Most of his findings are confirmed or agreed by yet another K-01 user in reply:-
Amongst all the above, I think the lack of focus peaking under video recording/movie mode is a real issue and would cause much inconvenience when using MF for video recording. This should be a hardware limitation I believe, e.g., not enough processing power or lack of additional hardware resource(s) for simultaneous processing and etc. Btw, my old NEX was capable to support this on day one.
Besides, the image engine of the K-01 is found to be lousy and inferior, at least when it is compared to the OM-D E-M5:-
So, here we go..
ISO 200 RAW:-

ISO 200 JPEG:-

ISO 3200 JPEG:-

Another ISO 3200 JPEG:-

Well, the K-01 is completely knocked out! :-(
Read Also:-
K-01 AF Speed Tests with 16 Different K-mount Lenses
Bug Report: Repeatable K-01 Crash
K-01 Does Not Retain Image Details
Ivan · 670 weeks ago
About the bugs even top pro cameras have them even if you pay $3k or more your not bug free, see what happened with d800 ,D4 that's pretty big Nikon fail ;-)
What about this sample from dpreview
Imho dpreview samples have some flaws make your own test and come to your own conclusion.
RiceHigh 110p · 670 weeks ago
Alex · 670 weeks ago
Btw, the Olympus OM-G's output (I know its real name, but allow me to use one more suited to the marketing hype Oly is known for) is way too overprocessed, I hate it. However, since I'm not the mindless monkey DPReview thinks we all are, I could probably adjust it to a satisfactory level.
Andrew Munster · 670 weeks ago
VladimirYo · 670 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 670 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 670 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 670 weeks ago
elenko · 670 weeks ago
Don't you think most of those issues can be fixed with a new firmware update?
I have a K-01 and I'm pretty pleased. Autofocus misses sometimes though.
RiceHigh 110p · 670 weeks ago
Matt · 670 weeks ago
Your examples are highly flawed. If you go back to the original study, it is highly obvious that the two cameras were focused on a different focal plane. The K-01 was focused farther back, so you will find areas where that camera is clearly sharper than the Olympus... I guess, I can't attach an image to my comment - so just go back to the study and look at the playing card (queen) and you will find that my statement is correct!
Conclusion: With that kind of a study, it is easy to give "an opinion" one way or the other. This is OK, if (IF!) you make the viewer aware of the drawbacks and emphasize that this is your opinion. Don't try to suggest that you have hard data!
Andrew Munster · 670 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 670 weeks ago