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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

K-3 Official Full Samples and an Early Hands-on Video (Unofficial)

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(in Spainish)

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Awesome, it is worth to upgrade for K-5
5 replies · active 596 weeks ago
Before we go into this upgrade thingy, let's do some comparisons. A few years ago a brand new K5 was at $1200 and now it's around $650 new on amazon; 2nd hand k5 goes for $425 on ebay. However an old 2nd hand Canon 5D classic was $700 on ebay a few years ago and it is still $700 on ebay. We have to understand that the second hand market is flooded with old APS-C cameras and hence the K3 will not retain its value after two years. Yes it'll be a great upgrade when the K3 is below $700.
Actually there is nothing wrong with the APS-C system. In Central and South America, not many people are into head shots, but rather full body portrait shots. Now, if you want to separate a subject and the masses, it is not possible with the current lens line up for the APS-C system. However if Pentax can come up with a 35-55mm f1.2, 55-85mm f1.2 zoom, staying with APS-C is not all that bad. BTW I am not sure how big the lens might be though.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 596 weeks ago

Sigma's 18-35mm f/1.8 (28-55mm equivalent) is the Zoom that's needed for full body shots, Leica's 50mm f/1.0 Prime has great edge to edge (at f/2.0 and wider) which makes it expensive. If your not realistic, nobody pays you no never mind.
What about the Pentax FA 31 Limited then? It is f/1.8 and should do the job. And if you wish for something more compact, the DA 21 Limited pancake is f/3.2 and small enough to carry in your Jacket.
f/1.2 ? - well I'd be almost afraid of the extremely shallow depth. Although it would be tempting... but it's not there.
Well the FA31 is a full frame lens. Apparently, you need a sherpa to carry that heavy full frame gear around.

See how ridiculous the people against full frame are?
Thanks for the news. Not the announced "FF-Pentax" but (perhaps) a real step forward.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 596 weeks ago

It's worth it if you have a single K-5 (with or without Moire filter) and want a back-up, (I can justify my own purchase as a back-up to my K-5 & K-5IIS) but I wouldn't rush to sell a perfectly good K-5 until I'm sure I don't need a back-up. It's a shame it can't do 60fps@1080p (in spite of all those video improvements) but I hope the FanBoys will join us Pentaxians (by buying one while it's new) so Ricoh can afford to add these features to a FF DSLR at Photokina 2014, instead of this (K-5 should have been) sitting on a shelf (as if your waiting for a bottle of fine wine to improve with age) until 2015!!!
I can see some blown highlights in a couple of images but man - are those 70mm and 300mm lenses sharp! Very sharp!
Mike Kawasaki's avatar

Mike Kawasaki · 596 weeks ago

Funny thingz is, only now the investment in good DA lensez showz up. 16MP waz nothing to them, they needed more megapixelz becoz they are capable.
I wonder how many brainwashed people sold their excellent DAs in order to get poor or mediocre lensez for FF switch; foolz :-)
I hope my Sigma EX lenses will fit (for) K3's sensor-size.
Sony or Toshiba sensor?
DPreview already does have a copy of it, and launched a 4 pages quick review without sample images, cause it was a pre production unit. this time pentax marketing was much more interested in pushing the product than with the release of the K5ii.
Those pictures look like they were taken with a cell phone. On second thought I don't think they are as good as a cell phone pictures......
1 reply · active 595 weeks ago
What cell phone model?

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