(in Japanese, Google-translated English page here.)
The lenses used are the excellent FA 43 Limited and the DA* 16-50. Frankly, I am NOT impressed indeed. The skin tone does not look pleasing than my like.. :-( This is really quite an exceptional case amongst most of Kazuhisa's girl photos, which usually look nice to my eyes, no matter technically or artistically! :-) To compare, see what the 60D produced for the last month:-
Or still unconvinced, just look back at all those photos took by Kazuhisa with the K-7 and K-m previously:-
Kazuhisa Nishikawa's Latest K-7 Samples
Some "Better" K-m Large Size Sample Pictures ;-)
jviviano · 745 weeks ago
Barbarosa · 745 weeks ago
s@s · 745 weeks ago
ArcticExposure 45p · 745 weeks ago
OGL · 745 weeks ago
david · 745 weeks ago
I just opened a photo from the Canon shoot and Pentax shoot on my calibrated monitor and zoomed in to 200 percent in photoshop. While the Canon seemed to do a nice job, the Pentax was so much sharper at 200 percent it looked like it was 100 percent magnification.
The colors were good on both, but on the Canon I noticed that halo effect you have been railing against on the Pentax. Meanwhile, no halo on the Pentax shot.
You are blinded by your hatred. The detail I can see in the woman's hand in the Pentax is so great that I wish I had one yesterday. I will admit my bias, but looking at the Canon shot and I don't feel a desire to change my camera, but with the Pentax I want a new one very badly.
Once again, I ask you to switch since you hate Pentax so much because it is affecting how you see reality. To rail on those photos just doesn't make any sense.
Voice of Reason · 745 weeks ago
Ying · 745 weeks ago
To be fair with CRIS and Pentax Customer Service, they did quite a good job in addressing not only the memory card controller issue, they also addressed two cosmetic problems that I reported to them when I sent my K-x in for service. CRIS fixed the broken chrome strip and they replaced the missing red label in the SR logo. Though the wait was long for 5 1/2 weeks, I felt quite satisfied with the repair and have since regained confidence with both CRIS and Pentax. The unexpected longer wait was mostly attributed to back-order of parts from Pentax Japan and it took about 4 weeks for parts delivery from Pentax Japan to CRIS. And I truly hope what happened to me doesn't happen to another Pentax user and that Pentax Japan can take note in improving the back-ordering of parts from Japan to other countries.
Ying · 745 weeks ago
You can't have everything.
Actually I do hope you continue to be frustrated by your Pentax gear and LEAVE FOR CANON ALREADY!
DomingoAlibugho · 745 weeks ago
janneman · 745 weeks ago
Eddie · 745 weeks ago