Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Official K-3 Promotional Videos at YouTube

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Official K-3 Promotional Videos at YouTube

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Thanks for sharing, Rice.

It is nice to see that Ricoh cares to make video to tell what is new. I really hope that Ricoh wouldn't throw away Pentax, like Hoya did.

Also I hope K-3 will sell well for the good of all pentaxians.
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 596 weeks ago

Good camera.
It seems that Ricoh deals with the Pentax DSLR cameras much better then with the Pentax lenses for now. ;)
Thanks, Ricoh.
Too much silence from Rice here. Perhaps he is waiting for the dust to settle and the reviews, which would be smart.

Still best news first here!

These movies mean nothing to me. They are so bland.
4 replies · active 596 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 596 weeks ago

No mater what Rice says ( and he doesn't play softball ) I preordered my silver K-5III because I read his web-site. Rice has a FF-DSLR, I want a FF-DSLR, all FF-DSLR manufacturers make APS-C cameras, Why talk someone out of the camera they want when you could say what improvements you want on your next camera as well as what improvements you like on this camera.
Anonimity is Great's avatar

Anonimity is Great · 596 weeks ago

1. Not always first here. The last three or so news posts here are later than PF or DPR. Though rice is first when people's interest is low.

2. The "movies" are meant as simple straight forward information about how the technologies inside the K-3 work. They explain a lot and not at all bland. Each "movies" last less than a minute for chrissake! What's not bland for you? A 3 hour action movie showing how the K-3 would be used during a gunfight?
RH is better news's avatar

RH is better news · 596 weeks ago

Those two websites are just commercial sites. One of them used to be an enthusiast site, but no more.

Wonder why the "news" there is half the time an online retailer with a "bundle" package involving gift certificates?

The news posts here have been much better for a long time!
RH is better news's avatar

RH is better news · 596 weeks ago

It's all about the affiliates at both those other sites. I read KR (another affiliate site) makes over 400 a day. PF and DPR would be making way way more plus one of those is probably pure profit since the server costs are subsidized by user donations.
Claudio Costerni's avatar

Claudio Costerni · 596 weeks ago

I guess easly that the new "Multi Auto WB" is merit of Ricoh, an usefull feature, already present in Ricoh cameras.
3 replies · active 596 weeks ago
Mike Kawasaki's avatar

Mike Kawasaki · 596 weeks ago

Old Ricoh cameraz never had such a good expozure meter like the K-3. GR'z WB is much better, but K-3 will be the be(a)st.
Claudio Costerni's avatar

Claudio Costerni · 596 weeks ago


I am referring to the Multi-Pattern Auto White Balance Technology: http://www.ricoh.com/about/company/technology/tec...

What mean GR'z?
Black_Wizards's avatar

Black_Wizards · 596 weeks ago

Ricoh GR! A great camera!
Samples taken with K-3 ...

Pentax need to find a good advertising companies : it's their worst weakness

All their vidéo are not commercial at all, it's fine for Pentax users, but if a Canon user watch it : he won't want to be a Pentaxist, he'll just laught

Please Ricoh make something about your ugly communication !
Anybody selling a used Canon 5D here?
1 reply · active 595 weeks ago
Claudio Costerni's avatar

Claudio Costerni · 595 weeks ago

Do you personally want buy it?
Do you want own the 5D, or could be fine also the 5DII or III?
Claudio Costerni's avatar

Claudio Costerni · 595 weeks ago

I really would like to understand the meaning, of those 4 "I like" that are currently to the question:
"Anybody selling a used Canon 5D here?"
of Andrés.

I don't understand ...
Someone could explain me?
3 replies · active 595 weeks ago
When you have something that you don't want it anymore or want it less than another (new) thing you would like to replace the thing you first want it but the new thing you think it's at least more interesting than the first thing, the yo need to preorder the new thing even it could be sheaper than the old one, but the desire for the new thing it's stronger than for the old thing. That's the thing ;)
Yes Andrés, of course, but this is too obvious!

I think you have not understood what I can not understand, or rather, on what I don't understand on a logical level.
No wonder that one would want to buy an old, more or less obsolete camera, digital or not (probably stimulated by the suggestion to buy, with little money, something years ago was more expensive), this is not the point.

You are asking if someone sells a Canon 5D, then there are other people who click on the "like" ...!
It does not make logical sense, it is meaningless noise .
You have not written the Canon 5D is a camera still relevant and enjoyable (I would not agree, but that does not matter).

If you had written this, the votes "finger up" or "finger down" would have a logical meaning, but to a question like yours, in my opinion, those +4 have no, and more no sense if these readers remain hidden, do not write a text but only some easily mouse-clicks at no-cost to do it ...

I should add that my clarification request about the camera model, it is not directly connected to the other one about these 4 "I like" mystery.

Last, I have a 5D and a 5DII, don't want sale, but also do not really want to use again to take good pictures ...
It's called sarcasm.

Just a joke alluding to the first usable "full-frame" (135 format) digital SLR body that was actually affordable (and might be convertible to take Pentax K-mount lenses)... ...and is now old enough to be had for cheap-as-chips money.

See this post where the blog-owner bastardises his 5d-III http://ricehigh.blogspot.com/2013/03/diy-adapting...

Really I feel sympathy for all who have a vast collection of Pentax 135-lenses and are devastatingly longing for a 135-format Pentax-body. On the other hand: I'm happy with Richo/Pentax' ongoing commitment to the smaller format. Nevertheless I do think an additional 135-body wouldn't harm them if released in the next 1..2 years. On the other hand: they probably want to sell their buyers some new lenses and accessories...
...and right now there is not much to match such a camera.

BUT: If I had had anything to say at Pentax at the beginning of the "digital age": I would have advised the management to keep producing and servicing at least one capable film-body in order to keep the connection with all the Pentaxians from the film-only days alive. Even Nikon did it ( you can still buy their F6 and have it serviced, today). That is the least the Pentax should have done in order not to break ties. BIG mistake in my eyes!
Owning the FA 31, 43, 50/1.4, 77 and DFA 100 as well as the (allegedly) FF-capable DA70 and DA200, I'd LOVE to buy a full-frame Pentax any time in the future. Price is secondary, as long as it has the "Pentax DNA", i.e. real innovation, great ergonomics, great image quality.

At the same time, I appreciate the small size of the DA15, 21, 35, 40, and 70 - the first three of these would be substantially larger if they had to be FF compatible, just compare the FA31 with the DA21+40 (35 is also smaller and has great macro capabilities).

So, whoever is looking for a small walkaround system, e.g. to take pictures, even portraits of other people without them noticing, the Pentax APS-C system is wonderful. And for ultimate high-end image quality, high ISO, high resolution, and extremely small DOF portraits, there is a need for a Pentax FF.

Since FF is only 10% of the APS-C market, which is probably only a fraction of the compact camera market, which in turn is only a fraction of the mobile phone camera market - a FF body is difficult to make in a profitable way. I understand the Pentax dilemma at this point. And hope there is still a niche for those of us who would be willing to shell out 2-3k, maybe even 4k, for a FF.
Maybe not only a mistake but the obligation to reduce costs?
The advent of digital technology has made many victims and ruined the party also to larger with broad shoulders.

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