Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Five Reasons Why Choose Pentax? (Official, and then for Five Reasons NOT!)

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Five Reasons Why Choose Pentax? (Official, and then for Five Reasons NOT!)

Read: http://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/products/whypentax/index.html

But as the top "Pentax hatred site" on Earth, I have to write five of the most updated reasons for why not Pentax now so as to make the balance, namely as follows! ;-p

1. Pentax is not Pentax anymore, its name disappeared from web and on lens (the name plate and marking was removed)! And, there is no SMC anymore! >:-o Now comes the HD, yes, it is 720p only, not even 1080p! ;->

2. There is no Full Frame Pentax which never comes true even after twelve years since the old MR52 prototype in K-mount was first created! Non, there is never any concrete plan of a FF that is official!

3. There is no REAL new Pentax DSLR body nor REAL new lenses for more than two years now! For instance, the K-50 is identical to the old K-30 of the last year. The K-500 and K-50 "are" also essentially the same camera body! K-5II is just a K-5 of 2010 with no significant improvements. Yes, they changed the LCD monitor, add one and only one f/2.8 AF sensor. But so what? Could the development of two years only give those?! As for the lenses, there are only repackaged ones with new colours. Yes, colour variations, their strongest point for long!

4. Pentax colour rendition is no more Pentax by now and indeed, worse than the current Canons', IMHO!

5. There are more problems with Pentax and actually Ricoh for their camera business and strategy (if any). But since I have to be concise and confine points to five, the last point is that the Ricoh named Pentax will probably soon to be doomed and has no future. So, should you buy and invest into such a dying and eventually dead system? Don't blame me on my this point but which is 100% valid. What Ricoh has shown us for their plan(s) and give us faith on the future of the brand?? Name changing!?

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so you can shut down the blog and move in gardening or raising animals :)

No more Pentax... your job is done now..
33 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Guy with a K-5's avatar

Guy with a K-5 · 600 weeks ago

Some comments on your reasons to be cheerful:
1) a product is not only defined by its nameplate, it is a badge/sticker only. You can put anything on it. It is still developed and manufactured by the former Pentax organisation. It is like the rebranding of Datsun, they still built the same cars, with a new name badge only.
2) Who needs full frame when you have a K-5(II(s)) and a 645D at your disposal.
3) Future will tell what is in de Pentax Ricoh vaults. No need to dispair. Be patient and, this may be the hardest part, keep on photographing.
4) A lot of colour rendention is done in post production programmes. No need to worry about it either.
5) I really cannot believe they ponied up the money to buy Pentax first and then let it die. Such a waste of money. I know of one case in which this occured, but that was to stop the competition. (Daimler Aerospace buying Fokker Aircrafts to suck the life out of it and let it die. Daimler Aerospace took hold of the patents and technology, but this was a multi biljoen dollar thing in aerospace industry).
6) A reason not to invest into Pentax equipment may be the fact that it is not a really good marketing organisation at all. The others are in the news constantly without much to offer, but they ride the wave. Pentax-Ricoh sees no wave, they are quite reluctant to tell the public anything that is going on. People like RH and myself like to be told what is going on.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
The 5 pro-Pentax "Official reasons" clearly show that there no plans nor need for a FF DSLR. And maybe they're right. Creating one would hurt the sales of 645. Let's forget about it and about old K-mount lenses. Although sharing the same mount, their APS-C lens/body system is actually a new one, for new users, not for those who have a big collection of old K/M/A/FA lenses (obvious, I know). The point is: there is no immediate logic in creating a FF 24x36 camera. It's a bit unfair for "old" users, but one must acknowledge that those old K-mount lenses probably don't resolve enough to match a FF sensor. Let's move on.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
I am fan of Pentax, and I observe changes after Ricoh is owner.
I think that It is not as worse as You write.
We have new cameras, We have some news in flashes, In lenses something started...
If a company wants to fight in market - must be strong and big.
Look at the Canon - big company - stable position on the market.
Our future can be more secure with the big company. And Ricoh is big company.
Canon i Ricoh - they are bigger companies in the world in images technology.
When we think more - it can be good for us that Ricoh is owner the Pentax.
If not Ricoh... That who can should be?
Pentax is not strong enough to competition in the segment of professional foto alone.
I think if Ricoh bought Pentax, because they have plans for increasing position on market in the future.
If company buy next company - not for ending of its activity after buying.
Bigger can make more... don't worry.
Best Regards
The worst sign of this marketing is no FF in the nearest future. The rest are just emotions...
The main thing is really sad. If you want FF camera, you should sell your Pentax gear.
fullframe_never?'s avatar

