It will be forwarded to the following page immediately:
It is told that the old webpage does no longer exist, visitors should click on the link to Ricoh Imaging web domain directly, here.
However, in the main page of RICOH, whilst we see the K-50, Q7, GR, K-5II and WG-3, we do not and cannot see the name of Pentax along with them! For instance:

I think a Ricoh K-50 and a Ricoh Q7 as it appears it entirely not correct and is actually rather disgusting!
In particular, I think only this is correct for the make and model amongst the five!

After all these happenings, I think Ricoh heads are actually having their brains grown under their asses! I feel obliged to say this but had to air it out! Even Hoya opted to keep all Pentax websites and domains and of course back to the old Asahi days Pentax.something was used all over the Internet. This is for the first time in the history of Pentax the name of "Pentax" was completed removed in the whole Internet! >:-o It is really a stupid move which is only meant to show sovereignty but no benefit of any but all disadvantages instead!
The intention of Ricoh is now very clear, what they wanted to do is to remove and destroy Pentax the name step-by-step and eventually Pentax will be absorbed and completely removed! I did hope that Ricoh should do good things to Pentax and improved many things by hard working for what Hoya had not yet done. However, the reverse is true for the reality.
After Ricoh's takeover for two years now, Pentax' product development is ever slowest and the name is now even destroyed. Damn Ricoh! If you just want to destroy Pentax, just did NOT buy it even it was dirty cheap for the deal! It is just all stupid and nonsense, even solely in commercial sense!
My last word, if some days later the name Pentax is completed removed and all new cameras and lenses are marked Ricoh, I will not buy anything from the company anymore, and NOT EVEN ONE! >:-[
Update: Now the Pentax Online Camera Store has also disappeared and it is now called "Ricoh Imaging Online Store" but for 99% of the goods it is selling are Pentax items! Funny but ridiculous enough?!

Change of Company Name: From "Pentax Ricoh" to "Ricoh" Only
Uncle Vova · 605 weeks ago
Dean Koontz · 605 weeks ago
not a PF fan · 605 weeks ago
Walt · 605 weeks ago
Again, why in the world would they buy then dump the brand and re-brand to Ricoh? Sure Sony could get away with it when they bought Minolta, but Sony was already known in the digital camera world and is primarily a consumer electronics company anyway, unlike Ricoh. Maybe the name change will work in Japan, but not here in the US.
Walt · 605 weeks ago
Z.T. · 605 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 605 weeks ago
Any way at the present time the Pentax can't offer to customers nothing special that other brands can't offer in DSLR system (except 645D).
All it's glory is in the past - in the film photography era and not really in the camera building but mostly due to the great legendary lenses.
Z.T. · 605 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 605 weeks ago
So what? ;) Minolta! Where you are?!
Z.T. · 605 weeks ago
*No Pentax name, and Ricoh would not buy*. Got it?! Or let me tell once again: Ricoh WANTED Pentax name!
The situation is 180 degrees opposite to what Sony did, but I presume, only in some places and by some people that vital information is further dumbed down and turned into its opposite — just for someone's ill-amusement..
RiceHigh 110p · 605 weeks ago
Alex · 605 weeks ago
Ricoh definitely did not dumped the Pentax name; they repeatedly said they will continue to use the brand. Your "at least" is all that happened.
RiceHigh 110p · 605 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 605 weeks ago
Turning back to the history of Minolta, let's see that Minolta was sold only one time and at the period of time when the most active Minolta fans made their opinion that Pentax will die in the first turn. ;) They even could not imaging so sad situation for their lovely Minolta at that it will happen so soon and fast.
Now, after several sellings and even after rebranding of the united company some most active Pentax fans don't want even soberly look and analyse the current situation...
The life and the time will judge our opinions.
Lauren · 605 weeks ago
I am alone holding back the tide!
Russ · 605 weeks ago
Pentax Proud · 605 weeks ago
Anybody who knew Pentax and those of us who spent a considerable part of our careers with the company fully understood that Pentax had a unique and very special culture built-up over an 88-year history by the time Hoya entered the picture. What made us great were our people. When new management decided that people were easily replaced commodities, that culture was destroyed and those who were left basically have been going through the motions until they can retire or they too are killed by new owners.
Pentax is dead - a very painful death for all of us who gave our all to the company for so many years. I wish Ricoh nothing but success and hope the survivors who transitioned from Pentax have very successful careers but make no mistake about it, Pentax no longer exists as a culture or a company. It died in 2007 - RIP.
Mojtaba · 593 weeks ago