Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Ricoh New Product Launch Event: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Tomorrow, Pre German IFA Show

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Ricoh New Product Launch Event: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Tomorrow, Pre German IFA Show

Last time about one month ago I reported that Ricoh would be on show at the German IFA from 6 to 11 September.

Now, a quick search to the updated official IFA page reveals that a "new product launch event" will be presented by Ricoh on 5 September (i.e., tomorrow) from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Yes, the press dates for the exhibitors happen a bit earlier, as early as 4 Sept., i.e., two days in advance of the exhibition.

So, what's up? A new digital colour photocopier from Ricoh?? :-o

And of course, entering the name "Pentax" in the event/press search page returns no result of any! >:-|

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Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 601 weeks ago

"And of course, entering the name "Pentax" in the event/press search page returns no result of any! >:-| " (C)

No wonder: the Pentax is simply the product line of Ricoh at the present time and the Pentax is not an independant company. Oh, sorry, there is no any photographic manufacturing company with the name of "Pentax" today, the company name is "Ricoh-Imaging Co".
So, Ricoh will present the new products of Ricoh. If there will be some products with the lable "Pentax" - it will be also the products of Ricoh.
Imagine.Change." (C)
4 replies · active 601 weeks ago
You can search either product or exhibitor for the event, of which entering Pentax returns none.
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 601 weeks ago

From the end of this Summer I will search the name of Ricoh in purpose to find the Pentax's products. It is very simple. ;)
Let's get used to.
Then seach for Foxconn, if you are looking for an iPhone.
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 601 weeks ago

Who really wants to find what's wanted - will find finally.
Till they do great cameras like Pentax K-5IIs or Ricoh GR I`m OK with things like name or what is written on camera/lens body. First thing for me is to take good pictures - camera is just a tool.
The name change is not wise.
I have learned to accept that labels change and that people make what they want out of them. Personally, I could care less if it says Pentax, Ricoh, Asahi, or Honeywell. I want to see the glass, the lens mount, the lens, and the sensor. Long live Pent.... err, Ricoh! ;-)
Black_Wizards's avatar

Black_Wizards · 601 weeks ago

IMHO, tomorrow is the day for the successor of the K5 to be shown! :-D
On facebook, "Pentax France" indicates that there will be soon a new dslr.. In a discussion on the successor to the K5 and the FF...
1 reply · active 601 weeks ago
François, I cannot see anything like that on the Pentax France Facebook... they just indicates they will not tell anything before the press event.
The theta 360 ? what about that?
1 reply · active 601 weeks ago
A3 sensor size :)
12 years experience in photocopier industry & networking, Copy Ltd have been repairing and maintaining printers, photocopiers and fax machines for our many of satisfied customers. We currently have engineers operating from multiple locations around the London area.
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2 replies · active 587 weeks ago
This spam is really amusing! In the eyes of internet spammers and robots: Ricoh == Photocopier! :-o
CatchAlive's avatar

CatchAlive · 587 weeks ago

... and Sony: phone, video games, PC, TV, DVD and BluRay players, HiFi, Walkman.... ;-)
catering software
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