With its high bit-rate 4:2:2 colour space MPEG compression, I bet the video quality will be miles ahead of any of the current MPEG4/H.264 compression codec used by most of the current DSLRs and ILDCs in the market. In view of the advancement of video codec in other larger sensor digital cameras of other brands, Pentax is just lagging thousands of years behind, leaving at the Stone Age! :-(
Bottom line: Will the next Pentax DSLR be equipped with a stereo microphone, at least?
Barbarosa · 731 weeks ago
Aligraham · 731 weeks ago
The new codec should be cool.
Really disapointed in pentax on the video front I would be happy with manual exposure control and additional frame rates. Its not like these options would be hard to add on the K7 and K5. They would then keep me as a customer. Sigh...
Rob Thomas · 731 weeks ago
When doing proper video, stereo effects are all done in the sound mix.
Toomas Kadarpik · 731 weeks ago
adonishong · 731 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 731 weeks ago
As for video recording, bandwidth is yet another more important consideration. The bottle neck is always at the SD card.
Marek · 731 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 730 weeks ago
Marek · 730 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 730 weeks ago
As the other questions you are asking, just think about BMP Vs JPEG. Which DSLR is still using BMP as the in-camera output by now? Bottom line: video needs *video* compression, but NOT *still* picture compression to make the file size small, which is just impossible and image quality will suffer.