(in Simplified Chinese.)
The new s/n is now named as ABCXXXX instead of 00XXXXX of before, where the header ABC is not a zero number anymore, see below for the latest production (left) against an older/previous one (right):

(Click to Enlarge.)
Since the first production of the FA43 back to 1997, the FA Limited lenses are all serial numbered from zero and up. In particular, mine is in 000XXXX, which shows that it is an early production with a s/n in thousands:

(Picture first posted here.)
After all, I think Ricoh really loves very much for changing old Pentax names everything, now even the serial numbering is needed to be changed, even for that of those old Pentax FA Limited lenses! What's next? >:-o But then, what's the real thing that they have really achieved, other than name changing?! >:-\
zosX · 601 weeks ago
Bukaj · 601 weeks ago
Dominique · 601 weeks ago
I mean... what do all these changes in numbering and look bring to us, the users? .... nothing at all.
Will they sell more lenses and cameras because of new S/N or red rings? I very much doubt it.
Alex · 601 weeks ago
fghdfgh · 601 weeks ago