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Friday, December 10, 2010

Korean SLRClub's K-5 Full Review


(in Korean, Google translation does not help as most text are embedded in pictures. Some of the images and tests are self-explanatory, though.)

Well, it tests many many things and this review is actually very nice. But it takes a longer time to load, as there are just too many pictures and video previews in a single page! :-o There are a lot of test samples, including both for the sake of different measurbations and fortunately also real-life ones (which are downsized, though). Furthermore, the Imatest colour tendency/accuracy is also tested.. and More!

It is interesting to note that the Dynamic Range is tested with a greyscale stepping target which is shot for one image at the *same* time and the results are analysed, which indeed resembles real-life shooting situations. The measured maximum DR for the K-5 is 9.71 EV steps.

This method of measuring the DR is very similar to the approach taken by the Dpreview. But if the result is to be compared to that obtained by the DXOMark for the K-5, there is at least a 4 EVs+ difference.


All K-5 Reviews Reported

High K-5 DR of the DxOMark: (Hardware) Mathematical Trick of the New Sony Sensor?

K-5 Scores the Same DxOMark as the 645D!

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illdefined's avatar

illdefined · 744 weeks ago

Rice, here's another "famous german magazine"'s review of the K-5:

although ironically, *this* "famous german magazine" is famous for being an actual photography magazine. don't bother translating it, the results won't suit your agenda. you won't post it.
2 replies · active 744 weeks ago
What "test" they are doing? Are you just kidding to show us such a brief and laymen "review"? It just won't be qualified as "preview" against the common standard of the others nowadays, frankly.
illdefined's avatar

illdefined · 744 weeks ago

more laymen than the "famous german" *computer* magazine 'review' that you posted before?

I honestly don't know how good any of these obscure sources are for reviews, I certainly don't base my conclusions on them. aside from nice samples, do you know really know how well this korean site tested the K-5?

you often post, and AGREE with strange random reviews when they are negative, but dismiss any positive reviews as "biased", even when the source is reputable. can you deny this statement?
same site, review for canon 60d http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
From this review, the dynamic range of 60d is 7.42ev, 2.31ev less than K5. Similar difference to dxo result.

However, Canon 60d also no bad in dynamic range test, cause the 7.42ev is the No. 3 from this website. Attached are the dynamic range results for the other DSLR. Amazing...

Leica S2, middle format, 45mmx30mm sensor, 7.67ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
Leica X1, 7.09ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
a850, full frame, 6.87 http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
nex 5, same sensor, 6.70ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...

k7 6.62ev (compare to nx10 and nx100, it is obviously that Pentax just know how to get better dynamic range performance even with same sensor) http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...

nx10 6.14 http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...

nx100 5.92ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...

Congrats, Pentax.
K5 has 9.71ev, 60d only 7.42ev.

According to the result from this site. The dynamic range of K5 with 9.71 ev is higher than any other DSLR, no mid-format, matter full frame, aps-c... It is higher than the second one (Leica S2, mid-format...) 2ev, also 2.31ev higher than 60d. We call this blow out...

Canon 60d 7.42ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
Leica S2 mid-format 45mmx30mm sensor 7.67ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
Leica X1 7.09ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...
Sony A850 full frame 6.87ev http://www.slrclub.com/bbs/vx2.php?id=slr_review&...

Pentax, congrats, amazing...
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
"K5 has 9.71ev, 60d only 7.42ev. "

It looks like the magazine is just re-iterating the same conclusion that other testers reached before:

K5 DR is superior to that of other DSLR's. The numbers differ between DxO and other testers because of different testing approaches.
"This method of measuring the DR is very similar to the approach taken by the Dpreview. But if the result is to be compared to that obtained by the DXOMark for the K-5, there is at least a 4 EVs+ difference."

But this applies to ANY camera, because of different testing methods in DxO and DPreview.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
what can you expect from a troll?

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