(Noboru Akabane, President/CEO of Pentax Ricoh Imaging; Photo Credit: Fuji Sankei Business Eye)
(in Japanese)
The Key Points:-
1. Company is studying on how to explore new emerging markets like Russia and India;
2. The brand of "Pentax" and "Ricoh" will co-exist and the "GR" series will continue (So, AP's "insider source" was wrong);
3. Plan to expand the sales of the whole camera business to 700 billion* Japanese Yens and double the total sales in 2011 by 100% by 2013;
4. Will continue to put more focus in Asia markets in particular Thailand and Malaysia. It is believed that the markets in developed countries like North America and Europe are well established before the merge;
5. Pentax' net total sales in the fiscal year of 2011 is about 300 billion* Japanese Yens whilst Ricoh's net sales was in tens of billions. However, the exact figure for Ricoh's sales was not disclosed.
*N.B. One Billion means 100 Millions, i.e., 100,000,000, in Japanese, for direct translation of the original news article.
Pentax revenge · 669 weeks ago
Saturated market? What happened to all the big talk about genuine alternative to Canon and Nikon?
Lame duck CEO
Alex · 669 weeks ago
I would also like to know how on Earth have you made a connection between western markets being "saturated" and Pentax not being/becoming a "genuine alternative to Canon and Nikon".
Lame duck Pentax-hater :p (whatever that means)
Pentax revenge · 669 weeks ago
Talks about expanding the business and emerging markets india far east etc etc
He is lame because anyone that can let a chair designer (Marc Newson) have a go at a camera is a newbie and too dumb to even know anything about the market.
Hoya had little interest in Pentax, Ricoh's first move was to ramp up lens prices yet again. They also gave us the Q as in yawn again (toy lenses? Yes how lame) K-01 aside from looking dumb is another camera most will ignore en masse
So much for expansion of the brand most people will simply not even look at them.
3-5 years ago sure put some serious effort into the brand, now it's just a no.4 placed brand in a 4 horse race.
Talk is cheap what happens in the real world counts more. Pentax are ramping prices up again and that's enough to squander any hope of making even a slight impact on the other players.
Alex · 668 weeks ago
Pentax "expansion" is happening right now, even if you chose to ignore it.
Pentax revenge · 668 weeks ago
Expansion yeah right that's why they jacked up the lens prices lately going to work wonders for that strategy isn't it.
You can't even find a Pentax DSLR in most shops let alone a half respectable range of products ie lenses and flashes well let's not go there on the flashes ancient guns that need updating
capelson · 669 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 669 weeks ago
Leschi · 669 weeks ago
This man doesn't look innovative in my eyes...sorry.
VladimieYo · 669 weeks ago
Alex · 669 weeks ago
Again, making up stuff instead of reading the interview to see what's actually being said.
Bug Shutter · 669 weeks ago
Alex · 669 weeks ago
Recent times, you say? How about all those things mare possible by the SR - first with rotational adjustment, AstroTracer, composition adjustment? Weather sealing at prices way lower than the competition? (yes, canikon had to catch up) Compact high quality SLR lenses?
By the way, Leschi claimed the CEO of Pentax Ricoh Imaging itself was not looking innovative, not the Pentax products. Maybe a newly born would indeed look innovative, but I rather have an experienced adult for this job :p
Leonardo · 669 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 668 weeks ago
Gabriel Fontes · 669 weeks ago
p3ntx · 668 weeks ago