( Click to Enlarge - All Rights Reserved: RiceHigh (c)2013 )
And the combo of my gear that used:

Indeed, there are quite some advantages of using the Q in shooting this type of photos, namely:
1. No mirror slap and even no shutter shock of any during the course of shooting, as electronic shutter is solely used;
2. Large magnification with higher pixel count and not much cropping is needed. The above is with effective focal length of 1680mm in 135, i.e., 300mm x 5.6;
3. Live View mode with focus peaking is especially useful for critical focusing with highest focusing accuracy that is required.
And, some techniques of mine:
1. Use spot metering and M mode, trying to expose to the Right as far as possible but avoid any highlight clipping. (As for the White Balance, AWB is just fine and will do the job);
2. Use IR remote controller to trigger the shutter (no Q camera supports the cable release) and take the shot to avoid any vibration at that very high magnification. Actually, some oscillations could be seen if the shutter release button is pressed directly;
3. Use MF focus peaking in 2X or 4X to achieve even more accurate focusing. Choose the right magnification can help even better centering of the moon. In my case, I chose 2X, as shown below:

4. Do not use very high ISO of the Q as details will lose significantly and dynamic range will be more limited. I chose ISO 250 for the best compromise of a higher shutter speed but not too high an ISO speed;
5. Stop down the lens for sharper result. The above exposure combination is f/8 and 1/125s at ISO 250, i.e, one stop faster than base ISO.
Last but not least, a very high quality K-mount prime lens like my F*300/4.5 is required. Otherwise, all those optical imperfection will appear (as they are greatly magnified with the 5.6X crop factor) before anything is recorded! :-o
The Unbalanced Q - Part 2.5: Photo Samples
The Unbalanced Q - Part 2 (with a K-mount Lens)
Total Lunar Eclipse (2011-12-10, at Hong Kong)
zosX · 602 weeks ago
Pentax has decided to just refresh lenses now! :(
RiceHigh 110p · 602 weeks ago
And btw, for those rumoured "new" DA lenses, I have most of them already and no need to buy again and I do hate very much the stupid new name of HD in lieu of my beloved name of SMC!! >:-(
zosX · 602 weeks ago
No Pentax. No SMC. Where's the love Ricoh?
Phil · 601 weeks ago
Isn't it sad that a post about photography is getting so much less attention than the more recent posts.
RiceHigh 110p · 601 weeks ago
Pete · 528 weeks ago
wide open and only 2 sec delay though. Will try the remote.
Surprised you stopped down, diffraction already an issue ?
Did you desaturate the image