The AA battery holder:

Focus Peaking:

AF Adjustment with Individual Lenses (Just like the K-5):

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Comments by IntenseDebate
faglmt · 668 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 668 weeks ago
faglmt · 668 weeks ago
David · 668 weeks ago
Fred · 668 weeks ago
I just don't know how much of a difference 12 bit RAW is to the K-5's 14 bit RAW... But Pentax are saying that the output of the K-30 is superior to the K-5. I guess we'll find out when the reviews start coming in.
RiceHigh 110p · 668 weeks ago
jaad75 · 668 weeks ago
jaad75 · 668 weeks ago
Rob · 668 weeks ago
Please Pentax, put new electronics in a K200 body and call it a K300!!! It would have to be the least expensive "new" camera ever as far as R&D.
Chevy Guy · 668 weeks ago
Couple of points either go AA native or a real lithium battery this lithium is too weedy to be of much use, having to buy an adaptor for AA's is a bit dumb.
I would like a top LCD too, Pentax are being a bit mean on costs here they even left the HDMI port off to save a few cents
Andrew · 668 weeks ago
I hope Pentax have all their QC issues sorted out for this body
Jose · 668 weeks ago
Rob · 668 weeks ago
A K5 is about $100 more right now. Add in $200 for the batter grip.
- What I lose with a K5:
Slight loss of IQ
less capable video
Focus Peaking
Older processor
older AF system
AA battery option
What I gain with the K5
Battery grip
top LCD
I dont really care about the HDMI port or the audio. If I ever decide to do serious video, I will but its just not a priority for me now.
My dear K200D is past its prime and needs to become a backup camera. The k-x and k-r were not enough better than my K200D to make up for the loss of weather seals, top LCD, grip and in the case of the k-x focus selection indicators. I wanted to replace it with a K7 but the high ISO performance was too disappointing. I was about to pull the trigger on a K5 when the K-01 was released and I decided to see what was coming next. The K30 is not perfect, It is close enough. When the "K-3" is released it will likely be $1500. The K30 will hold me until the price drops and then I will have a great backup.
I think the K30 is a GREAT middle camera and sets the bar VERY high for the "K-3" (or what ever it will get called).
jaad75 · 668 weeks ago
Rob · 668 weeks ago
forgot about the slower max shutter speed because it is still a step up from the 1/4000 on my K200
1 stop of EV and ISO 80 also a bummer
bracketing and metering I can live with out
same on DoF preview
X mode???
Chris · 668 weeks ago
* Pentax' own batteries (not the AAs) have such a long time between recharging, especially when using little or no flash - what do you guys need the battery grip for?
* Pentax cameras are so ergonomically shaped, they feel extremely good in your (my) hand - so what, again, do you guys need a battery grip for?
faglmt · 668 weeks ago
I don't need the grip for have more space, or more battery, but to be able to shoot without shaking problems. :)
Andrew Munster · 668 weeks ago