The new colour scheme of the old DA lenses is just damn UGLY. The traditional blue+yellow focusing scale distance markings have disappeared! The name of HD coating is really mediocre and silly! The imitated Zeiss way of marking the lens' aperture and focal shows the lack of one's own character at all! Damn Ricoh, that's the good thing you have done and done again to destroy everything Pentax! WTF? >:-[
And, where are our new Full Frame lenses of Pentax? Any?! Why re-painting the beautiful old DA lenses and getting rid of the SMC? Do they have no better things to do but just to do evils?!?!
Last Sad News:
The Name PENTAX is Dismissed from the Cyber Space! >:-(
Yoku · 602 weeks ago
Yoku · 602 weeks ago
Netoflex · 602 weeks ago
1.) The simple fact that they are going through and updating the current line of LIMITED lens gives me hope that the K-mount will survive or be compatible with future camera bodies.
2.) I'm all for better, more modern, lens coating, regardless of the name
3.) How can you feel negatively about circular aperture blades!!! That in its self is worth the update!!! great news
To me it looks like RICOH is still respecting the Pentax name and just making the necessary updates to make great lenses even better!
By the way, I love the new look! Less toy looking and more classy.
Asahi · 602 weeks ago
Yoku · 602 weeks ago
it's Ricoh's colour and it's nothing bad
Black_Wizards · 602 weeks ago
Ricehigh: Seriously, I don't understand why you continue this blog. When I read the "About Me" thing, you say you love Pentax... But since I read your blog I only find angry posts toward Pentax and Ricoh. You obviously don't love this brand anymore. You'd better quit Pentax...
Yoku · 602 weeks ago
Dim · 602 weeks ago
SNAPPERTIM · 602 weeks ago
Arnold Stark · 602 weeks ago
Neutral: The new colouring.
Negative: The senseless "HD" name for the newest and best coating :-(((
Question: Will there be a new limited lens?
pjalves · 602 weeks ago
And maybe also a sign that a FF is not so near in the future.
The loss of the "SMC" moniker in favour of a rather bland "HD" for the coating is a pity, but if you think about it, it's much easier for the common consumer to understand what a "HD" coating is... And even if one does not know it refers to the coating, at least one will be convinced the lens is "HD". Maybe a nice marketing move after all. Pentax needs more users (buyers), or else it will really be "doomed".
IMHO, Ricoh won't kill the Pentax BRAND. It would be a stupid managing decision, after paying for the whole "thing". Getting hold of Pentax's tech was likely the reason for the buyout, but I don't think they wan't to lose the user and "fan" base. Thinking about it... What tech? Ricoh already had sensor and lens tech. What did they need? "SR"? "WR"? For me, the answer clearly is: the "K-mount"! Several millions lenses lenses already produced... Even if this mount needs an updating, later on...
So, I sincerely think they will not dump it, nor will they "kill" Pentax as a brand.
The saddest thing about all this is that we need to foretell the future, based only on these intermittent "smoke signs"...
zosX · 602 weeks ago
I'm just full of pentax rumors today. Enjoy this one rice. ;)
X.9. · 602 weeks ago
However, regarding those new circular blades, I'm not sure will that *not* change the feeling of the pictures taken.
frank · 602 weeks ago
it tells me that they are going to continue with dslrs but i miss the information if these are APS-C only lenses or if these will be FullFrame lenses.
Simon T · 602 weeks ago
Whilst the update is welcomed, the RRP's are insanely high in Europe well above what you would expect to pay, we'll see how street price fare but IMO Ricoh have already killed of a lot of interest in K mount with lens price hikes.
Also the new flashes, great they are WR and all, but the prices again are insanely high and will do little to encourage new K mount users.
qwe · 602 weeks ago
VoiceOfReason · 602 weeks ago
Dean Koontz · 602 weeks ago
Ricoh has more juice and more lightning than aimless pitiful Hoya. Why not be excited!? Things are finally happening!
Times are changing..........
Mmmm · 602 weeks ago
You need to stop all your bitching or change brands!
tipentax · 602 weeks ago
and ... HD, yes it's time to change from time to time, it's called marketing. "multi coated" means nothing in 2013, every lens is multi coated.
hys · 602 weeks ago
What for the lenses are "old"? Please remember the old example
of Tessar and Triplet. Introducing effective AR coating improved their work a lot.
The "old" design have to be preserved until a new, really better appears.
On the other hand, the establishing of new coating technology for mass production
is not an easy task. Pentax obviously managed to pass it over.
foton · 602 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 602 weeks ago
HD PENTAX DA 40mm F2.8 Limited- $549.95 / £439.99 "(C)
No comments.
Yoku · 602 weeks ago
Yoku · 602 weeks ago