fullframe_never? · 600 weeks ago

Hi Rice, I was thinking of buying the Canon6D since they never come out with the full frame that I want. I'm tired of the excuses and the fanboys saying "but why do you need FF? How big do you print? No one needs FF.". Also, the DA lenses are so overhyped on PF and elsewhere. I've used them and they are not as good as any of my Pentax film lenses in my opinion. So reason #1 above really hits home. Is this new company going to make a masterpiece like F*300f4.5? So far, I've seen a big telescope dud of a lens.

Is it worth buying the Canon6D now or wait for a sale?
5 replies · active 600 weeks ago
And this the biggest contradiction in Pentax philosophy. Number 1 reason they put the “Tough construction for stress-free shooting in all places and all kinds of weather”.

So what kind of photographers the Pentax brand sets as a target and possible buyers? Those people who will be out to sea or on the top of a mountain, the action shooters, the wild life shooters, the landscapers.

An APS-C sensor inside a sturdy lightweight camera suits the needs of wildlife shooters, the fast FPS suits the need of action shooters like those who do skiing for example, but an APS-C sensor with the current Pentax lenses does not meet the requirements of landscape users who want the best detail, dynamic range, color rendition, ISO capabilities of a FF machine. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.

For example search in 500px.com for Nikon 16-35mm VR or Zeiss Distagon 21mm or even the Canon 17-40L. My sense is that the above lenses on a FF camera outperform the results I get from my SMC DA 15mm. The new Nikon 18-35mm G also outperforms the DA 15mm in its equivalent length. Why shouldn’t I want a FF camera like the Nikon D 600 when I know that I will have better results with it than using a K-5IIs with my DA 15mm?

And it’s not that the D600 is a much better camera from the K-5IIs, it is just that on Nikon D600 we can put better glass that will utilize the power of that Nikon FF to produce astonishing results.

So why to have a “Tough construction for stress-free shooting in all places and all kinds of weather” when I cannot be happy with the photographic results that I can get from it? Is it so difficult for those guys there at Ricoh management to understand that a landscaper needs not only a tough camera but also some glass that will provide the best results ha can get with that camera. Do they believe that the HD technology is enough?

If Pentaxians had the choice to use a Tokina 11-16mm then everybody would be happy, because even the Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 which can be used on Pentax cannot reach in terms of sharpness and color rendition the Nikon 16-35mm VR. But the Tokina doesn’t exist on Pentax mount maybe because that would mean a direct opposition against the DA 15mm or the DA 12-24mm, so what choices Pentax brand leave to me that I shoot landscapes other than to jump from ship?
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 600 weeks ago

