adorama (US camera store) today and it turns out they ran out of KX stock. Which is great. They have been selling KX body for a while. On the other hand, It is not cool for me because I'll need to wait to get one.
1 reply · active 804 weeks ago
I think the back-orders have already exceeded the limited production capability of Pentax and as such the money cannot be earned even there is a huge demand! :-)
I know you and hin are friends rice, but how come he posts links to his blog in PF and is not being warned, or worse, banned? He even makes threads that clearly promotes his blog, sometimes to the detriment of yours. Though it seems he has apologized for waging a "blog war" on you. I am wondering how he can blatantly promote his blog in PF yet not be told to stop, or warned? I have nothing against hin, but I am just concerned since you have taken much flak down at PF, how come the rules don't apply to all, and only to you? If hin reads this, I've nothing against you, just questioning PF and its rules and how it enforces them.

Have a good day.

1 reply · active 804 weeks ago
Simple, the PF owner and his gang have a clear stance and they just wanted and will continue to sentence any people with different *opinions* to death so as to suppress their *different* voices.

The worst thing is that they have yet been pretending to be good and "fair". In fact, that "rule" was tailored made for me after they had seen that I occasionally posted my links (but all relevant to the topics of discussions, I have to say). They had to use that "newly" made "rule", hadn't they?
Apples and oranges's avatar

Apples and oranges · 804 weeks ago

hin posted the required statistics and there was no need to go to his blog. RH just posed a link w/ no concurrent "synopsis" of the writings.... Completely different set of circumstances...and methods... sorry you can't see that (RH never did and was just too stubborn or lazy to do asmall copy and paste). Now I'm not eliminating a TOTALLY unbiased decision since we are all human. ;)
Just found it odd that they were all against you (still now actually haha), but if someone else does the same thing, they don't mind. As long as one acts like a fanboy and never criticize, it's ok. Very unfair on their part if you ask me.
2 replies · active 804 weeks ago
apples and oranges's avatar

apples and oranges · 804 weeks ago

See above
@Alain Dumas : The 7D cost $1888 in France and the Pentax K-x cost $705 with it lenses 18-55mm ! We cannot compare this two body.

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