The first is birds gathered on the top of a mosque in numerous number at early evening time, which formed an interesting scene, I think:-

The photo was made with my NEX-3 with the E 18-55 kit lens on it at 55mm. It is found that the IQ is not bad at all. Below are the 100% crops of the image centre and corner:-

Next, I saw a pair of love birds inside a cage at an used Leitz gear shop. I took the photo through the cage (by adhered the lens front very close to the outside of the cage and shot between the gaps). I am impressed with the focusing accuracy and the white balance in auto as well. The light source was the cool white fluorescent and the illumination was a bit weak (EXIF data preserved and can be inspected):-

What I want to comment is just that CDAF in LiveView is actually the most accurate focusing method as it is really WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), at least for still objects. The most lovely thing of the NEX is the shutter lag of it is not much noticeable and there is no double-shutter action per shot, unlike all those Pentax DSLRs in LV mode.