If the FanBoys didn't claim a 24MP C-Size Image Sensor is a step forward, I wouldn't need to repeat the logic for the end of the pixel race (smaller pixels don't collect light as well as larger pixels) 16MP & 18MP on a Full Frame image sensor works well for Nikon or Canon. Sigma's bright (f/1.8) Wide angle zoom is nice, but you hinder it's low light performance when you cheap-side the image sensor to attract customers who will wait Ricoh out, until their camera is old enough to go on clearance sale, then match it to an expensive (f/5.6) telephoto. That's why instead of getting a Camera-Phone with 41Mega Pixels (on what they consider a large image sensor) with a 2 or 3 second shutter lag, I Pre-Ordered the Note-3 with the Galaxy Gear Watch (it's better that a Release be signed etc.) than I use it's 1080p @ 60 fps or 4k. Samsung seems to be making a lot of good improvements, I hope they buy what's left of Pentax before Ricoh turns them into a strictly ammature brand with their R&D procrastination.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
Im with you, I am thinking to change my system to NIKON after 15years PENTAX life, now i didn;t see any innovation from PENTAX, Im really tire with their junk falsehood, I can't accept all of their excuse, just becoz they don't have any ability to creat anything!!!
after a 30 years i don,t believe anymore in the Pentax dslr.
the present Pentax dslr if you look at other dslr's from nikon/canon/sony
are so old fashioned that Pentax/Ricoh can't pass them.
I've been real happy with my K5, not when I had to send it back for the stains but I got another one. The focussing is no problem, but more and more I'm using manual focussing, got a katz eye in it. It's real robust, but after 3 years the paint is chipping of, and the top dial has lost its paint in some places.
I fell with it a year ago since then the popup flash doesn't work as it should, but I don't use it that much. ... I thought I'll wait till they get back after the k5 II what was nothing more than an extra number. But this September is going to be the time to choose, and maybe start selling. I'm really getting tired of the non communication that Pentax en now Ricoh uses.
Pentax K-3 professional level DSLR:
24 MPs of resolution, 12 fps, APS-C sized sensor
100% view pentaprism
77 isometric sensor areas (can capture different ISO vales at 77 different sensor areas)
45 AF points, 23 cross type, 9 points being f2.8 sensitive, down to -3 EV sensibility
consumes less energy than K5II
Comes in black and in silver / black version
Announcement late October
7 replies · active 600 weeks ago
In my opinion, Pentax started on the wrong foot in the DSLR age with the *istD. Back then, a FF 24x36 sensor was very expensive to produce and resulted in expensive cameras, and as they didn't have the corporate resources of a Canon or Nikon, they decided for APS-C as the base for their DSLR system. For years, they lagged behind the competition and in an effort to stay alive, Pentax invested on differentiating (positively) from other brands and expanding the lens portfolio, but each year that passed, the strategy pushed them further away from a FF camera. Then, they revived the 645 (also not FF-MF) and that was another point against a new FF camera.
Pentax failed to understand they didn't have to compete in the "pro" segment. They only needed to jam a FF sensor on the K-7/5/5II body, call it a K-S or K-01, then release a battery grip (for those who really need it) and updated FA*'s Zooms, and that would be it. Instead... you know what happened.
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 600 weeks ago

How much? - that is the question.
fullframe_never?'s avatar

fullframe_never? · 600 weeks ago

From the ad " If you are looking for an APS-C sensor camera,".
switching_systems.'s avatar

switching_systems. · 600 weeks ago

Never seen anything like this. At the forums (both of them), the APS-C crowd is angry about no successor to the K5. The other people that want FF are angry for obvious reasons. No one seems happy right now. The mods (at least the one on dpr) are bringing down the hammer and suppressing posts even threatening to delete entire threads! At PF they moved the discussion about this ad to a backwater page.

At least at RH, you can post your opinion (pro or con) without being censored.

No wonder my lenses aren't selling. They need to fix this one way or the other. Put out that APS-C successor and keep that segment happy so I can sell out of this system. Or release the Full Frame!

The APS-C crowd should be ecstatic about this ad. "If you are looking for an APS-C camera". That shows their focus, doesn't it.
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
SoSadPentax's avatar

SoSadPentax · 600 weeks ago

You know, I used to make fun of you, but I then saw the directions Ricoh seemed to be going with Pentax, and I've now switched to one of the two that make up Canikon. So sad, as I still have many legendary K, M, and A lenses that are still very useful in digital world. Not even Nikon can make their manual focus lenses have aperture controlled by camera body like Pentax has with their A lenses. Oh well - the Pentax now is no longer the Pentax past.....Au revoire Pentax!!!!
DAMN! They really listed the 100 color variations as a true and valid reason to buy pentax! So their marketing really belives this may sell more cameras or it is something important in our minds...
you'll ever bought a camera because of it's color? I only think i would NOT buy a camera because of its' screaming color!
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 600 weeks ago

Why oh why do you all waste your time ranting and raving about how bad Pentax is? Leave already, you sound like a bunch of unhappy housewives, scared to leave a abusive husband , get a divorce and leave but stip complaining already !! I am no fan boy , but seriously get a system your happy with and shoot some pictures!
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
before they have some solution for those SDM failures, I won't buy anything new from pentax. This single reason by itself stops me, and also any those would take advise from me, from buying pentax.

What customer loyalty gave me is two dead DA* lens, which cost me $900 dollar each. funny

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