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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Poll: Will You Buy a K-3?

Will You Buy a K-3?
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Does this mean that almost half of the p crowd have already left the ship
It would be nice to know which DSLR brand people currently use. (Owners of a Pentax-DSLR aren't "FF user".)
I would at this stage preferd one more selection.... Probably Yes, but later.
And one more too:
No, I'll wait for Pentax FF35D 36MP, 0,90 X FF viewfinder magnification, and for Pentax FF645 60 MP with even bigger viewfinder magnification.

Also, I don't like at all !!!, changing from switch to buttons on AF area point selection and exposure modes.
A switch is a fast reminder, both visual and memory tactile.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 596 weeks ago

Evan though I pre-ordered a Silver K-5III, I'm still considering switching to Nikon to get a FF-DSLR and a Nikon APS-C as a back-up. It's a shame FanBoys won't let me buy a real good Pentax FF-DSLR to go with my lenses (Zeiss, Schneider, Hartblei, etc.), as if I'll prevent them from buying a APS-C.
5 replies · active 596 weeks ago
Just read some of the angry posts on DPR for the D610 release and also note the references by the frustrated D300 owners over the lack of D400 release in the comments on the K3. Also go over to ByThom to get his comments on the K3 and D610. He called the K3 the Pentax D400. I could go on, but if you think just a FF is the only answer in today's camera market you are so wrong. Also, RH you have been completely wrong about Ricoh. Now people are really interested in Pentax for the first time! Ricoh has made Pentax much more relevant so they have been great stewards of Pentax. They will not remove the name and they have kept the Pentax DNA.
14 replies · active 593 weeks ago
fullframe's avatar

fullframe · 596 weeks ago

full frame is still important and the future
1 reply · active 593 weeks ago
I need another option so that I can vote in the poll "NO to the K-3, I am a current Pentax APs-C user but I have been push into the market for a Nikon FF" ==
At this point it is best to move to a first tier camera company for future needs as well as current. I have felt much better since making the decision to abandon the Pentax/Ricoh Brand. Good luck with the half baked k-3, the Nikon offering are really looking SWEET in comparison
4 replies · active 596 weeks ago
if you not yet as a pro or have some real stunting photos under APS-C now, FF is just another dslr to and for your excuse only.
haddouche's avatar

haddouche · 596 weeks ago

pentax is unable to make an AF like canon or nikon that why they don't make an FF, they have been able to make the 645d with K7 AF just because it ' mostly used in studio so they don't worry to be ridicule
1 reply · active 596 weeks ago
adrianpglover's avatar

adrianpglover · 596 weeks ago

It looks like a great camera. However, I'm just not in the market for a new camera at this time. I'm only missing one button on my K-7 and I tend to run things until they completely die. This year's $1300+ purchase is a table saw. Maybe in a year or two I'll be ready for an upgrade. I'm just glad to finally see a camera update that is more than just changing out the sensor or other minor tweaks. This gives me hope for the future product that I will buy (by then it'll be the K+3, assuming we keep adding 2 to the number each time).
As a Vintage Pentax lover and current Pentaxian, I own many Pentax SLRs, K5 and *ist DS. For me, K5 kind reached peak of APS-C DSLR, so I won't pay attention to any APS-C body in the near future. I'm still waiting for Ricoh/Pentax's official announcement of the Pentax FF. For me 2014 needs to be a year of FF. So the result can be:
1) Ricoh released its Pentax FF. Then I'll say farewell to CNS, just wait for Pentax FF.
Or, Ricoh gives Pentax FF shit, then
2) I will sell all my DA lenses and K5 body. Will get a 5D MARK II/III or D800/600 level body, get a FF zoom lens and get an adapter for my FA31/43/77s, and forget Pentax's SLR/DSLR history but just treat it as a lens manufacturer.
We have been waited for too long. and we deserve a better thing other than APSC.
7 replies · active 595 weeks ago
As my K20D is getting older - yet still going strong - I have to answer this with a loud and decisive:

" Maybe ".

I'm a little concerned about the ergonomics. I like the new 2-switch AF-mode selectors - since I found the combined 3-stage switch (off/af-c/af-s) too cumbersome to set to "af-c" in a hurry... ...hence I never really used continous mode.

OTOH: the metering-modes now are not switchable / presented to my eye while the camera is off or in stand-by. Bugger.

I like the 2 card slots, yet I dislike the placement of the exposure-lock and the AF-trigger buttons. Hopefully I can switch them around with that red movie-recording button inside the firmware (!!!). Naturally I reserve my final judgement until I have held the bloody thing in my hands and played around with it substantially. Whenever this will be seing that these press-preview seem to be held increasingly early just in order to "wow" the fans.

I like the 0.95 magnification ratio of the ovf -- meaning no change in crispness for my eyes compared to K20D other than the near-100% field of view (resulting in a slightly bigger viewfinder image) == no downgrade anymore seen side-by-side to K7..K5II, yeah!
(on a side-note: the newest Olympus OM-D 1 or whatever it's called now begins to challenge APS-C usability with an even bigger viewfinder image albeit its smaller sensor area, achieved through a redesigned EVF. Not a fan of EVFs in general (up until now), but this might just be a sign of better things to come, maybe?)

I really would like to have the now faster and more light-sensitive AF with finally a usable continous mode for action grabshots with moving subjects. I don't really like the seemingly compressed layout of all those cross-type sensor-spots - but hey: it's still an improvement over K20d I recon. And action usually happens near the center of the image frame, so I say: "seems fair". Maybe on a Mark-II version they'll adress this shortcoming?

I'll probably "upgrade" to something within the next 12 months or so. Just not sure about the ergonomics of the K-3 for stills (I really don't care much for video to begin with). I'm really worried about the new button-layout being vastly inferior to the K7..K5 bodies in terms of handling for stills. I'm so used to triggering AF with the seperate AF-button that I will not have a choice out of the single-digit cameras but what about the grip on the body with the new placement of AF-trigger and exposure-lock buttons? Really what were they thinking there?

Anyway: If the "grip" turns out to be comfortable still, forget about this point. But until I test it personally: I am still worried.
On another note: I need Corel to put in support for the K-3 into "Aftershot Pro" prior to me making any purchase. Fortunately after about 3/4 of a whole year they added proper support for the K-5II. Hopefully Pentax will see to it and help them out faster, this time around.
I'm on GNU/Linux, so Adobe and Apple is not an option for me, unfortunately! Neither is the Pentax-supplied software, really.
1 reply · active 595 weeks ago
The most significant omissions, which are missing here in this basic list are:

Yes, I am currently a FF and APS-C user
No, I am currently a FF and APS-C user
I'm a APS-C user, but I won't be buying the K-3 cause I'm happy with my K-5.

FF doesn't interest me unless it is at least as compact and light as a K-5, AND has lenses that are as compact and light as their equivalent lens for APS-C. I'm not going to the gym just to be able to carry a FF camera all day without pain. The image quality of a FF camera? I don't give a f*** about. I'm not a pixel peeper. I've done commercial work with the *istDS with its 6 MP, and no one complained about the image quality. The only way a FF camera can have the size and weight that I want is when they ditch the mirror... and I haven't seen any EVF that can convince me. Should Pentax have FF? Yes. To shut up the whiners, and to give people who think they need better quality (what for?) the illusion of an upgrade path (which most will never take).

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