Do note that the PENTAX logo is a sticker, though. :o :(
So, after waiting for more than ten years, the Pentax 135 K-mount should come this fall, finally.

My Pentax Lenses are Given Completely New Lives! :-D
This is What the Limited Lenses Should be Put Onto!
DIY: Adapting the Pentax FA*85/1.4 onto the Cantax K-5D Mark III
Compatibility of DA Lenses on Full Frame
fullframe_finally · 528 weeks ago
John · 528 weeks ago
Kuntul · 528 weeks ago
Don't complain with price, bad review or any bad things about this camera. You have to or you must buy this cam. Why? Ask yourself hahahahaha
Guest · 528 weeks ago
Remember the Pentax Fanboys poo-pooing FF all those years ago when Pentax should have released an FF camera? Those people did huge damage to Pentax by encouraging complacency and also a massive disservice to Ricey by driving him of the main photo boards. Now after many years of patience Pentax have finally seen the light and are tuning the corner by proposing this new body and a couple of super longer lenses to go with it.
Happy days!
Pentax - listen to your critics in future and not to your 'fans'.
Sony camera do mondo · 528 weeks ago
Bukaj · 528 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 528 weeks ago
Jonathan · 528 weeks ago
I had to come to your blog to see what you had to say about this and I'm disappointed to see you've said so little (because even though you criticise Pentax I actually think what you say most of the time makes a lot of sense and is done because of your frustration with a brand you clearly love and care about). So in a way I think you should feel triumphant tonight, you were right all along and Pentax have finally done it!! I think it's hugely exciting news, especially with the launch of six new full frame lenses this year too to build the system before the camera arrives.
I for one am in and the issue of buying on day one versus further down the line has nothing to do with bugs for me (because Pentax have concistently shown that they have the design and engineering expertise to launch cameras that work out of the box on day 1) unlike Nikon for example who have messed up all of their recent product launches. My limitation relates more to finance but I'm definitely going to be buying this either day 1 or when the price falls a little.
Traditionally Pentax price their bodies very competitively and their lenses less so just like Gillette do with razor blades. They could really make some inroads with this if they launch below the Nikon D750 price (which is already well below the Canon EOS 5D Mk3). I think many of us ended up with pentax precisely for this reason, I actually wanted a Nikon (FM2 I think) when I was 12 but couldn't afford one and the Pentax ME Super offered more for the money. That started my thirty year journey with Pentax and I'm one of millions who've grown up with the brand. There are Nikon D750 owners over on the other sites saying they're ditching their Nikon systems to buy this and use the old Pentax lenses they still have plus there will be thousands of aspiring amateurs and pro's looking to move to full frame every year who will look at this, then look at the Canon and Nikon equivalents and say: It feels better made, more compact, more features and it's cheaper so I will buy the Pentax...
Frank · 528 weeks ago
i think it will be with a 24mpix sensor that can be found in the d750 - similar to k5 and nikon d7000. but pentax will have some unique features.
Frank · 528 weeks ago
2000€ 36Mpix
Frank · 528 weeks ago
Mike · 528 weeks ago
14-24mm f/2.8
24-70mm f/2.8
70-200mm f/2.8
24mm f/2.8 tilt shift (better than Samyang's)
50mm f/1.2
85mm f/1.4
135mm f/2
Sigma 35/1.4 Art already in K-mount
I already have the 31/43/77 Limited's, K-50/1.2, 100/2.8 Macro WR.
I have the Sony A7r and it's a ghastly camera to use. Going to sell along with grip and FE55 now.
Mike · 528 weeks ago
full frame pricing · 528 weeks ago
You'll pay 3000 pounds? Isn't that $5000-6000. Are you kidding? That's 645 level. It would price them right out. $2500 should be the max. I'm hoping for $1900.00 myself.
I'm not getting carried away. I'm going to wait before buying the lenses.
Mike · 528 weeks ago
pentaxfan · 528 weeks ago
Mike · 528 weeks ago
If the Sony A7rII or A9 removes the dreadful bugs and design flaws of the A7r, this will be the killer. This, with an effective Pentax-K mount AF adapter from the likes of Deo-Tech or even Sony themselves would likely kill off Pentax . . . which I shall reiterate, would be a real shame, because I'd sooner shoot with K-5 styled Pentax than anything else. But if Pentax can't deliver what the market wants, then the market will respond accordingly.
Padmakar Srivastava · 507 weeks ago